SEOUL LOWv2 - A Paparazzi, FB-Based, Roleplay


"Every move you make is being watched by hundreds, if not millions. One mess up means the end of a career... but only if it's caught. Korea's stars are being hounded more then ever by the paparazzi, their misbehavior being printed for the world to see. Now all that's left is, who will be caught in the tabloids next and for what action?"


Newly Opened !

  • FB-Based - Quick responses, IM, and notifications
  • Newly opened - Everyone isn't coupled up or in their own 'families', so you don't feel left out
  • Element of the paparazzi - Unique but not exactly 'themed'
  • You can 'turn in' your fellow idols with gossip and rumors
  • You also get a chance to grow with the roleplay


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