Chapter 14 - One Last Time

Ace Fighters

Hi!! :) This is the last chapter, sad to say. This chapter may or may not be boring, depends on how you look at it. Anyway, this last chapter will link to the next sequel, so hope you guys enjoy :)

Author POV

The swash hit the beach and retreated. Today is a perfect day for outdoor activity. The sun is shining brightly with the breeze blowing once in a while; picnic along the beach would be one of the top choices for everyone.

Soyeon is enjoying this beautiful moment that she seldom had, laying on the mat while reading her book, this is one of the rare occasion.

“Not going to join them?” A girl took out her mirror and fixes her hair. Soyeon and look up and smile, passing the can of juice to the girl who found a seat beside her.

“They are having fun aren’t they, Gyuri sshi?” Soyeon take a sip of her juice.

 The ‘they’ that Soyeon is talking about are her team mates, Nicole and Eunjung, who are playing beach volleyball, just ahead of them. The girls are granted with a few days of breaks as a reward for bringing in Amber and Krystal, ending their major chase about.

During the last ‘battle’ with Amber and Krystal, the Ace Fighter and Soaring Eagle had form friendly ties with each other. Both group, surprisingly, hit off with pretty well, especially Nicole and Hara. And with all this going on, the Ace Fighter did not even once mention it to their commander. This meeting, sad to say, is going to be their first and last time with one another.

Gyuri nodded in agreement and got her eyes lock on Soyeon. “Are you sure that you are allowed to meet us like this? I mean, would your commander be fine with it?”  

Soyeon face darkens a bit, but she quickly regains her posture and gives a light nod. “We are still humans, although different, but we are still young right?  We have the rights for moments of freedom.”

Gyuri flips her hair and accepted Soyeon’s answer. Soyeon then look at Gyuri weirdly, as if she is going to question her something, but hesitation stops her.

“What you want to know?” Gyuri asked.

“You know it just… How should I say it? Why do you always flip your hair? It is just irritating to see you doing this over and over again.”  Soyeon bluntly replied and shot another question at her new made friend.

“I got use to this action, I got a scar on my neck in the past, so I tend to flip my hair and cover it. Is this answer acceptable?”

“Perfect answer.” The girls wave at the two leaders happily, enjoying their game and the joyous mood. Soyeon raise her can juice for a toast with Gyuri. “For our perfect teamwork,” Gyuri raises her can too, and both canned juice touches.

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“Wow, Uee unnie, I never knew you are this great playing volleyball.” Jiyeon exclaimed in excitement.

The girls are playing a game in volleyball, with Uee and Nana in one team, Hara and Jiyeon in another. Nicole and Eunjung decided to stand by the side to be the referee of the game. After many successful attempts, Uee had helped her team in leading the game. And now, they are waiting for Nana to pick up the ball, which Jiyeon hit.

“Yeah, I thought you only can swim.” Hara join in their conversation.

“Don’t you know I’m talented in sports?” Uee brag and signal Nana to walk faster. The latter is jolly well enjoying her walk on the beach, totally forgetting about the ball in her hand.

Jiyeon and Hara look at each other and said, “No.”

Uee sends a death glare to the both of them, “You two are so dead.” Grabbing the ball from Nana, Uee begins the game without warning, leaving Nicole and Eunjung laughing at the side.

After fifteen minute of rough game of volleyball, Hara team totally loses the game. Hara is lying on the soft sand panting, while Jiyeon is sitting down there, grunting how violent Uee is during the game, sending the ball towards their head instead of the sand. Nicole and Eunjung who are watching by the side totally laugh their heads off, watching the two girls being trash and hit by the ball.

“This tells you two not to mess with Uee unnie.” Nana and Nicole reaches out their hand and help the two up. Uee nodded and places her arm over Nana shoulder, “I’m going for a swim, anyone coming?”

Hara and Jiyeon raised their hand cutely earning a smack on their head by Nana.

“Count me out, I don’t like water.” Nicole laughs sheepishly, “I will go and get Gyuri unnie.” Nicole breaks for a run towards the parasol. The girls look at Nicole weirdly, forgetting the fact that fire is afraid of water.

“Gyuri unnie! They are going for a dip in the sea, you want to join them?” Nicole panted as she receive the can drink from Soyeon.

“Yeah, it will be perfect for a swim during such weather.” Gyuri clap her hand in agreement, “Soyeon sshi, are you coming along?”

Soyeon chuckle and scratch her head, “It will be safer without me. You won’t want to be killed right?” Gyuri replied with an ‘Oh, right’ look and left Nicole with Soyeon.

Making sure that there is no one around them, Soyeon let a sigh, “Nicole, there is something I have to tell you.”

“What is it? Something serious?” Nicole took a sip of her drink.

“Today is my last day in Micrope.” As Soyeon finishes her sentence, Nicole got choke and spit out the content in . Soyeon pat the younger back, “Slowly, no one is snatching the drink from you.”

“Are…Are you serious? Are you serious with what you say?” 

“Do I look like I’m joking?” Soyeon snorted as she clean up the mess that Nicole made.

“Did sir fired you or something? You are the leader of Ace Fighter, who would lead after you had left? Do the others know that? What…”

“Whoa, Nicole, hold on, stop. One question each time.”

Taking a deep breath, Nicole asked her first question, “Is this sir’s decision or yours?”

“It is sir’s decision. There are a few reasons for it, and one of it is the alliance. Apparently, sir felt that alliance with gangs is inappropriate and it will cause Micrope to be under fire of bad comments, so I have to take the full responsibility.” Soyeon pick up a stick and start drawing on the sand.

“I’m sorry, I should have knew that sir will be objecting to this idea, I should have stop you.” Pushing all the blame on her, Nicole look down, feeling remorseful.

“It is not your fault Nicole. Since I’m the one who made the decision for the alliance, it is only right if I bear the consequences.” Soyeon tried to console the younger girl.

“Does the others know? Who is going to take over your position?”

“I haven’t tell them, so keep it a secret first will you? Actually, I was thinking that if you are returning to Micrope, you can take my role in the team.”

Startled by the Soyeon’s answer Nicole got herself coughing and choking again. “My job… undercover have not yet complete unnie. Sir hasn’t given any permission or instruction for me to return too.”

“Don’t need to be too tense Nicole, I’m just kidding with you. I believe sir will find someone suitable for my job, or one of the girls, maybe Nana? But everything have not been decided, sir should make an announcement after I left.”

Convinced, Nicole nodded along, “So what are your plans? And that will be from tomorrow onwards.”

“For certain, I’ll be away for few months, just in case the girls come looking for me. I’ll be leading normal life from tomorrow onwards.”

“Why don’t you join us? Gyuri unnie seems to be having fun with you just now.” Nicole suggested.

“I’ll think about it. But for now, just don’t tell the girls, I want to break the new to them myself.” Soyeon take a look at her watch, “Time for dinner, I’m getting the others.”

Staring at Soyeon, where the leader is walking towards the beach and get splash by the group of them in the sea, Nicole chuckled at how wet Soyeon is getting. Then she sighed.

“Soyeon unnie is just trying to be tough. She must be really sad these days, especially to leave the girls. All the best unnie, god blesses you.” She mumbled and starts packing up the stuff for picnic.

Hara POV

Yesterday ended pretty well. It was so much fun, like a vacation with friends. Although from today onwards, the alliance thingy will end, but I believe we will work together again. Maybe next time round would be us helping the Soaring Eagle?

“Hara.” A hand is waving in front of me as I got engross in my thoughts. Pushing the hand away, Uee unnie is sitting right opposite me.

“Have you finished your breakfast? Where are the others?” Passing me a egg sandwich, Uee unnie starts placing the bread into .

“I was the first to reach…Saying of which, Jiyeon is here.” I wave at Jiyeon, that kid basically hops over with her a handful of sandwiches.

Uee unnie flicks Jiyeon head as the latter took the seat beside her, “Are you that hungry? I remembered you having late night supper last night with Hara, and now you are eating 4 sandwiches?”

Jiyeon pouted and start enjoying her breakfast, not bordered by what Uee unnie had said.

“Morning! Am I the last?” Nana grabs a seat beside and snatches a sandwich away from Jiyeon, causing the youngest to whine.

“No, Soyeon unnie is the last.” I shook my head and replied.

“That’s weird; Soyeon unnie never was the last.” Jiyeon tilted her head as she said.

“Maybe she is training or something?” Uee unnie guessed and look around the cafeteria.

“I just came from the training room and she isn’t there.” Nana countered Uee unnie and throw over her wet towel.

“Could she be sick or something? The last time she was the last, she got ended up in the medical room.” Uee unnie make a second guess and throw the towel at me. I shrieked and dodge the towel, letting the soft and wet cloth drop onto the floor.

“Let’s go and take a look.” Nana picks up her towel and heads towards the door. “Come on Jiyeon.” Uee unnie lock her arm on Jiyeon’s and grab the last sandwich left on the table.

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Jiyeon was the first to enter Soyeon unnie room, after several knocks with no reply, we decide to enter.

“Good morning lazy pig.” Jiyeon voice echoed in the room as she shouted. Nana, Jiyeon and I went over to Soyeon unnie bed, where our dear leader is sleeping.

“Soyeon unnie, it’s time for breakfast.” I exclaimed, hoping for our leader to sit right up the next minute, or at least groan, yet nothing happen.

“Soyeon unnie?” Nana slowly leans over and lifts up the blanket. Soyeon unnie isn’t there, only a pile of pillows. All three of us lifted our brows and look at each other, where could Soyeon unnie be?

“Hey girls, take a look at this.” I turn around and saw Uee unnie staring at Soyeon unnie working desk. She picks up a stack of paper, no, it is envelope; white envelope. On one of the envelope, it was stated with the girls’ name.

“Unnie read it.” I exclaimed, as Uee unnie slowly take out the content.

*This is the content of the letter, not in any form of POV*

Hello girls! By the time you read this letter, I have already left Micrope; I bet you guys are looking frantically for me in the base. J I’m sorry for not breaking the news to you guys earlier, well now I’m telling you yesterday were my last day in Micrope. Don’t worry about me, I’ll be leading a normal life, travelling around the countries and enjoy this wonderful break that you can’t have :p Ha-ha, so don’t be envious or sad, because I believe, I will enjoy this long break I had before settling down for a new job or something.

(There are four letters for each one of you, read it well and have a pencil or lighter with you. So read carefully, as all my heartfelt words are in there for each of you. It may not be much, but that’s how I felt.)

Like you had guessed, I left mainly because of the alliance with S.E. Someone have to bear the consequences, so as the leader, it is my job to take the responsibility and leave. Commander should be making announcement for the new leader and even a new member in the group, so I hope you girls will continue to work well. Please don’t cause any more trouble and take care of yourself during the mission.

I would like to thanks you girls for giving me so much laughter and joy for the past few years. Although I may have left Micrope, but all this precious memories will also come with me. You girls change my life, now we are even family, not team mates. I’m so grateful for all your love and care. Even though I’m the oldest, sometime you guys just showered me with all the loves and concerns that I need. Not to mention, helping me when I’m in need, and that include saving my live.

I’m thankful that god let us met. I’m thankful that god gave us the chance to be together. Now, I’m thankful that god kept us alive and gives me four kind and lovely, colleague, friends and sister.

May god bring us together again someday? I’ll see you girls soon.



Hara POV

Uee unnie choked at her last sentence of the letter and cried. Nana took the letter from Uee unnie and scanned through the piece of white paper. Jiyeon already start breaking down when Uee unnie was reading half way through the letter. With a hand on her waist, another behind her back, I tried my best to comfort her.

“Something isn’t right about this letter.” Nana pointed out. She then distributed the remaining white envelope, with our names on it to us.

“What does she means by having a pencil or lighter with us while reading the letters?” I ask as I received the letter and look at it thoroughly, placing it under the light.

Uee unnie pass her letter to Nana, “You three figure this out, and I got to talk to...” Uee unnie last word couldn’t be heard, but I guess she is going to have a heated argument with sir.

“Jiyeon, get a lighter would you? And please stop crying before you go.” Nana instructed and pick up a pencil from the holder. “There must be something.” She mumbled.

Author POV

“Soyeon sshi have left this morning.” Seungyeon pass a file to the tall built man, whom was busy working with his desktop. The man lifts up his head and look at Seungyeon. “Have you done what I told you to?”

Nodding, Seungyeon replied, “I have instructed one of the girls to follow her, as you have asked.”

“Good. Try to cover everything, no more information should be leak out, you understand?” The man asks in a harsh tone.

“Yes sir.”

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“Have you found them?”

“Yes, it was the Ace Fighter and the Soaring Eagle behind all of it.”

“What else?”

“The leader of Ace Fighter, Park Soyeon, has left Micrope this morning with her bag packs, after the alliance with Soaring Eagle ended. The most important thing is, two girls came out, right after she had left, they seems to be following her.”

“Ha-ha. That girl knows something important. Get Yoona to follow her, Sooyoung will handle the Soaring Eagle."

“What about me?”

“You will check on those girls, who followed Park Soyeon, I want full details of them.”

“I got it.”

Whew, this is suppose to be two chapter story, but i thought, one maybe better ^o^

Anyway, thx all the readers and subscribber, this story has comes to the end. But there will be a sequel like I said.

And yes, pls anticipate the new character for the next sequel.

Hope you guys will continue to support me when the new story is up. I had lots of fun while writing this story, a great memory and lots of great supprt for  first fanfic ^.^

Thx for your time and hope to see you guys again, annyeong!! >.<

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urmamaroxs #1
Chapter 8: Awwww Gyuri has so much trust in Nicole!
urmamaroxs #2
Chapter 14: Owhhhhh I hate their commander!why is he dispatching peoples to follow soyeon? I hope she will realize that she was being follow. & thanks for making ColeGyuHam still together :)
Chapter 13: Nice update! I really want to know the end of this story. But I'm still hoping that Cole will side with Gyuri and Eunjung.
Chapter 12: Update please! I really want to see amber & her cronies down.
Chapter 11: No PLEASE SAVE MY NANA!!!! #franticnanafangirl ILY BTW! ♥ Update soon yeah? ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 11: Arhghhhh in love with Soaring eagle!Sorry for rooting at the wrong team. but gyuri, Nicole & Eunjung is the coolest hahaha The flipping hair is lol ;D
Though i'm with S.E i hope Nana is going to be fine. I like the alliance but I'm afraid Nicole real id is going to be busted. Author Fighting!
Chapter 10: Owww I thought uee would do everything alone but then she made a smart move by asking for help from the ace. Amber and krystal really had started to look bad to me.
Chapter 9: Seriously what's wrong with me? I want Nicole to be gyuri's loyal follower & still be friend with hara. I think I'm for rooting the microns huhuhu.