Yah! Don't look!

Beauty and the Beast [HIATUS]


( The class finished Introducing themselves and the bell rang. ) 

'' Well, I see you in 4th period Jiyeonie.'' Eunjung said 

'' Alright.'' you said with smile 

When you were walking to your 2nd period, some bumped into you. You and that person both fell. 

'' Watch where you're going little girl.'' Junhyung said 

( You were sitting on the ground rubbing your ) 

'' Yah! You're the one that bumped into me!'' You shouted 

'' Whatever. I don't have time to watse on you'' Junhyung 

( He began to run again when you Tripped him ) 

'' Hehehehehehe'' You laugh to yourself 

( Right before he could turn around, you were already out of his sight ) 

'' Yah! You....You BRAT! '' Junhyung shouted 

'' Wow. That was close.'' you said while breathing heavily 

( When you were walking into the classroom, you bumped into another person )

'' Aish. This is not my day '' you said to yourself 

'' Oh. I'm sorry. Are you okay?'' Yoseob asked 

'' Huh?....... Ye...Yeah, I'm fine'' You said looking up to a cute adorable face 

( Aw. He's sooo cute!  You thought to yourself ) 

'' Here, let me help you up. I'm Yoseob. '' 

'' Hi. I'm Jiyeon.'' you said 

'' Ah. So you're that girl that hit Kikwang. Hehehehe.'' Yoseob said and giggled 

'' Huh? ......Hehehehe. yeeeeh. suure.'' you said awkwardly 

'' You sat down at an empty desk and began reading your book when you noticed a girl sitting in the far corner '' 

( Who's that girl? You'll find out soon as the story goes on :D ) 


( You finished 2nd and 3rd period and went to lunch ) 

You walked to the cafeteria and noticed the place was huge 

'' WOW!......................DAEBAK! '' you said to yourself 

'' Yah! Jiyeonie! Over here.'' Eunjung shouted 

( You to began eating and then heard the announcement )

( Attention Students of Seoul High. This is the Basketball couch speaking. We will be holding tryouts next week after school. 

who ever is interested and thinks you got what it takes, then come out to the gym next week. I hope to see many of you there. '' announcement ended )

'' Oh! Basketball. '' you said 

'' You thinking what I'm thinking?'' Eunjung said with a smile 

'' Us trying out for the basketball team?'' you said

'' Yup!'' Eunjung said 

'' Oh yeeh...'' you said 

'' Okay then! Yeeh! This is going to be fun.'' Eunjung said with excitement 


( At Beast's Table ) 

'' Hey you guys, Basketball season is starting '' Hyunseung said

'' Are we gonna play this year?'' Kikwang asked 

'' We got to. We promised couch we would.'' Doonjoon said

'' This is going to be fun.'' said Dongwoon 


( School ended )

'' Jiyeonie. Do you need a ride home? '' Eunjung asked 

'' No, it's fine. I'll take the bus home.'' you said 

'' Are you sure?'' Eunjung said 

'' Yup. '' you said and then smiled 

'' Alright then. See you tomorrow!'' Eunjung said and then drove off 

'' You went to the bus stop you noticed it was about to leave'' 

You ran as fast as you could and finally, you caught it in time. The door opened, you paid and sat down

'' Heh. I caught you this time.'' you said 


( Beast has just arrived to Mansion )

'' Roger, Where's our dad?'' Yoseob asked 

'' He and Mistress is in New York for a buissness trip. They'll be gone for 8 months.'' Roger said 

'' That's good.'' Junhyung said 

'' Oh, There's a new maid that's going to be......'' Roger said but then got cut off by one of the young master

'' We will be going into our rooms now.'' 

( 40 mins later ) 

'' ehhh. Finally home.'' You said while feeling really dizzy. 

'' You walked in to the front door and was greeted by Roger '' 

'' You went up stairs and tried finding the right room while you were so dizzy that you could hardly see anything 

'' Where's my room? This place is so huge '' you said 

You finally got to the main hall of the 4th floor and walked inside a room

You set your things down and went to the bathroom to take a shower. 

( in the shower you were single, Lovey Dovey Dovey uhh uhh uhh uhh ) 


ZZZZzzzzzzz Someone was sleeping on the bed 

'' When you were done taking a shower you went out and said 

'' Huh? Where's the clothes and the tower I set aside last night?'' 

Mean while. The person sleeping on the bed woke up and went to open the bathroom 

You were about to open the bath room when someone opened it before you

'' .......... Blink blink...... Blink Blink  '' Kikwang started blinking 

You were shocked....'' AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!'' Get Out of my room!'' you said while covering yourself with your hands

'' Your room!??! THIS IS MY ROOM!'' Kikwang shouted 

'' BOAW?!'' you said 

'' AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!'' YOU continued screaming. while grabbing everything near you and throwing it everywhere.


'' Calm down! I DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING.'' Kikwang said 

'' Really!?'' you said while really tired from all the screaming 

'' Well,....... I might saw a little.'' Kikwang said really softly 

'' What did you say?!'' You shouted 

'' Nothing.'' Kikwang said and smirked 

'' You quickly shut the door and thought to yourself'' 

'' OH MY GOD. HE SAW ME NA....NA......!!!!!!!!!!!!''



Well, hope you guys liked this chapter :)

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dinoyeonnie #1
pls update it have been two years
ItsMashimaro #2
Chapter 10: can you do dongwoon and eunjung couple ?
matunnaa #3
Please update ! I loveee your story !!!! I love jiyeonxyoseob . PLEASSEE make them together . c;
luv_jiyeon66 #4
pls continue to update :)
Chapter 10: Please update :)
Chapter 10: r u leaving this story 4ever??? plzz continue!!! plzzzzzzzzzz
berryberry96 #7
Chapter 10: please update soon D:
adriana191 #8
Chapter 10: actualizalo pronto me gusta tu historia:)
adriana191 #9
Chapter 2: se parece a boys over flowers me encantan ^^