The Debut

Emerald 에메랄드 | YG Entertainment's New Girl Group | CLOSED!

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SM, JYP, and Cube Entertainment artists attend YG

Family Concert.


 by glzyryca - 1 hour ago                                                                  985637 views          1902 comments 


YG's new girl group, Emerald, had caught the eyes of the netizens and also other artists from different entertainment industry.

After unveiling the member of Emerald, YG held their YG Family Concert a week after for their official debut. It's normal to see many YG fans crowding infront of the gate of the Concert stage. But, what's shock the Netizens is the arrival of different artists from other Music Company.

SM Entertainment's Super Junior and SHINee's Taemin and Minho watched the debut performance of Emerald. It was said that each of the members are holding banners and Emerald's lightstick to cheer the group.

Donghae also said, "This will be my sister's first stage performance! And I assure you this will be DAEBAKK!" 

JYP Entertainment's Jay Park attended the concert with 2PM member WooYoung. It was rumoured that Jay Park has took an interest at Emerald's maknae, Juri, but Jay just shrugged the question off with a defiant smile.

It seems like Cube Entertainment's Beast members also became Emerald's fanboys at the way they shouted and cheer for the girls while they performed.

Emerald had sang their debut song 'Sparkle' and BigBang's Tonight during the performance that made them gain more fans during the event.

Stay tuned at allkpop for more updates about Emerald.


"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! BigBang Saranghae~" the crowd cheered as the sound blare the beat of the song "Fantastic Baby". The cheers and shouts become louder as five boys showed up onstage.

Oblivious to everyone, five girls are peeking and watching their sunbaes performing on the stage.

"Woooow~ I never thought Daesung-Oppa could be this awesome," Hana commented in awe as she watched Daesung dance and sing to the song's beat.

"I never thought that our dorky sunbaes have these massive of loud fans," Raeyong said as she peeked behind the curtain.

"I never thought SuperJunior will watch YG Concert. I mean, they're SM artists yet they come in our concert," Juri said to as her eyes never left the face of the Evil Maknae of the SuperJunior.

"I never thought that SuperJunior's Lee DongHae is the brother of our AiLee," XeNa said in a pretend shock voice as she looked at AiLee.

"I never thought TaeYang-Oppa will be this handsome," AiLee said, teasing their leader for mocking her.

"Yaaaaahhhhh! What do you mean by handsome?! D-do you like him?" the leader asked her with loud voice.

AiLee just laughed at her then snapped her fingers at her face, "Gotcha, leader! You like Taeyang, right?" she cornered her with a punching question.

The other members heard the whole ranting of their leader and the wise cornering of their vocalist. So, they all gathered behind AiLee and began questioning their leader with numerous question.

"Unnie, you like TaeYang Oppa?!"

"Wait~ I thought Oppa is gay?"

"Are the two of you dating now?"

The other three asked at the same time. XeNa heard all of them but was dumbfounded to answer. She's screwed up! Everyone might spilled it and tell TaeYang that she likes him and there relationship will be gooone.

"ANSWER US, XENA!!" they all shouted in unison.

"W-wha--" XeNa didn't finish her sentence because she was cut off by their manager.

"Girls, go up the stage now! You will be next," their manager said.

XeNa sighed in relief as she found all her members began to tremble and chattered in nervousness. She sighed because she's safe and because her members are all idiots to notice it.

They all run towards their places as the stage began to dim. Their BigBang sunbaes walked out of the stage fast and greeted them.

"Good luck, girls!" Daesung said to the as he walked past at them.

"Fighting~" SeungRi said showing up a fighting fist.

"RaeYong, rap like a boss. Juri, dance like there's no tomorrow. Hana, charm the audiences like a princess. Xena, sing like a singer. And AiLee," he stopped when he saw AiLee looked at him, expecting an advice from him. "Uhmmm .... Just be yourself," he finished.

AiLee looked at him questioningly while the other member giggled like a girl to their sunbae's foolishness while TOP mentally cursed himself for not straightening his advice.

"Guys, remember to leave a mark on the audiences' hearts," TaeYang said as soon as he saw them.

"How can we do that? They have different personalitites. They might not like us," Juri whispered as she looked at the crowd nervously.

"You can do that," TaeYang said then looked at XeNa. "You have a shining leader," he said as he smiled at XeNa. XeNa blushed in bright red then looked away at TaeYang.

It's a good thing the other members are preoccupied at their nervousness or else, she will be in history!

TaeYang thought that XeNa didn't heard him so he sighed sadly and walked away to give way to the other girls.

Jiyong, who was the last one to get down the stage, came rushing at them with numerous do's and don'ts for the debuting group. The girls just nod half-mindedly as their hearts begin to beats faster and louder.

"Guys, just remember! Enjoy the show!" he said then tapped them on their shoulders as he walked past them.


THIS.IS.IT. They will be debuting as an artists!


Standing before the crowd made Juri's body paralyzed. Seeing the scrutinizing eyes of the girls before her made RaeYong's confidence dropped down. Hearing the beat of the music made Hana forgets the lyrics of their song. Remembering TaeYang's compliment made XeNa blushed and completely lost. Seeing her members' reaction made AiLee trembled and walked out of the stage from fear. Though the stage is not yet lightened up, she wanted to quit.

She wants to leave the stage now. She wants to stop now.

"AiLee! Saranghae~ We are Super Juni-OR! Saranghae~ AeChanted Princess! Kyaaaahhh!" someone chanted from the crowd.

AiLee blinked several times and tried to register what she had heard. It's her brother! It's her brothers! It's SuperJunior. 

Hearing the chanting words from the SuJu, every supporter artists began to cheer for their bias, too.

Jay Park suddenly shouted very loud. "Go, maknae Juri! You can do it!"

Juri snapped out of trance. She doesn't know who shouted but it totally gives strength and confidence to her whole body.

"Hana, you better do something great or I will shove you another mouthful of corns in your mouth!"

Hana shivered from fear. It's her Unnie, Park Bom! The Park that gives a Bom out of her life! She straightened herself then closed her eyes as she gathered confidence to her body.

"RaeYong! Don't even think about messing onstage or you will be never be a Kwon forever!"

RaeYong snorted in annoyance. She was expecting her Doojoon-oppa to cheer for her. But, nooo~ she got a freaking cheering(?) from her brother.

"Saranghae~" someone shouted out of nowhere.

Raeyong stopped from muttering curses to her brother. She knows that voice. She perfectly know that it was DOOJOON's voice!

XeNa smiled inwardly as she hears the continuous cheering for her members. She knows that her best friend Minho is there, too. She saw him entering the stadium with a big banner of her picture.

"XeNa! I'm your best friend!!!!!!!! You can do it~" Yup, that's him!

The stage lights began to lightened up little by little when someone shouted, "I love you, Xena~ I love you,"

XeNa didn't heard that but AiLee heard it. She knows perfectly well who's that person is. So, she smiled inwardly and looked at their leader.

You're lucky, she thought to herself.

"Okay, guys! Remember to enjoy the show!" XeNa said to her fellow members as soon as the stage lightened up to reveal five girls wearing clothes that could rock the fans' mind.





Guys, I love the comments you leave in my story.

Thank you so much for complementing it~

Or is it just me, thinking of that?

Stay tuned for more~

LOL. I sounded like a reporter now.




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author-nim when will you update this fic
I really want to read this :D
can i advertise here too
Sm entetainment is debuting a new girl group called Glam0ur. and i need four to six girls to join for me to start my story

please support my fic
roxannefanfics #3
Hi can I advertise here?
SM has announced that a new girl group ARELLA will debut soon and is still scouting 5 members!

Please support!!
Chapter 13: Like it!
Chapter 13: You finally update!!! yay!!!
me shy? no way! *bricked*
Chapter 13: v the maknae below this comment just read moi mind LOL I'm glad you finally updated the story *sobs forever* <3<3
and I freakin love your update, Aechannie *lmao I cant believe I'm talkin as if we are really the ones in the story*
The video is daebak, I tell you. I can really imagine how exactly they perform it. Emerald FTW! \m/ and that's quite shocking that their appearance matched really well with their voices xD <3

GD's cheering(?) words sounded so cool, yo! B| Kwon Siblings be awesome \m/
Xena unnie and Teydaddy, Y U NO GET IN RELATIONSHIP ALREADY?
Oh so it's JayxJuri eh? ;) I honestly think the swagger JayPark is better than the nosy Panda tho xD but Jay will be like a pedo or something .__. lolmao
Hana and her corn-alien-mate *shakes head* xDDD I love their hilarious moments tho..
And still, Aechan and her unrevealed lover -3- muahaha
anyways, fighting! I'm looking forward to your next update trololo EMERALD JJANG!!
Chapter 13: U finally updated dongsaengieeee~~
Been waiting for idk how long already. Haha

OMG! Xena unnie, you're too obvious. Eeryone is going to find out about ur crush towards TaeyangXD Haha

Glad to see the girls best friends and family supporting them<3
just remembering that i haven't commented for other members..

Juri-ah, you should change your role model, a ____y girl like CL doesn't deserve your admiration. And next time, when she messes with you again, unnie will kick her ..

Raeyongie.. next time, please check your zipper first before you leave the house. and if you want to kill Sunggyu, tell unnie ne? I will be right behind you..

Hana-yah... Be polite with our sunbae ne?

Ailee-yah.. Yah!! Make up your mind! who's you're gonna choose? can't you see that Jiyong oppa is jealous??
First of all, I love how you put some cute emoticon gifs on your chapter xDD LMAO they are hilarious <3

Xena and Teydaddy :'D <3 why am I feeling like I want to kick Seungri's butts for interrupting such sweet scene -_- psh. He's aslkdhsklfsk *kicks him off a cliff*

Raeyong sounds so evil xD but that's just so me LOL but was the zipper really ped? .---. *is in the urge to highfive Sunggyu on the face with an iron* :>

Wow Juri and CL wow :O I feel like antagonist role suits CL very much LOL this is going to be interesting muehehe

Hana and Bom could be completely ridiculous whenever they are together xD I wonder what kind of sorcery that makes Hana can escape from Bom's wrath most of the time :/

and Yesung with one of his random-odd-strange-things he could do xD but really.. Why is GD being mean ._. Is he jealous?
who is Ailee's lover exactly?

and btw, it's okay ;) but could you please make Raeyong.. a bit tougher and not-so-panicky? ._. Sorry, and thank you! ^^ *90degrees bow*