Smile, and the world stops

I Will Find You (Hiatus)

Warm chocolate brown eyes that shine brighter than any star. A smile that can melt you in an instant and leaves me speechless. Dorky sense of humor that is absolutely adorable and makes you want to squeal and hug him.  I smiled as I thought of him. Three years my senior, he had just graduated from my school. Which meant that the only way I could see him was by chance on the street. 

We'd never talked, that last question, "Will you sign my yearbook?" hardly counting as a decent conversation. Despite that, I'd fallen for him hopelessly.  I'd been waiting outside the doors of the back stage part of the auditorium with my friend. We stood waiting for our rides, chatting aimlessly about the school play we'd just viewed where he'd played drums for the live music.

I didn't know him then, had never paid attention to him, save for acknowledging the fact that he was my teacher's assistant.  The back doors opened suddenly and heads turned as actors, actresses, musicians, and stage hands walked out, carrying equipment from the show. A tall figure, hunched over as he pushed a wheelbarrow full of props and music equipment, passed by us.  "Hey isn't that our TA?" My friend pointed. 

"Shhh!" I shushed her. "You're too loud! And it's rude to point. " Too late he heard us, turning his head as he passed by and flashing us an amused smile.  Lame as it sounded, my world stopped for a few seconds, as everything stopped, frozen as he smiled, my heart included.  Everything snapped into place again as he continued walking past us to the band room. My eyes followed his figure, the image of his warm smile burned into my mind. I committed everything to memory as I watched his retreating figure. His tan, light brown skin, bright eyes, and his smile, the smile that made me melt even thinking about it. Even his clothing, light blue shirt ed after the show, straight jeans that I noticed later he wore every day, scuffed vans, everything was branded into my mind, like a crystal-clear picture.  Intrigued, he stayed on my mind even as I chatted mindlessly with my friend, only half-listening to what she was saying.

It wasn't until a while later that i realized he was only twenty feet away from me, sitting and talking on the curb with his friend. I glanced over at him multiple times as I waited with my friend for our ride.  He stood up with his friend and they continued talking and laughing, as I peeked over at him as discreetly as I could, smiling unconsciously at the sight.

Suddenly, he took off across the parking lot, endless  long legs taking him flying across the asphalt. I watched, amused, as he sprinted like his life depended on it, coattails flying in his speed, his friend cracking up on the sidewalk.  What a weird dude, I thought to myself. Always thought he was quiet, but he's actually not. More like he doesn't have anyone to talk to in class since he's a TA.  As my ride appeared, we entered the car, however, he stayed on my mind.

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KatreeTree #1
Chapter 1: Wow, you were only half-listening to me at the time? RU-DE~!!! >:) BWAHAHAHHA OMG THIS IS HILARIOUS <3