Let's Hear Him Out

The Chaser

The Chaser Chapter One

~ Let’s Hear Him Out ~


                Niel could hear his phone blare on the bedside table next to him, but he was just too tired to turn over and pick it up. So he let it ring and ring. It finally stopped and he snuggled in closer to the warmth that had turned over and embraced him. “You know you should have answered that.”

                “Why? It was probably just Ricky calling to complain about being hungry and not able to open our door seeing is how it’s locked.” Niel looked up at the dark eyes that stared at him, behind dark blue bangs.

                “That’s true. But if he’s hungry that means we have no food, and that’s a problem.” The man propped his head on one of his arms.

                “We all share a dorm, if there’s no food he can go shopping just as easily as I can. Besides I’m comfortable here.” Niel got closer to his bed mate.

                “Niel, come on let’s get up, go shopping, eat, and I’ll reward you for your hard work.” The taller one leaned down to peck Niel’s lips, before rolling over and getting out of bed.

                “You’re a dirty tease; you know that right, C.A.P.” Niel followed suit and walked over to his phone.

                He opened it to see that it wasn’t Ricky who called; in fact he didn’t know who called. It was an unknown number.

                “That’s weird.” Niel thought aloud, setting his phone down.

                “What is?” C.A.P looked at Niel once his shirt was over his head.

                “I don’t know who called. I’ve never seen the number before.” Niel looked in his closet for a clean shirt and some pants.

                “That is weird. Probably a wrong number. No big deal.” C.A.P shrugged and walked past Niel to go to the bathroom, on his way tracing Niel’s bare spine.

                Niel shivered and looked at the door to the bathroom C.A.P just walked into. It was hard to believe that only a year ago they were fighting back to back trying to stay alive in a battle field. Back then the biggest worry was if you’d see tomorrow, now it was who randomly called.

                He had to ambit he missed the spy world. The gadgets, the people he met along the way, the scenery, even the thrill. Nothing could come close to the adrenaline high he used to get off their missions. All six of them missed these things, but it wasn’t worth going back. Nothing could get them to go back, nothing.


                  “Ricky, I swear on your life if you complain you’re hungry one more time I will kill you.” The pink haired man glared at Ricky who was lying on the couch holding his empty stomach.

                “But L. Joe! I’m going to starve; you can’t tell me you’re not hungry.” Ricky looked up at the older one who continued to glare daggers his way.

                “I am, but I’m doing something about it. Besides complaining.” L. Joe went back into the kitchen where he had managed to find pasta, sauce, and some meat in the otherwise bare shelves. He doesn’t know a thing about cooking, but burnt food was better than no food. Right?

                “L. Joe you’re going to burn the dorm down let me do it.” Chunji walked over to L. Joe and put his head on L. Joe’s shoulder, watching him open the pasta box and pour it into a pot of boiling water.

                “You have no faith. I can at least try.” L. Joe now tried opening the jar of red sauce, but fail.

                “Hand it over.” Chunji put his hand out and took the jar. Walking over to a drawer and pulling out a rag, successfully opening the jar.

                “Show off.” L. Joe rolled his eyes and Chunji’s smirk and grabbed the jar, pouring its contents into a different pot to bring it to a slight simmer. “If you won’t let me cook, can I at least help?” Chunji looked at L. Joe, his smirk replaced by a sweet smile.

                “Sure, cook the meat while I wash some dishes so we can eat off of something clean.” L. Joe pointed to the meat; he was half convinced was hamburger. Chunji nodded and walked over to the meat on the counter, pecking L. Joe’s cheek on the way.  This caused L. Joe’s cheeks to flush a light pink that matched his hair.


                Changjo shuffled out of his shared room, rubbing his eyes in the process. He followed the smell of cooking pasta into the living room.

                “Changjo, you’re up.” Ricky sat up and grabbed his hand pulling him toward the couch.

                “Yeah. Who’s cooking?” Changjo could feel his stomach rumble as the smell increased.

                “L. Joe, well technically Chunji’s telling him what to do, but L. Joe’s doing the most work.”  Ricky wrapped his arms around the taller one.

                “Hmm….It smells so good. I didn’t realize how hungry I was until I smelt the food.” Changjo slowly woke up more and more, becoming aware of his environment. He continued to rub his eyes in a cat like fashion.

                “Stop that.” Ricky lightly swatted at the boys hands nudging his nose in the nape of Changjo’s neck.

                “What? Why?” Changjo, still in a sleepy daze, was confused at the smaller boy’s actions.

                “You look too innocent when you do that. And we both know you’re not innocent at all.” Ricky leaned his smirk into the others neck.

                Changjo’s cheeks flushed a deep red at all the implications the other was making. He was just about to scold Ricky when a call from the kitchen was heard. “Breakfast is ready~”

                Ricky and Changjo got up to go into the dining room where L. Joe and Chunji were setting the table, placing the pasta with sauce in the middle. Niel and C.A.P walked in soon after sitting at the table.

                “Wow Chunji, it looks delicious!” Niel marveled at the well cooked meal. Chunji bursted in to a fit of laughter, which only got worse when he saw L. Joe glare at him.

                “He didn’t make it, Niel, L. Joe did.” Changjo commented in between bites.

                “Really?! Wow L .Joe you’ve gotten much better.” Niel began shoveling food into his mouth.

                “I had some help.” He looked over at the now calm Chunji and smiled.

                They ate their meal, talking about their plans for the day and what to buy when they all went shopping after breakfast. Everyone of them putting ideas in on food as C.A.P wrote down a list.

                “Ricky there is no way we’re going to buy-“C.A.P was interrupted when the phone rang. He got up and walked over answering the phone politely.

                “Hello, this is C.A.P speaking how may I help you?”

                “Ah finally you answer! Can you put me on speaker?” the voice on the other end seemed somewhat familiar.

                “Who is this?” C.A.P wore a confused expression, which got the other members curious.

                “I’m offended you don’t remember me Cameron, but that’s just more of a reason to put me on speaker.” The man on the other end pushed for the phone to be put on speaker yet again.

                “Fine.” Beep, “you’re on speaker.” C.A.P put the phone in the middle of the table so everyone could hear the mystery man clearly.

                “Great. Well boys I need your help, rather the world needs your help, but I’m asking because I have personal connections to you six-“ Niel’s eyes grew as he recognized the voice, while everyone else couldn’t wrap their minds around the familiar man.

                “Mark! We told you we wouldn’t go back. I don’t care if you need us, you have other teams. You can use them.” Niel practically yelled at the man.

                “Niel, I knew you’d recognize me. And that’s true I had other teams, but they have all failed this mission. You’re my last hope.” Everyone could tell by the way Mark said this is was true.

                “Well if all the other teams failed, what makes you think we could do it? We haven’t had a mission in almost a year.” Chunji finally threw his opinion in.

                “Because you boys where my best team and I’m sure by the end of the first day all your old skills would be back. I have faith in you boys.” Everyone stayed quiet for a moment.

                “Mark, we told you we wouldn’t come back, and we haven’t changed our minds. We won’t go back to that life. I’m sorry but you’ll have to put your faith in another team.” Niel grabbed the phone and was about to hang up when C.A.P spoke again.

                “Let’s hear him out.”


Oh my Krisus this took a shorter amount of time to write then I expected. I hope you like the first chapter. The next chapter will be out eventually……I at predicting when my chapters will be out haha. But thanks to all those who subscribed and comments are always welcomed.

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ugh~ I'm sorry I haven't updated, I just haven't had any time to write and have no idea where to go with this story. Any suggestions?


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--chunsa #1
Loving this story! It's different and enjoyable, not crappy at all :)
Update soon ~
Omg. Maii N.A.P feeels~~ ahh!! >< So cute!!
This story is cool......but you kinda spelled Changrick wrong in the tags *looks away* Update Soon *cough*
sounds really interesting ! look forward to more :D
Lol. Niel. Always giving C.A.P a hard time~ xD And ChunJoe!! They're such a great team~ Chunji thinks of an idea and L.Joe works on all the details~~ xDD
Omg!! This is so good! Teen Top and action! XD
senias #7
Wow! Your prologue is Amazing! Like no joke! Can't wait(: