It Was Good While It Lasted: He was frightened of losing her

And She Will Be Loved


Damn Choi Minho. He just refused to behave himself with her even though he knew she was dating Seunghyun. Gah, here they went again. All her drowsiness disappeared as her mind sped to placate her boyfriend. Amber hooked her arms around Seunghyun’s neck and kicked the magazine as discreetly as she could under the sofa. “Seungie, don’t be mad. It’s your birthday and you don’t want to start off the year being upset, do you?”


The rapper didn’t do aeygo but there was just something about her limpid eyes that exuded charm and the sweetness her outward appearance did a good job of hiding. This was what Seunghyun fell in love with. She was honest to a fault and her conscience clear as her gorgeous eyes. Kissing him on the cheek, she said, “Vicky taught me to cook everything! What do you want to try first? How about some seaweed soup?”  


Pulling her hands off him. Seunghyun remained impassive. “Amber, please. I really just want some time to myself. Thank you but I need you to go home. I can’t stop thinking of how Minho hugged you and you being here doesn’t help anything.”


Now it was Amber’s turn to be unhappy. After all the preparation to make sure that Seunghyun had an unforgettable birthday, his stubborn green-eyed monster just had to ruin everything. Her nose wrinkled up – a telltale sign that the waterworks would soon start.


Song Seunghyun had an old-fashioned notion of love. He was a possessive man who did not like the idea of his girlfriend hanging out with the opposite . For a girl like Amber, a girl that got along with boys better than other girls, this had proved to be difficult especially when she had to start being aware of her behaviour around her friends. No more horseplay, no more creeping up behind an unsuspecting Henry to give him a scare or bumping hips with Kris when they shared a stage, when she bumped into JB last month backstage, instead of their usual pumping of chests greeting, she simply slapped hands with him, leaving the boy bewildered at the change. While she could still keep her physical distance from her male friends, she couldn’t stop them from wanting to fool around with her like normal.


Especially this Minho seemed to love to annoy Seunghyun and particularly made a play for Amber each time they met, probably just to annoy Key, who was the FT Island member’s good friend, too.


“Seunghyun, you know how it is after a concert. Everyone’s on a high, everyone’s celebrating a good show. Minho is just a friend.” She reached for his hand, attempting one last plead before she lost her own temper, “I only love you.”


This was something he knew very well. He had been pleasantly taken aback when Amber revealed that she actually had been secretly crushing on the guitarist too. It had simply been magical and Amber had been the textbook-perfect girlfriend, surprising him with her thoughtfulness. She was so good to him that he was frightened of losing her.


It didn’t help that she was friendly with so many other male idols. Her comfortable interaction with the opposite was already a sore point with him before they officially got together and once he claimed her, every single brush of her hand on Donghae, or a simple tap on the shoulder from Luhan, whether caught on camera or seen first hand felt like little stabs in his flesh. It would have never occurred to him that he had the ability to be so jealous until he watched Amber jumping on Suho’s back in a behind the scenes video for a fashion shoot some of the EXO boys did with Krystal and his girlfriend. Instead of being pleased that Amber had a chance to shine, his rage at how close she had been to another male sent him to the gym where he released his anger on the sandbag.


His girlfriend had been sensitive to his emotions. Upon realising how he felt, Amber made a conscious effort to stay away from her male pals, even if that meant playing basketball alone. He appreciated this, yet it was still tough to keep his cool, especially during instances like this. Any hot-blooded man would flip out if they saw the handsome SHINee rapper embrace their girlfriend like that, he could have swore that the camera captured an extra shine in Choi Minho’s eyes.


It was up to him to battle his own inner demons except he couldn’t do it with Amber around. It was of no fault of hers however he couldn’t face her now in case he unwittingly took it out on her. He may be cold towards her now but it could get much worse and he loved her too much to want to put her through that, even though he could not seem to control his jealousy.


He released her hand, whispering, “Amber, please just go.”


Staring at Seunghyun with her eyes now blazing, something just snapped inside the girl. There was no point trying to reason with her boyfriend when he got like this. Gathering her stuff quickly and silently, she pursed her lips to stop the tears from forming. When he got unreasonable like this, she acted out too like a spoilt child.


“Happy birthday, Seunghyun. I hope you are happy.” She said once more, before slamming the door after her.

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Chapter 6: I can't help myself but to re read it. I hope you can do years after this. A reunion with a divorced Amber and a still unhappily married KyuHyun?
toki123 #2
Chapter 14: will you update separate lives?? I really hope for a happy ending for minber :) love all of your stories!
Chapter 14: Very much enjoying this series, especially the myungber. You write so realistically!
ShidaM #4
Chapter 14: I'm in love with those stories, hopefully you finish the Minber story. ^.^
dayan_m #5
Chapter 14: Awww!! I wanna read more minber! :DD
Chapter 14: oh it’s a sad story :‘(
Chapter 14: please make minber happy..... pleeeaaaassseeee
Chapter 14: oh no poor MinBer please don't end badly
mina0909 #9
Poor Minber , I hope they can make it work.