Chapter 1 (one shot)

Best friend to Boyfriend?

You were walking down the road, listening to your favorite song, the someone suddenly covers your eyes. You started to panic and scream, "ERT. DON'T TOUCH MEEEEEEE." Then you heard a familiar laugh. You elbowed the person turned around and saw that it was your best friend, Nam Woohyun.

"Yah, why would a ert attack you, you're not as adorable as me! So don't worry. I doubt a ert would ever attack youuu! ahahaha." He poked you and started running towards school. Pissed off, you took a small rock and threw it at his back. It hit. He turned around and started to chase after you. You saw him comming so you ran away.

You guys finally reached school, but were out of breath. You both reached your seats and slumped down laying your head across the cool table. Your friend, who sits in front of you suddenly turns around," Yahh, __________. You always come to school with Woohyun. Why?" You put all your energy into lifting up your head then you sighed, "Well, we've known each other since we were kids, and plus we live right next to each other."

Class started. You rested your head back onto the desk and looked around and saw Woohyun showing you his aegyo from across the room, you couldn't help but get up and scream, "YAH. You aegyo idiot class started. Stop it!"

"Ms._______, If you have something to say, save it for later. Please sit back down." the teacher scolded you. You felt so embarrassed and slid back into your seat, trying to hide your face. After class ended you walked up to Woohyun and smacked him up right the head. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" you yelled.

"Aigooo!" he whined, "What, you don't like my aegyo?" He pouted and started to do the throwing of hearts he always does.

You blushed right away, then slapped his hand. "I don't know how, but whenever I'm with you, I always get into trouble." You slapped your forehead then sighed. He could see that you were really upset so he tried to cheer you up.

"__________ what do you want to eat today? It's on me!" He smiled. You couldn't stay mad at him so you said," I want to eat hamburgers!" You said. He looked at you and gave a relieved smile. " Just wait for me in the front of the school!" You nodded your head and walked back to your seat.

School was finally over so you made your way to the front of the school, but a group of girls stopped you. You looked at them, and they looked back at you with menacing glares. "Is everything okay?" you asked politely. "Not again.." you thought silently.

"Why are you always with our Woohyun?" the girl in the very front screamed. You looked at them confused, "Our? Since when did he belong to anyone?"

"HE HAS ALWAYS BEEN OUR PRINCE. DO YOU THINK YOU COULD JUST TAKE HIM AWAY?" Another girl screamed. You started to laugh, "That idiot is your prince? You guys need to find another prince, because I like him." you stuck your tongue out to taunt them,

"So you do like him?" the girl in the front said. "Well, yeah." You looked at them and brushed off their death stares.

"What so good about him anyways, I've known him since forever, and he isn't that big of a deal, I mean come on, he's so dorky and clueless. I swear sometimes, he can just be pain in the ." You said while laughing. You could tell that the girls were getting more annoyed so you decided to just walk away.

"Wait come back here!" the girl yelled while she dragged you back.

"Please let go of me." You said calmly. They looked at you, "Don't act so high and mighty, you aren't even important to him." That phrase hit you hard, "I know that..." you thought. "Well I gotta go, this not so important person, is going to be grabbing dinner with the prince." you said sarcastically. Then suddenly you felt a hand smack you across the face. You looked up and saw them all ganging up. You sighed. "What do you want with me, if you like him, go tell him, stop bothering me with all this bull. I'm tired of it!" You didn't hold back, you were just to pissed off,  "What is wrong with you cowards, if you like him go tell, don't bother me or else I really will get mad."

Another slap crossed your face, and you fell to the ground. You looked up and sighed. "Nam Woohyun where are you when I need you the most?" you thought over and over again. Right when you were about to get slapped, someone stepped in front of you. It was Woohyun. He helped you up, and looked at the red marks on your face. "Who the hell did this?" his voice was so serious it scared you. "It's nothing, I was provoking them." you laughed it off. He looked at you with an intense stare and turned back to look at the girls.

"Why the hell are you bothering her?" he glared at all of them.

The girl in front shivered, and whispered the answer, "Well, she's always hanging around you so we thought..."

"YOU THOUGHT WHAT? Why can't I be around the girl I like?" He yelled. Everybody paused and you turned really red.

"Waaaah. What is this, I was going to confess later and be all cool. Gosh way to ruin it Woohyun!" He started yelling at himself and slapping his face with both hands.

You couldn't help but laugh at him. He shot a look at you then he pouted. You looked at him confused, then looked over to the group of girls.

"Well as you can see, Woohyun likes me, so you can leave now." You smiled and shoo-ed them away. He looked at you and sighed.

"I was gonna be so cool when I confesed, that you were going to fall in love with me at that moment." He whined.

"Well, you were so cool right now, that I instantly fell in love." You smiled and poked his cheek, his face turned bright red, which made you blush too.

"So I guess this means you're mine?!" He smiled and looked at you with hope. You nodded your head shyly. He was so excited so he started to dance and jump around. "Yaaah, calm down, or else I'm going to leave you." you threatened. At that moment he stopped jumping around and just walked next to you with a big smile. Your face turned red, "his hands are really warm and big..." you thought to yourself.

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Chapter 1: Cute fic ^.^
and awww, woohyun~
PrincessKitty #2
So cuteeeeee
cute!! =))
So cute (:
Haha this was funny and really cute ^^ I liked it a lot. =)