Tiny-Eyed Promises

Limits Within Limitless


"I've lost it!" Woohyun let out a loud noise of frustration as his face plopped onto the nearest pillow.

"Lost what? You didn't have a miscarriage, did you?" Tiny-eyed Sunggyu tried joking, but his roommate's face was all but attached to the bundle of cotton. Narrowing his eyes (and almost making them disappear) in concern, he slapped Woohyun's back repeatedly since there was no face to abuse.

"I can't dance, I can't sing, I can't even breathe...ack-" He sat up gasping and settled himself with hitting his pillow repeatedly. "I-CAN'T-DO-ANY-THING-RIGHT!" He landed punches to his bed with every syllable, breathing in and out like a rhinocerous. 

"Of course you can s-"

With a small "oomph," Woohyun rolled off his bed and was content to blow off his steam on the cold wood floor of the dorms in a planking position.

"Look at you," Sunggyu tsked, peeking over the edge of the bed where his OTP had fallen. "You're being pathetic. Is it that time of the month?"

"Everything I know and love is over!" Woohyun continued to rant, now pounding the floor with his fists and kicking his legs.

"Are you...are you throwing a tantrum?"

"NO!" the main vocal sobbed.

Sunggyu sighed and climbed down from the bed. "Woohyun-ah, I think I see what you're getting at. Stop it, stop it, get up...there you go. Ew, ew, get off me, you're getting snot on my pj's. There. Now, look at me. You're going through a tough time. Now, I know I'm harsh on you all, but I'm being your hyung right now. If you really think you can't do it, then perhaps more practice isn't the best idea. As leader of Infinite, I want you to take a break. A well-deserved one."

"A..a break?" Woohyun gaped at Sunggyu as if he'd been proposed to.

"Yes," Sunggyu said firmly, gripping the his group member's shoulders. "Go do something. Go home, see your family."

"I- but- what about the concert?" 

"Uh, well, don't worry about that. You just take a nice, long vacation. Away from all this stress and worry. Don't even think about it. I'll take care if everything. I promise." 

Woohyun stared at Sunggyu. trying to determine if he was joking. It was a little hard to tell through those intense slits, but somehow he decided that Sunggyu had good intentions, and the greasy Nam-star nodded hesitantly. "Thanks. I really need this." Not wanting to leave an awkward silence, the younger one got up to pack his bags.

"Oh, and Woohyun?"


"You'll come back, right?" Sunggyu dropped all leadership and looked at his friend pleadingly. 

And the friend pursed his lips. "I'm going to have to."

"Arasso, but if you do, come back because you want to, not because it's your responsibility. Okay?"




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