
Dazed and Out of Breath



The club and night scene was never really for him. Not that he was hermit or anything because he enjoys a fun night out but he never really suited these high-energy, music pumping places. He was more of your after-work karaoke type.


He doesn’t know how it happens but his best friend manages to get him out for the night and extremely done up to boot.


He had spent a good 20 minutes perfecting his hair, playing with the clay of his wax to create a y tousled looked, akin to a I-just-had--hair as layers of his dirty brown hair spiked out in different directions. And of course the look could never be complete without his notorious favouritism for rock, showcasing a loose fitting shirt with a graphic design on the front, a black leather jacket, some dark denim slacks and something he rarely ever wore... eyeliner.


That had accounted to at least an hour’s worth of prepping and he wants to shrivel up like a prune knowing that Woohyun’s habits were slowly rubbing off on him.


But luckily it seemed like his time and effort was well spent.


It’s not every day that the usually plain and simple Kim Sunggyu gets hit on by so many people in one night, let alone in one hour. So he basks in the glorious treatment, inwardly celebrating at the feat, yet coolly brushing off the people’s offers like it was nothing.


“Well looks like I’ve found my target.” Woohyun shouts over the thumping music.


Sunggyu briefly glances his way, following Woohyun’s line of sight in the dimly lit dance club to find a hot male figure donned in an absurd amount of purple, moving his body in fluid and precise motions.


Snorting at Woohyun while downing his drink, Sunggyu leans in close to give some much needed advice.

“Way out of your ing league man. I don’t recall ever seeing you being able to dance nearly as half as good as that.”


Woohyun smirks challengingly, downing the last remnants of his cocktail before raising his eyebrow determinately at the older.

“We’ll see about that.”


Sunggyu leans against the bar’s counter top watching his friend stalking off to join the handsome dancer.


And to his complete and utter surprise, the purple-dressed figure leans in close to Woohyun’s body, dancing against him.


He narrows his eyes in disbelief when Woohyun turns to poke his tongue out at him offering Sunggyu a cocky grin, all the while motioning him to get on the dance floor.



Sunggyu eyes the tightly-packed space, feeling wary as he watches the writhing heap of people dance sporadically to (or without) the beat of the music.


Even though he was terrible free-styler and the prospect of joining the sweaty mass of gyrating bodies could only spur feelings of awkwardness from him, he forces himself to put on a brave front and makes a bee line towards the crowd.


As he makes his way through, he starts to feel inexplicably anxious, like he was getting closer and closer to something amazing.


The further he ventured the more excited he grew. He’s never had a gut feeling so strong before as this one and it only serves to spur him on in this mysterious quest, leaving him to weave his way through the horde of bodies aimlessly.


Then suddenly he gasps, stumped in his tracks.


Reaching what had seemed like the center of the tightly packed dance floor, was the most beautifully angelic yet iest boy he’s ever laid his eyes upon, moving in ways he was sure was illegal.  The way he emanated this air of confidence and sensuality while he danced, sandwiched between a small harem of guys (that seemed to worship him) left him gaping.


Sunggyu couldn’t help but feel mesmerised.


The boy wore a long sleeved shirt tucked loosely into his pants, slanting now from all the dancing as the skin of his shoulder and collar bone peaked out gloriously. But his jeans... they had to be absolute sin. The way the denim material moulded around boy’s thighs like a glove and the way the material dipped by the waist then curved firmly around the mounds of his left Sunggyu ogling.


And god, Sunggyu had never been so attracted in his life.


The other’s movements flowed so skilfully to the beat of the song like he had been doing this thing for years, despite looking just shy over 18. Granted his moves weren’t on a comparable level to the guy Woohyun scored with, but the way the boy moved was much more natural, instinctual and effortless.


Sunggyu must have been staring for too long and too intensely that the boy had turned his way, catching his gaze and holding it there whilst he grinded against one of the guys.


“Oh .” Sunggyu muttered quietly, freezing up all over again.


Sunggyu doesn’t know if it was the desperate prayers creating a mantra in his head, but what ever force compelling the boy to move forward, he was grateful.


He groans in his head as the other starts nearing closer. Even the way the boy walked was inexplicably hot. How he sauntered his way towards him, like a feline slinking in the grass before it made its kill.



It doesn’t take long for the other to reach him closing the distance between them and pressing his frame slick against Sunggyu’s body. His frail arms naturally wind its way around the back of Sunggyu’s neck and in such a causal demeanour one would have thought they’d known each other for years.


Sunggyu, although surprised, does not unwelcome the heat of the man’s body against his. But he feels slightly awkward as his arms hang loosely by his side, unprecedented to these sorts of situations. Especially with someone of the other’s calibre.


He stares down openly at the boy’s face, admiring the flawless porcelain complexion covered in a light sheen of sweat, the curve of the other’s damp fringe concealing one eye and feeling oddly conscious by the way the boy assess him up and down with his sharply lined, kohl rimmed eye.


After a short beat, the other hums at him approvingly, “You’re new, aren’t you?”


“Uh h-how did you know?”


The boy smiles at him sweetly and for one brief moment Sunggyu forgets that he’s in a dark, seedy dance place, meeting some guy who had just been grinding against 4 others.


“Well, I’ve never seen you here before… And usually, most men here would’ve grabbed my waist or my by now.”


At that Sunggyu frantically flings his arms snugly around the boy’s slender waist, feeling flustered. He couldn’t help but think that this boy must be known to be a bit of a around here. Yet surprisingly he doesn’t mind this at all, not one bit.



The boy chuckles lightly, though it was impossible to hear with the booming music.

“I like you! What’s your name?”



“Oh, Sunggyu... A-and yours??”



“I’m Sungjong.” The other says, pulling out of his embrace slowly and grabbing his hand, pulling him across the dance floor. “Come Sunggyu, dance with me~”



That’s when Sunggyu panics a little. He was quite hopeless when it came to dancing like this; it was partly the reason why he never came to clubs.


Sungjong eventually let’s go of his hand when he finds a suitable spot, naturally working with a rhythm to groove with as a new song came on.


Sunggyu stands there slumping hopelessly, looking off distantly in the corner in an attempt to at least look unfazed by it.


A few moments pass when he feels a firm hand gripping his chin, guiding his gaze down to the stern look on Sungjong’s face.


“Hey! Most men don’t usually ignore me. You’ve baited me already haven’t you? What else could be more interesting in this club besides me?” Sungjong scolds against his ear, locking his arms around Sunggyu possessively and pressing tightly against his frame.


“S-Sorry” Sunggyu sputters, all too focused on the crotch pressing tightly against his leg.


“Come on, loosen up a bit~”


Sunggyu let’s out a large breath of air, squeezing his eyes shut as he realizes what he’s about to do. He doesn’t know if it was the hopeful smile on the other’s face or the devious glint that the other held in his eyes, but Sunggyu was wholly and utterly enamoured by the boy.


He just hoped he wouldn’t make too much of a fool of himself dancing in front of Sungjong.


Luckily he doesn’t have to worry too much about embarrassment as Sungjong turns the other way, his back facing him as he dances. Sunggyu stands there swaying slowly, getting into the tempo of the song the more frantic Sungjong moves against him.


With a blasé idea he figures this type of dirty dancing couldn’t be too far from how one would move when having . So with those thoughts he decides to run with it, hoping to all odds that this goes well.  Starting to sense the feel and flow of the music, he sets a steady pace to dance with, grinding against Sungjong taut and putting a few scandalous s in time with the beat.


Sungjong seems to approve whole heartedly as he arches his back into his touch, pressing against his chest. Sungjong extends an arm up to grip the back of Sunggyu’s neck pulling the other’s head closer as he leans his head on Sunggyu’s shoulder.


His arms find the boy’s waist naturally, nuzzling his face slightly into the other’s jaw and swaying with him while the boy pants hotly against his ear.



Sunggyu just feels like he doesn’t deserve any of this glorious treatment.




“Ugh, you’re so hot you know that?” Sungjong breathes, spinning around to face Sunggyu and pressing their bodies close again.



Usually one would flirt back in this situation, but Sunggyu was inexperienced when it came to talk like this, never encountering these kinds of situations before. But in an effort to not disappoint the boy he was willing to go out of his comfort zone to keep this going.



“I-if I’m hot, then you’re on fire.”



Sungjong smirks at him from either amusement or delight, Sunggyu can’t tell.



“Well then, Mr. Fireman why don’t you use that hose of yours and put me out.”



Normally he would’ve cringed and mocked the cheesiness of the line (and he was completely on the verge of making this verbal) But right then and there, Sungjong suddenly does a dip and slowly makes his way up rolling against him, rotating his hips sinfully as their crotches make sweet friction and ending the move with a devious wink.



Sunggyu finally felt like he couldn’t take it anymore and snapped, “Ah this.”



He immediately grabs the side of the boys face and crushes their lips together in a searing kiss. Sungjong makes a noise of surprise but slowly gets into it, bracing his hand against nape of Sunggyu’s neck and kissing back eagerly.


Sungjong gladly let’s Sunggyu dominate him here as the man skilfully on his lower lip, spurring a groan of approval as Sunggyu gnaws on the flesh lightly.


Sunggyu swipes his tongue softly against the nibbled flesh in between motions of it between his lips, causing Sungjong to produce a breathy moan. Sunggyu uses the opportunity to snake his tongue fervently in the boy’s open mouth.


Their tongues clash in a heated battle, Sungjong fiercely pressing against him to shove their figures closer together as Sunggyu’s hot tongue explores his mouth, the two passionately kissing each other in the heat of the club.



Their tongues fight playfully for an upper hand in dominance and Sungjong feels himself quickly gaining control. But then suddenly Sunggyu just does this thing, where he expertly run’s the tip of his tongue against the roof of his mouth and Sungjong feels himself fighting a loosing battle, his knees going weak and unable to restrain the lustful moan he makes.


Sunggyu finally pulls away breaking their heated make out session, panting hard to get some much needed oxygen back into his lungs and aware that people around them had been gawking at their display. He stares at Sungjong’s equally out of breath state, looking dazed and exasperated eyes glazed over, tinted with lust.



Sunggyu feels a large wave of arousal hit him just from that sight alone.



“Come on, we’re leaving.” He grabs Sungjong’s hand satisfied by his effect on the other as he notices Sungjong still in his stunned stupor. He pulls him along through the throng of people as they eye the two making their way out of the club.


Sungjong breaks free from his trance, smirking contentedly and pressing closer to lock their arms together, “Your place?”



“...My place.”



Sungjong’s grin after that is absolutely blinding and Sunggyu could not quicken his pace enough.




Sunggyu may not be much of dancer.  But he sure had his moves to show elsewhere.


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lovevyk88 #1
Chapter 1: Whoooo... The both of them are hot honestly!!! And wowowowow... Gyujong!! Pls make more
kissme21 #2
Chapter 1: oh my god. never been a fan of Gyujong but with all these fics.
it's just hard to not ship.
Chapter 1: two words to say here people: HOT DAUUUUUMMM~
ooh GyuJong
i imagine SungJong like that a pretty y ____ who come to club and have fun without think of tomorrow
don't like cute bottom so loved it

we need a now, where's ? ~~joking~
LOL. Sungjong is so bipolar here. XD
U.U y.
ayade_e #6
@saionji90: omg thank you!! glad to see another person who loves gyujong. haha idk about a sequel but i plan to write more gyujong or sungjong x everyone in the future :)
ayade_e #7
@Limebrus: :D thank you! and yes i love gyujong too haha
ayade_e #8
@Minnietvxq17: :DD thankyou, im glad you enjoy the pairings as well :)
ayade_e #9
@theSpiritwithing-me: :DD thank you im so happy to hear that you liked it and i got you to acknowledge gyujong xD. thanks for reading dear~