The first step of baekhyun's incredibly sophisticated plan to make park chanyeol fall for him.

You'll Be Mine!

yeah.... so this is the fail first chapter XD
i'm soory for the long wait it took me a long time to write it >< 
Hopefully the long chapter will make up for it?
show me love by subscribing and commenting <3



Baekhyun rushed off the bus to catch another quick glance at the world's most beautiful creature.

Unfortunately, many other students rushed to get off and enter the school area as well which made it hard on him to get the job done.
He found himself swinging from side to side as the sea of students roughly pushed him until he finally crashed on the hard and filthy sidewalk.
" Ouchy." Baekhyun sighed painfully and exhaled. "My precious ..." He whined without anyone really hearing it.
baekhyun sighed again, puffing his cheeks and ruffling his hair in a desperate attempt to find what looks like he was searching for all of his life.

Students rapidly passed him and entered the gate, completely ignoring him as he sat on the sidewalk.

" are you going to just stay there buddy?" For the second time that day baekhyun flinched in surprise when an unfamiliar voice spoke to him out of nowhere.
 A long  and pale hand reached out to him, waiting to help him up.

baekhyun looked up at the smiling face of the guy. "Dont be afraid, I wont bite." He joked and took his hand without any permission, pulling him to his feet.

"Oh thank you." baekhyun smiled and dusted off his uniform. "I'm byun Baekhyun, I'm new here." He admitted sheepishly and scratched the back of his neck.

"I can see that." The guy smiled an angelic smile. "I'm Suho by the way. It's very nice to meet you baekhyun." They shook hands.

The thing about baekhyun is, he gets lost very quickly.
 Meaning, his thoughts can become louder then the person standing before him in an in one brief moment.
These moments, in which baekhyun is swept along by his own winding lines of thoughts, are  very easy to identify using three clues:

1 – Baekhyun will stare at the person or an inanimate object before him with a completely hollow gaze, as if Inspecting the person or object when, in fact, he looks straight through them.
For some reason this little habit of his always made people jump into the conclusion that Baekhyun is kind of an air head even though he is a very intelligent boy.

2 - He will lose attention and wont hear anything but his own thoughts and, as a result, when he returns to reality he wont understand exactly what they were talking about, which ultimately will result in a confused puppy look on his face.
on the one hand its really adorable and captivating and on the other, it certainly does not help his first 'dummy'  impression.
Which brings us to the last clue, 3- once baekhyun starts to play with his lower lip, you can be sure that you lost him in favor of what is happening in his brain.

He'll bite it, it, pinch it with his fingers or it mindlessly.

Once it stopped, he officially came back to reality.
Currently, Baekhyun was still stuck in the first stage.
 his eyes searched suho's face rapidly.

Suho's lips were moving but baekhyun couldn't see that, he was totally focused on what his mind noted before him.

Suho has deep red hair, like wine, milky white skin, an angelic smile and a voice that is very pleasant to the ears.

'He looks very nice ... ' He thought to himself with a small smile. 'I need a friend like that around .. '

"baekhyun!" The unexpected shout that came out of Suho's mouth scared him. "You want me to show you the school or not?" He laughed and covered his mouth with his hand.

"Oh - well, yeah, I'd love that !" baekhyun was thrilled.
"Great then we will do it at lunch time, we have no time now. You know your class number?"

baekhyun took off his backpack and opened it, rummaging a little inside to find the crumpled little page which had his schedule, locker number and new class number written on it.

He pulled out the crumpled page and quickly read the number. "B3."

"Excellent. That's just on my way." Suho gestured at the gate and they hurried inside.
When they reached the entrance of the building  Suho opened the door for baekhyun and Instructed him to go up the stairs and then turn right.

"Arent you coming too?" baekhyun slight frowned in confusion, his head peering from the door.

Suho shook his head with that smile that never left his lips. "I'm a year above you, my class is down the path but I'll meet you here at lunch time." baekhyun nodded in understanding and a grateful smile spread across his lips. "Thank you hyung."
"Dont mention it." Suho waved. "See you later."

baekhyun entered and hopped up the stairs, looking at the numbers written on the wooden doors.

"Ah - Ha!" He smiled enthusiastically when he found his class just as the bell rang.

Baekhyun  adjusted his backpack straps and rushed into the classroom along with the other students.
While he stood by the teacher and waited for him to finish reading the letter he got from the school board a few days ago, he couldnt ignore the whispers and whirring of the other students.

Both boys and girls peered at him, stared at him, whispered and pointed.

At this moment baekhyun remembered why he was so nervous this morning.
 New beginnings were not his favorite thing.
One boy's gaze caught his attention the most.

In the back row, center table, sat a small looking boy calmly leaning backwards on his chair, one hand in his pockets, the other on the back of his chair.

His expression was sealed, no emotion what so ever, which surprised baekhyun given that people with big eyes tend to be highly expressive.
But not this guy.

This guy with his big eyes, plumped lips and short black hair couldnt seem more aloof and cold.

A concrete wall can show more emotion then him for God's sake.
This little guy could look really cute if he would ditch this blank expression.

"Okay class, we have a new student. Please introduce yourself."

baekhyun nodded and bowed, looking up at his new school friends  with a bright smile. "Hello. I'm byun baekhyun, I'm 17 years old and I just moved here, I hope you take care of me."

"Very well." The teacher looked around the classroom. "You can sit next to  Kyungsoo."
He pointed at the empty table on the left of the big eyed boy.

'So this ice block's name is Kyungsoo ...' baekhyun thought to himself and took his seat.

baekhyun bit his  inner cheek, wondering whether to start a conversation with the boy sitting next to him or keep a distance and not embarrass himself.

"Please open your history books." The teacher turned away to write on the board and thus fate took baekhyun's opportunity to start a conversation with kyungsoo.

The class started but his mind was nowhere near history.
A silly little smile crossed his lips as his eyes half lidded stared aimlessly at the board.

constant flashes of his tall angel completely filled his mind.

His smile, his deep voice, the touch of his fingers on his face, the way he arranged his hair with a smile that seemed so friendly and concerned.
baekhyun sighed as a pleasant sensation filled his entire body.

Kyungsoo turned to look at him when he heard him sigh for the third time already.

His eyes studied his face and strange behavior.

He rested his chin on his hand, his long fingers gently pinched his lower lip, a completely idiotic  grin was smeared on his lips, eyes glazed and dreamy and this incessant brought Kyungsoo to the conclusion that his best friend has done it again.
Earlier that day he got on the school  bus like every day and went straight to his regular spot.

As always, he sat by the window gazing out the bus window, oblivious to all the girls staring at him with puppy love faces and a pinch of boys who did the exact same thing.
Kyungsoo never overstepped his routine, he always sat at a specific place, talking to specific people, eating specific food.
if he did something outside of his daily routine, it means very big problems.

The bus stopped at the well known station and Kyungsoo, as usual, looked up to receive his good friend's face.
Unlike kyungsoo who always been distant and cold, chanyeol always been super friendly and warm hearted person.

He always smiled a big, showing teeth smile, always throwing jokes, always greeting everyone he met on his way even if he didnt know them.

Kyungsoo briefly waved and chanyeol waved back enthusiastically while saying hi to each and every one on that bus on his way to sit next to Kyungsoo.
"ayo, what up?" his deep voice echoed throughout the bus which led to giggles all around.

"New kid." He answered, pointing to running baekhyun, trying hard to catch the bus.

"Wha, he runs really fast." chanyeol admired and Kyungsoo lost interest.

The bus stopped and the boy, byun baekhyun, climbed into the bus.
chanyeol glanced curiously at him over the seats." He's new right?"

"I dont care."
chanyeol frowned and stood up, walking towards baekhyun.
This didnt surprise Kyungsoo, his best friend went to meet the new kid because he just that kind of a person.

He ignored it and didn’t give it to much importance and to be honest, if he were asked, he would answer that he's not  a bit surprised by the fact that baekhyun fell for chanyeol.
the whole school was captivated by his charm one way or another, what makes  byun baekhyun so special?

"I must make a plan!" He suddenly heard him muttering to himself with determination.
It seems that baekhyun didn’t even noticed he was expressing his thoughts aloud.

His gaze was still dreamy but more focused at the same time.
"I have to make him mine!" baekhyun said to himself with a triumphant grin and Kyungsoo smirked.

'This is what makes him so special.' He thought to himself and studied his face again, this time with growing curiosity. 'He is not afraid to go for it like everyone else, he's really going to try.'
"well that's interesting." He said loudly to awaken baekhyun from his dreams and it worked.

baekhyun stared at him with that lost puppy look of his, eyes wide, lips slightly parted. "Excuse me,  did you say something?"

"the bell." Kyungsoo answered with a straight face and almost like magic the bell rang for lunch time.

baekhyun looked  at him with mild astonishment as Kyungsoo arose nonchalantly from his chair, picked up his things and made ​​his way outside the classroom with a chain of girls and boys dragging behind him with enthusiastic  cries of 'oppa' and 'hyung'.
baekhyun shook his head to shake off the feeling and looked back at the board.

"What?!" His heart stopped when he saw the board full of the teacher's handwriting.

baekhyun sighed and banged his head on the table in despair.
He was so immersed in his fantasies about chanyeol and what they would do together when they become a couple that he had completely forgotten about the lesson.
Meanwhile chanyeol just came out of his class as the regular sea of students trailed after him.

He became so used to it that he had hardly noticed them anymore.
Only if they were to ask him questions or actually develop a conversation with him he would give them his full attention, but it happened so rarely and when it did happened they were mostly confession of love which chanyeol hated to reject.
He adjusted the straps of his bag and peered into kyungsoo's class, trying to find him.

His eyes stopped on baekhyun as he picked up his thing from his desk and did ​​what appeared to be arguing with himself.

chanyeol didnt really heard what he was saying but the silly faces he made, made chanyeol smile.

'he's a little strange.' He thought to himself and continued on his way but not before he threw a last look at him.
When baekhyun left the building he saw Suho standing under a tree and talking to another guy.

Baekhyun stopped at his place and looked at the other guy.

He was average height, beautiful light brown hair and cute, babyish face.

Suho finally noticed baekhyun and called his name.

"Please meet Luhan, he is in my class." Suho introduced him

"Nice to meet you baekhyun!" Luhan bowed with a friendly smile.

"same here." baekhyun smiled and they shook hands.
"Shall we eat?" Suho laughed and they went into the  front yard.
On their way to the front yard, Suho and Luhan took the opportunity to give baekhyun a little tour around the school.
They showed him the administration building, the laboratories and the gymnasium.

"Wow ..." baekhyun was really impressed. "This school is so much bigger then my last one ..." He murmured admiringly.

Luhan laughed and patted his shoulder. "Dont worry, you'll get used to it very quickly."
"Oh yeah, I forgot to ask you earlier." Suho suddenly remembered and stopped them, standing before baekhyun. "What program did you choose?"

"Oh umm, I have chosen the music program." he said with great pride and a toothy smile.

Luhan quickly ruffled his hair and laughed. "So we have a little musician huh?"

"Welcome to the club." Suho chuckled. "Me and Luhan are also in the school's music program."

" wha! that's great. " baekhyun was excited and Suho threw an arm around him, pulling him close. "Come on, let's go eat."

Kyungsoo pulled out his lyrics notebook from his locker as a wide group of students surrounded him and followed his every move as if he was in a middle of making a complicated surgery.

"Yo, Kyungsoo hyung." Kyungsoo looked up with an empty at sehun who came from down the hall with his own small entourage. "I'm hungry." He patted his stomach and automatically bags and boxes of food were presented before him, all he had to do is choose.
Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and slammed the door of his locker while sehun rejected all offers of food they gave him with a smile that melted thousands of hearts.

"Let's go find our tower and sit down to eat." He made ​​his way toward sehun and both walked quietly down the hall, talking about their classes while their two entourages joined together to worship them.
After an attempt to make a normal conversation while thousands of students were shrieking and giggling for no reason, the two boys decided to give up and just keep looking after chanyeol.

They didnt like the sea of students that trailed after them everywhere all the time but no matter how many times they asked for to be left alone it never happened.

Finally they just accepted it and got used to it without any choice.

"Hey I was looking for you!" They heard the familiar booming voice behind them and stopped.


baekhyun munched on his sandwich in silence while Suho and Luhan told him a little bit about the music program in school when suddenly there were screams from the main entrance to the yard.

The three boys looked up at once towards the sea of ​​students.

"Here we go again ..." Suho sighed and shook his head in irritation.

"Hmm?" baekhyun stretched his neck to see what all the fuss is about.
The glass door opened and baekhyun felt like the whole world went into slow motion.

It seems like all the forces of the universe came together to create the perfect scene meant to make baekhyun fall even harder for chanyeol.

The wind blew little green leaves in slow motion while his tall God stepped outside the building with his hands in his pockets and a big smile, his reddish hair fluttered in the breeze and it looked like a bright white light surrounded him.
"Wow ..." He gasped as his heart tripled his rhythm.

His mouth went dry and his mind was completely blank, all he could see was chanyeol.
 he didnt hear anything except what looked like the angels singing, he didnt see the sea of students or the two boys that followed him.

"Stop that." Suho elbowed baekhyun and he snapped out of his dreamland in blinding speed, the noise and commotion going into his awareness again.
"Close your mouth before a bird can lay an egg there and clear the drool trail of your chin." He and baekhyun turned a deep shade of scarlet, hiding his face quickly.

"So I guess you met our top 3 cards huh?" Suho laughed and straightened up, looking at Luhan. "Why not say hello to your little boyfriend?"

"He's not my boyfriend." Luhan smiled sheepishly and looked away.
"wait, who are the top 3cards? All I see is  chanyeol." baekhyun sighed dreamily and the two boys laughed.

"Well if you snap out of your fantasies on chanyeol you would see two more gyus. Kyungsoo and sehun see?" Suho shook his head at the boys direction and baekhyun blinked, only now noticing them.

"Oh! That guy, Kyungsoo he is in my class." baekhyun admitted, smiling. "He's not really friendly." He pouted a little.
"He is the King. Dont take it personally kid, he doesnt talk to anyone except chanyeol and sehun, he is perhaps the coldest person I've ever met, how he befriended these two boys I have no idea." Suho muttered.

"Anyway," Luhan continued. "the one on the right is  sehun, is a year younger then you, he is the prince AKA jack."

"Huh? So what card is chanyeol?" baekhyun cocked his head in confusion.
"Ace." They both answered together. "He is the most popular student in this school, which is not really surprising." Suho laughed. "He always gets the best grades, he is really nice and friendly to everybody and he is the president of the student council not to mention, certainly very handsome."

"Very, very handsome." baekhyun whispered to himself and Suho pretended not to hear that with a little knowing smile.
"Wait." baekhyun straightened. " why do they called after cards?"

"Well, it started from kyungsoo." Suho took a bite from his sandwich. "When he first came here he was always alone, sat by the fountain, playing cards by himself."

"A lot of students, offered to play with him but he rejected them all." Luhan interrupted. "All but chanyeol.  I dont know how or why but they began playing together and it was  no surprise that students began to gather around and watch them play.  Eventually sehun came along and the amount of students who were screaming their names during the game disturbed them so they stopped."
 "students started calling them after the most powerful cards in the deck. Chanyeol named after the strongest card. he is the most popular student in school. Kyungsoo is the king, despite his remote approach he has thousands of fans at school and beyond, and sehun is the little prince of the school, he is also the youngest so he named after the jack. "

" Interesting..." baekhyun watched the boys make their way to the fountain.

"You knew chanyeol's name even before I mentioned it, you met him already?" Suho asked curiously and baekhyun nodded briskly with an ear to ear smile. "in the bus! He touched me!" Hearts almost jumped out of his eyes and Lohan and suho drew back, slightly disturbed.

baekhyun finally realized what he blurted out of his mouth and started waving his hands frantically. "That not how it was! I mean - I just- I ran like crazy to catch the bus, he arranged my hair that's all I swear!"

The two boys burst out laughing until tears were forming in their eyes.
"Somehow I'm not surprised you've fallen in his charms." Suho patted his shoulder, comforting him. "It's okay ... it will pass, I suppose?" He asked himself more than baekhyun.

"I dont want to."

"Hmm?" The two boys looked at him quizzically.

"I dont want it to pass because he is going to be mine! I have a plan." He said firmly and stood up.
"Oh yeah? And when does this plan starts exactly?"

"right now!" baekhyun threw his fist in the air and walked toward the three boys.

"should we wish him good luck?" Suho looked at Luhan who bit his lower lip.

"God knows he needs it." Luhan replied with a chuckle.


While sehun and chanyeol were absorbed in the pointless game of kai-bai-boo, Kyungsoo spent his time staring at the new guy.

Kyungsoo found this particular boy very interesting because of his courageous determination.
 he was really interested to find out if he could win chanyeol's golden heart.

he carefully followed his every move as he approached them with a facial expression that can be described only as Ostentatiously determinate.
Kyungsoo looked away and elbowed chanyeol, nodding toward baekhyun who just tried to make his way towards them amongst the  sea of students who refused to move.

"Hey, it's pretty boy!" chanyeol laughed aloud and at once the sea divided into two, leaving baekhyun completely exposed to the death glares he received.

'It's now or never.' baekhyun gulped.

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Might not update any time soon due to a sprained hand ... Sorry:T__T


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jj1231 #1
Hehe hi :)
Ah.. My poor heart........ ♡(´⌣`ʃƪ) ♡
Thanks for the update chingu!! XD
sumomoyuki #3
ajdklja BAEKHYUN U U U ADORABLE PUPPY!! Ignore Kyungsoo he's just being a pain~ Authornimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm <3 Sorry didn't see the fic earlier but alakjsdlajs <3
Update soon plssssss. OTL
OMG!!!!!! Update again soon please!!! Imma really going crazy for the next!!!!!
And I was squealing like hell along the story \("˚(:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅)°)/

Update soon chingu...m(_ _)m
This is so sweet ^.^ Looking forward to the updates :)
The beginning sounds really sweet!
Cant wait for the next chapter!<3
Waaaaaa!! *abuse the subscribe button*
Update soon pretty please chingu!! 8D