Chapter 1

Blue and Green

Another frop of sweat rolled down Tae Yeon's cheeks. So did everyone else, standing under the hot sun in the field.

Left foot, right foot, left..right...they marched across the field.

"MARK TIME, MARCH! SEOHYUN ! BE ALERT !" Hyorin shouted in her husky voice which startled Seohyun. The squad stopped marching forward and started marching on the spot. Hyorin's brows furrowed," SHARP MOVEMENTS! DON'T SLACK!" She was obvious unimpressed by their drill standard.

"Hyo Rin !" Hyo Yeon called from afar and started walking to her. Hyo Rin runned forward. "Good afternoon Ma'am !"  she immediately saluted and bowed. Hyo Yeon nodded in acknowledgement," I need to talk to you regarding the summer camp. You could dismiss them for now. I will be in my office." Secretly happy, Na Eun whispered " Yessss ~" under her breath. Hyorin answered enthusiasticly," Yes ma'am !" Beckoning towards the squad, Hyorin commanded them to fall out.

As Hyorin walked away, the squad collapsed. So Yeon immediately wipped the maknae, Na Eun's sweat off for her. "Un..nie, gomawo..." Her words were breathless. Offering her hand to Na Eun, Hyo Sung said, " Lets get back to our dorms...Seo Hyun told me she wasn't feeling well. Quickly, Eun-ah, c'mon." Tae Yeon pulled Hyo Sung's sleeve," You guys go first, I kinda need to go to the toilet."

"Ok, unnie we'll go first." The girls parted.

TaeYeon strolled to the toilet,the one nearest to the field,  there was no one, she had never enjoyed the army toilet it was creepy and dirty. The flushing system was not working, the paint was peeling, the lighting was dim and there were bugs, lizards, spiders, and the basin collecting dust. The privates of lower ranks never did their toilet duties. Tae Yeon chose a cleaner cubicle, she was disappointed to see no tissue, she then searched all the cubicles and finally found a small piece in the stockroom which was way too empty to be called a stockroom.

As Tae Yeon did her business, some people entered the bathroom. Tae Yeon heard various footsteps. They were talking loudly, probably not noticing if there were any people.

"I feel damn deprived of love, we can't even date ! How saddening !"

"Not just you, In Joo, me too, everyone else too. By the way I heard something yesterday."


"Well , its pretty stupid, Ji Yoon unnie was talking about it. She told me 10 years ago, there was this underground tunnel in our navy base, which leads to this air base ----"


"Um, yeah, and please don't interupt me till i'm done !"

"Ok ok...mian..."

"So, as I was saying, about that tunnel, Ji Yoon told me that it doesn't exist anymore, cuz, apparently, this super strict and busy-body general discovered this girl leaving the army base through that tunnel----"

"OMG she's badass."

"Park. In. Joo. Do you wanna hear about it or not?"

Tae Yeon found herself pressing her head against the cubicle door straining to eavesdrop on their conversation. Continue, continue.. Tae Yeon thought to herself.

"Yeah, continue ...I won't interupt again."

"Fine, and so, that general filled the tunnel, now its gone."

"Wow, that was pretty something !"

"Seriously? You think so ? Cuz I don't , to me, Ji Yoon unnie is like the biggest liar. EVER.

Tae Yeon thought so too, that tunnel wouldn't be true, it was too unbelievable.

Then, there was a huge crash. The door fell off leaving Tae Yeon standing in her awkward position. The two girls turned their head back in shock, but quicly turned back again in embarrassment. Tae Yeon pulled her pants up. At that time, General of army, CL entered. She raised her eyebrow," Kim Tae Yeon ! A hundred push ups and 10 laps in field for public material damage. And, Park In Joo, Yoo NaHyun, you get back into your dorm, you will explain to me why you are here during drill training." CL's voice was calm and mature, yet it sounded menacing. Tae Yeon would rather have Hyorin scream at her.

"I apologise, General of army !" Tae Yeon answered immediately.

In Joo and Na Hyun was shocked and replyed late by a beat," So-orry, General of army !"

"Get out now ! Have some sense of emergency !"

"Yes Ma'am!" TaeYeon answered, bowed and scrambeled out to do her punish. Gazing at the blazing sun, she sighed, but she kept thinking about what Na Hyun had said in the toilet.

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Seems to be a nice story~