come take my hand

but, your mine, right?

Today's the day, i thought to myself as i took more time and effort in doing my hair and choosing my clothes.

oh why doesn't she realize I'm in love with her? i have been ever since she said hello to me, ever since she breathed the same air as me..

'Hey Baro! are you ready for photo day? is that the jumper i bought you?' yes, its my most precious item, after you of course ​'oh yeah, does it look ok?' she smiled at me, oh that smile, it gets me every time, why did i love her so much? 

she held my hand all the time, hugged me all the time, she'd friend zoned me years ago, she always came to me about her problems 'Baro?' i looked down to her 'yes baby?' i replied, baby was her nickname ever since we met, she always used to cry and I'd her hair and say don't cry baby, im here.

'do i look ok?' she asked me you look more beautiful than a diamond in the sunlight ​'the prettiest girl here baby' i smiled down at her 'oh Baro! come over my house after school? meet by the gates?' and just like that my baby ran off..

-after school-

I walked with my boys until i got to the gates and saw my baby standing there, looking precious like she always does, calm Baro you can do this just tell her how you feel, you love her, if theres one person for everyone she's my one, calm calm..

'Squirrel boy!' she laughed and hugged me, my knees were going weak, get a hold of yourself Baro, i hugged her back pulling her closer to me i love you..

​we got to her house, why is my hands all sweaty? can she hear my heart beat? oh Baro shut up..

'you want tea?' she smiled at me as she skipped to the kitchen, she perfect in every single way..

we sat on her sofa and she lay down on me to watch some film she choose, a scary film? did she want me to hold her? no.. calm Baro calm..

once the film had finished she sighed and rested her head on my chest 'i didn't pay any attention to that film' she finally said, my head shot up from looking at the top of her head 'w-what why?' i asked her confused, she choose the film and stuff 'because all i could hear was your heartbeat, why are you always so nerves around me?' she moved to look me in the eyes. this is it..

i swallowed hard and breathed in 'it's because I'm in love with you..' i finally sighed, she leaned in to me, our faces just millimeters apart, i could feel her breathe on me, it made my heart flutter..

'Well you know Squirrel boy, I kinda love you too' my eyes widened 'WHAT?!' i said almost jumping with joy,  her face had turned red, i finally made her look at me using my index finger 'kiss me' she whispered, i wasn't going to argue.

I leaned in and kissed her deeply, she clung onto the front of my shirt, i could feel her smiling into the kiss, i had my baby in my arms, i couldn't help but love it, she finally pulled away 'when you get famous don't forget me ok?' she smiled, i pulled her in for a tight hug 'your always in my heart' i replied 

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Very cute!
i read and re read this all the time!!
So cute!
That was really cute >.< loved it ^.^