
A Frosted Heart

Taemin's POV

I walked down the stairs followed by Onew. "Oh, he's gone." I said and paused as I reached the bottom of the steps.

"He must have left." Onew said as he stopped next to my side.

"I guess so..." I couldn't believe he just left like that. He didn't even say goodbye. I mean wasn't this like the last time I could see him?

My eyes widened as I saw something. 'How'd that get there?' I didn't want to seem suspicious but I didn't want my Hyung to see it too, so I moved quickly towards the coffee table and picked up the paper. I walked over to a desk and stuffed it in a drawer and closed it shut.

When I turned around, Onew was walking closer to me. "What was that?"

I backed up into the desk. "Nothing."

His eyebrow lifted and he gave me a small smirk. "Nothing huh?" I nodded. He stopped in front of me. "It can't be nothing if you're guarding it so much. Come on just tell me what it is then. I hate secrets."

"It''s a drawing."

"A drawing? You're hiding a drawing from me? Why?"


He grabbed my hips and tried pulling me away. "Come on Tae, If it's just a drawing then why can't I see?" I tried to keep my ground but It was really hard, and his hands began moving up to my weak spot.

"Because, you're going to laugh!" I giggled. He paused a moment but kept a hold of me.

"Are you ticklish?"

I smiled up at him. "No."

His hands squeezed into my sides and I squirmed and tried to hold back a laugh. "Really? I think you're lying to me Taemin." His hands moved further up and I couldn't help but let out another giggle. I squirmed trying to get away from his hands but keeping the drawer behind me closed.

"No, no I'm not Onew. Onew stop. It ngg! Ah hahaha! Stop it!" He was laughing just as much as I was and in the end he pulled me away from it. He grabbed the drawer and I flung myself at his back.

"Hyung no!"

It was to late and I buried my face into his back as I heard him take out the paper. There was a moment before his hand reached back and touched the side of my thigh. He turned his head and I saw him smiling. My face felt hot and my eyes were weak. I didn't know what he was thinking. He turned around and pressed our foreheads together as he looked down to the paper.

"This is really cute Tae." He tilted his head and kissed my cheek before resting our foreheads back together. I knew my face was pink and I didn't know how to feel. I felt mixed emotions of being invaded but complimented at the same time but neither were stronger than the other. At least I knew he liked it right? He found it cute so that was saying something.

Onew, he's such a nice guy. He's so amazing. I'm so glad that he cares for me so much.

Then I remembered something. It was about my parents. It was something I remembered them telling me one time. Onew turned to put the paper back in the drawer and then looked back at me. "Is something wrong?" I bit my lip. Should I tell him? What if he gets really mad at me? I don't want him to leave me.

"No, nothings wrong. I was just wondering what we could do now."

"Hmm, did you want to finish the garden?"

I nodded. "Yeah."


Onew and I had planted all of the seeds and my hands were so dirty along with my legs and WHITE dress. Of course. As Onew was watering them with the garden hose, I stood up and patted my hands together to try and dust them off while I headed to the tower. "I'm going to go wash this off really quick. I was going to make some lemonade while I'm in there. Do you want some?"

"Turn around."

I did. "Huh?" and I regretted it. "Stupid jerk." I said and rubbed the water off my face and then it hit me again.

"Hyung stop spraying me!" He got up and headed closer.

"Then run."  

I put my hands up in front of me trying to block the water as he approached me. Without looking I managed to grab the head of the hose away from him and turn it towards him though he still didn't let go of it. "If I get wet then you have to get wet too!" I then shot it at him and he tried to avoid it by putting up his hand, the one not holding the hose, and turning away his head. I laughed. 

"Oh, you think it's funny now huh?" he asked as he was getting drenched. It really was funny until he pressed the head back with his palm and it shot me in the face.

I screamed and dropped it. I made a run for it back to my house and before bounding through the door a shot of water hit my ankle. 

​I booked it up the stairs and into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I grabbed a towel and pressed my ear up to the door as I dried my hair. "Oh shiz, he's going to be sooo mad. I'm so dead if he catches me." My heart beat increased and my eyes widened as I heard foot steeps get louder and when they reached the door, there was a loud bang like he ran into the door. It stayed closed thankfully and I screamed, playfully of course. Adrenaline was pumping through me. I felt like I was being chased by a predator. A y predator that I didn't mind being chased by. Oh my god no, stop thinking of those things right now. 

"Taemin open the door." The handle giggled.

"No! I won't Hyung, you're going to tackle me!" I said laughing. 

"No, I just want to give you a hug." 

"Yeah right! I'll get drenched!"

"So? We can be wet together." 


​I heard him chuckle and then he pressed his hands onto the door. "You can't stay in there forever Taemin. You have to come out at sometime or another and when you do I'm going to get you." 

"No, no, no." I said playfully stomping my feet. There was a moment before I heard him dramatically sigh.

"Well alright. If Taeminnie doesn't want to play anymore I guess It's time to go home then." My heart broke. 'What Taeminnie? Wait don't go!'

"Wait!" I grabbed the door knob and paused. I banged the door once with my fist. "That's not fair Hyung That's just plain cruel!" He simply laughed as a reply knowing he had caught me. 'That jerk! I hate you so much right now. Using my weakness against me like that. I will so get him back for this.' I pouted. I was already wet so it wouldn't hurt to become a little more right? 

​I started to unlock it. This was going to though. I remember I sprayed him good.

As soon as it unlocked the door flew open and Onew ran into me and pushed me back into the counter. "Ahhhh!" I tried to squeeze out of his grip but it wasn't working. "You're so cold." The water seeped through my dress and his clothes were soaked. I tried to pushed him away but to no use. " Ahh, Onew Hyung! This is so not fair." I said. "You started it!"

"And I'll finish it." He replied. I huffed giving up trying to get away and grabbed a towel from the rack on the wall. I set it on top of our heads.

"You're such a jerk, Oppa." He pulled his head back and blinked at me as a water droplet slid down his face from his damp hair. He leaned in and kissed me and of course I kissed back. 

"I love you Taeminnie."


I was sitting on my bed in a clean and dry black dress. After I was completely soaked, I took a shower and changed into something else. I was drinking a glass of lemonade I had made while waiting for that jerk to get out of the shower that I oh so kindly allowed him to take. My attention was focused on the rain pouring down outside. It hit hard against my window that I had managed to close just after it started to rain. 

​I heard the door open and I looked over but almost choked on my drink and had to look away.

"Are you alright Taemin?"

"Yeah! I just, you came out wearing nothing but a towel and I wasn't expecting it." I saw him sit down on the bed as he dried his hair off with another towel while smirking. In the corner of my eye I looked over at his body. What?! You can't blame me! I mean if a more than half Onew came and sat next to you with his toned muscles exposed and water dripping down across them making them glisten and Shinee as he nonchalantly dried his hair, don't tell me that you wouldn't sneak a peak too!

​I looked foreword trying to calm my racing heart and took another drink from my glass that successfully went down this time.

​I then realized we hadn't thought this through.

I looked over to him. "You know your clothes are still drying."


"And there's no reason to change back into wet clothes."

"Well of course not."

"And I don't have any of...your type of clothes."

​He looked at me like I was just saying random facts for no reason. Then he bashfully smiled. "Oh, I guess I didn't think that far yet."

I took another small sip. "Well your clothes aren't dry yet and wont be for a while so you have to stay in that towel until they are."

Onew curved his eyebrows in and smiled. "I somehow get this feeling that you want me only in this towel."

I looked away and took another sip. "Of course not. I was just stating this fact since I'm smart and you clearly didn't think of that." He sheepishly grinned and acted like he didn't hear my second sentence.

"You know it's okay to look. I am your boyfriend." I felt all glowy inside and slowly looked over again. He was smiling like he knew he had a great body...and he was right. Every piece of skin that was attached to his body, I just wanted it to be all mine and only mine. So amazing. My eyes sparked and I gulped with an 'I want' expression.

I looked in the opposite direction as I took another gulp. "There's not much to look at Hyung." I lied through my teeth and it was a cruel and awful lie.

​The bed shifted and my eyes widened as I felt Onew trap me into a tight hug and pull me back against his chest.

"Aw, is Minnie still upset about earlier?"

"Don't call me Minnie, you jerk!"

​I looked up at him and saw him smiling back. His collar bone flexed along with his throat and arm muscles. 'Curse you Onew. Why are you so hot? Stop making me want to devour you.'

"Okay whatever you say Taeminnie."

I rolled my eyes and reached for the full glass of lemonade I had graciously made for him. "I made this for you. Don't make me regret being so thoughtful for another."

He took it. "Aw my dark princess thought about me?"

I groaned. "Why are you calling me all of these chick names? I am not a girl."

"I know that Taemin. You're just really pretty and when you wear those dresses and with your hair like that..." He trailed off.

"What would you do If I cut my hair Hyung?" He tilted his head while looking at me and I guessed he was imagining what it would look like.

"How short?" he asked.

"Like yours. To the middle of the neck and with layers, but I would give myself fuller bangs."

"Do you not like my bangs Taemin?" He jokingly asked as he brushed his bangs forward with his fingers.

"No! I do, I was just saying."

He laughed. "Yes I think it would look really good." I smiled thankful that he liked the idea. He took another gulp and set the half empty glass back on the table. As he passed me, I wanted to touch his shoulder and neck but I stopped myself. 'No I can't give in so easily.' "Would you ever dye it?" He asked as he leaned back.

"Hmm, I guess I would have to. If I'm cutting my hair as a disguise so people don't recognize me when we go, then I guess it'll help to dye it won't it?"

He reached up and cupped my cheek. "I want you to do what you want to do."

My heart felt warmer. "Onew." That was really nice of him say that. He my cheek before sitting back. He looked down and then back up.

"So Taemin... why do you wear girl clothes?"

I took a breath and set my glass onto the table too. "Well you know how I told you that people think I'm a beautiful woman that lives in this tower? So since they think I'm a woman and since I'm supposedly so beautiful they send me these clothes as gifts. I can't go out and buy boy clothes because of the risk of being caught, so I really have no choice."

"Would you like to wear boy clothes If you had them?"

"I guess yeah. I would like to."

He nodded. "Okay then we'll have to get you some really soon then." I looked down. I didn't want my problems to become his.

"Onew, you don't have to. I mean I've worn these clothes before. I don't mind it." He grabbed my hand.

"You don't mind it, but you don't like it."

I looked up surprised. "Th-thanks for noticing."

He leaned foreword and kissed my forehead. "Day by day I find out another thing about you. It's really interesting Taemin. I'm intrigued to find out what I'll learn next." 

I lightly chuckled. "I'm really not that interesting."

He pulled his head back. "But I think you are."

I flumped forward on my hands, "Hyung, you keep saying all these nice things to me. I guess I just don't know how to react to it. It's new to me."

He hugged me close. "That's a real shame Taemin because you deserve to be treated kindly always. Just embrace it I guess is all I can say. If you slowly keep opening up to me I promise you'll like all the feelings that I can bring you." I smiled and nodded. I hugged him back.


I practically jumped after hearing the thunder outside.

"Are you scared Taemin?"

I lightly hit his chest and looked down. "No." I pouted. "I just wasn't expecting it."

He chuckled. "Like my 'nothing to look at' body?"

I weakly smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Sorry. I didn't mean it, really. I was just trying to hurt your feelings because I was upset with you."

He took my hand and placed it on his chest. "Well you've succeeded in hurting my feelings." He dramatically turned his head to the side. "And here I thought my boyfriend wasn't attracted to my body at all." I smiled at how playful he was being.

"No, no. I really do like your body. It'" I slapped his chest again. "But you already know that! You don't need me to tell you."

"Yeah, but it makes me the happiest when I hear it from you." He looked up into my eyes and there was a slight shine of something. Playfulness? Intriguement?


I jumped literally this time and covered my face immediately from revealing how scared I was. Onew laughed at my reaction and smiled at me but I just blushed. He placed a hand on my side and then pulled me closer to him. My legs were pulled around opposite sides of him and I got shy as he pulled me up onto his lap.

"Don't worry Taemin. I'll protect you against anything you're afraid of. You'll always be safe when you're around me. You know that right?" I nodded as I gripped his shoulders. He took one of my hands and brought it up to his lips to kiss it. "You know, my body is always here for you too. Whenever you want I promise I'll make you happy."

My eyes grew big. "Wait, What? You're just giving away your body like that?"

He grinned and looked down. "Don't say it like that Taemin. I am your boyfriend. I just want to please you."

I smiled softly and caressed his cheek. "I understand that and that makes me very happy and all but what if...I'm not...really that good?"

"I highly doubt that Taemin. And even if you were it doesn't really matter right? Love is love isn't it?"

I smiled. "Onew, you always know what to say."

He looked to the side and it looked like he was thinking over something. "Do you...want me at all in that way Taemin?"

"Um well...if wanting to bite your skin and devour you is wanting you in that way then yes."

He smiled with a shocked expression. "You want to bite me?"

I looked up confused. "Why is that wrong?"

He leaned in. "No. Just as long as you allow me to bite you too."

I felt really hot all of a sudden. Especially when he leaned in and kissed me fully on the lips.


I flinched but just held onto Onew tighter as he kissed me. His hands rubbed up my back and held me as close as possible. He pulled away to kiss my neck dominantly and I just gave in. I closed my eyes allowing every sensation to become greater and overwhelming. His teeth grazed my neck and softly nipped at it. He did it again right above my Adams apple before kissing my neck. His hands lingered along my thighs and i stopped him. "Wait, wait! Hyung."

He looked confused at the sudden stop. "Tae?"

"Onew I, I am a boy. I'm not a girl."

"But I know that Taemin."

"I just, are you sure you actually want to do this with another male? I mean I promise, as much as I may look like a girl, I am a boy. I just don't want you to be disgusted with the thought of it." He looked at me confused with all of the sudden words that I had just said and took a moment to understand it all.

"Taemin...I've said this before and I'll say it a million times again if I have to until you get it. I don't love you because you look like a beautiful girl I love you because you're Taemin. I find your looks very appealing but I like the person you are better. The of you doesn't matter. You were born a male for a reason and I'm completely fine with that. I love you Taemin."

I wiped a single tear from my eye and breathed deep. "I love you too Onew Hyung!"

He hushed my about to be sob by kissing me for a long moment until he felt I had calmed down. His kisses were so sweet. Just by giving the crying baby candy allowed it to become quickly quiet again. He pulled away slowly and looked at me with warm eyes.

"Do you believe me?"

I nodded and clung to him. He kissed my neck again softly before lifting his lips to my ear.

"I want to love you Taemin. Won't you let me?"

I felt nervous and my heartbeat sped up but I found I did really want him too. I nodded. "Mm hm." and he smiled grateful and happy with my reply. His hands gripped my sides and then laid me back onto my back gently. Even if his touch was soft, his kisses were becoming wild and intense. They were breathtaking. 

​After running his hands down my sides he intertwined his fingers with mine and pulled them up above my head so I couldn't resist, though I really wasn't going to. His tongue slid across mine and it felt right. I surprisingly found I wasn't afraid at all and every moment that passed I found myself anticipating his next move. Every kiss he gave me and the way his hands grazed my skin threw me onto a level I had never been on before. He let one of my hands go, thankfully, and I gripped the back of his shoulder, squeezing the blade slightly before sliding it down to his hip which seemed to push into my hand. The hand that let mine go reached for my sleeve and he pulled it down. His palm swiped across my right exposed chest and I shivered under the feel of someone touching me. His hand reached back to grip my thigh and pulled it up to hold against his side. My senses were on over drive and all I could hear was my pounding heart, the pouring rain outside, and the sound out lips made when they pulled apart.

I gripped his soft and damp hair and tilted his head back. I couldn't stop my body when it lunged for his throat and it. He gulped and I bit down. 

"Ah." he whined but he didn't sound pained and he just moaned right after and gripped into my hair as well. He pulled back my hair causing me to loosen the grip on his so he was free and leaned in to roughly kiss my lips. His other hand started to move up my thigh dragging the black silk along with it.

There was a bright flash of light outside followed by what sounded like the sky shattering.




And then, the lights went out.




*runs away from sharp objects thrown by readers for stopping the chapter there* 

haha just so you know will be in the next chapter as expected. I'm trying my best to keep the stories innocence but still add a little dirtiness to it. I decided that I'll write the story how I want it to be and I hope every decision I make you readers will be supportive of 100%. I hope this chapter was long enough to make up for me not updating sooner. Speaking about the right time to update huh? For those of you who don't know, Taemin is my ultimate bias and this chapter is being published on his birthday. Awesome right? Right's... 2:27pm in Korea and it's still July 18th over there so yeah!!! okay, okay enough rambling.

​See you lovely readers soon and feel free to comment. I love to read them. <3


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Chapter 6 coming really soon!!!


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Kyattchan #1
Chapter 12: I'm really liking this.. too bad it hasn't been updated in ages.. :(
I hope you'll come back to write more one day.
I'm definitely looking forward to reading a new chapter! lol
nomnomnomnomnomnom #2
This story is so good! I hope you can continue it ^^
hey hun, are you still writing this? <3
This is so awesome!
howlingwolffate #5
Chapter 12: O.o why is there no more?!?! please make more sooon~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
XSapphireX #6
Chapter 12: Noouuhhh!!!!!! I want more!!!! It's so good!!!!

And tae and onew sbould be together soon again and then go see onews house!!!!

Love it!!!!!
This seems really cool so far, can't wait for an update! :)
moechiii #8
Chapter 12: Oh my gosh please continue this ; A;
I need to know if onew comes D':
Chapter 12: I'm really glad that TaeKey's relationship is only going to be that of close friends; and what was Key's deal about the book; I have a feeling it's about his mum.
Chapter 12: OMOMOMOMO, I LOVED THIS UPDATE, I'm so glad that he got to go outside of the castle even if it was just to be locked up in a different place; I'm glad that Key is starting to come around, and is talking to him; I kept wondering if Taemin was gonna moan Onew/Jinki's name when Key was trying to wake him; and he saw Taemin's adam's apple, oh dear; I actually think that it will bring them closer after the initial shock, I'm sure he's gonna ask about whether his dad knows, she's a he; and just what is going on with that other castle to the east, I really hope that Taemin and Jinki never find out; it was nice of Key to warn him about it, and say that if he could he'd let him go; really really can't wait for more, I want OnTae back to together so so much, update super soon hun, pleeeease. <3