The Windmill

[Short Story] The Windmill


*One bright day at the farm in the Jeju Island…

Lyan: Woong! Woong! Wooyoung-ssi!

Wooyoung: yah! Why are you so noisy?

Lyan: J-J-Jinyoung… Superstar JB, he’s here today… you gotta come with me, they’re at the resort!

Wooyoung: Omo! Omo! What an obsession to a superstar, do you think he’ll recognize you when he sees you?

Lyan: of course! Im his Soulmate, I know he still remembers me and why are you such a dream breaker? Are you gonna come with me?

Wooyoung: do you think if I don’t come with you, you won’t get mad at me? Of course I know you will, why ask me when I don’t have any choice…

Lyan: Aish! Yey! Come on, JB must see me

Wooyoung: alright

*they both went at the resort…

Wooyoung: why are we sneaking? If someone sees us, were doomed

Lyan: why are you such a bummer? If we enter the main gate, staff won’t believe that you’re the heir of this resort, they’ll think you’re a fan… they won’t let us in

Wooyoung: Aish, you really don’t think huh… come with me; we’ll enter the main gate

Lyan: why? Are you crazy?

Wooyoung: nope, but you are…

*Wooyoung drags Lyan through the main gate

Wooyoung: just wait for me here, I’ll just talk to the guard

*after a minute, Wooyoung came back with an ID

Lyan: what’s this?

Wooyoung: if you really want to go in, don’t lose this. This is a staff ID, if you have one, they won’t let you out… because you’re an important part of the shoot

Lyan: wow, you’re really are awesome…

Wooyoung: I know…

*they both went in…

Lyan: Woong, that’s Jinyoung… Jinyoung-oppa! Jinyoung-oppa!

*Lyan runs toward JB, but Lyan trips and accidentally spills the coffee that JB was holding

Lyan: Omo! Mianhae! Mianhae

JB: why are you so clumsy?! Take your filthy hands off me!

Wooyoung: yah! How could you say that to a girl?

JB: excuse me? Who are you?

*JB called a staff

JB: hey! You, the one that wears pink… who are these people? Are these trainees? How could you pick such clumsy person?

Staff: Mianhae, but they are not staffs…

JB: Ahh, so you’re both a fan… then how could a staff let a fan enter the shoot? I thought this resort has strict policies, take these two people out…

Wooyoung: yah! How could you be so arrogant to the staff? And how could you command the heir of this resort to get out of his own company?! You’re just nobody; this resort is the most expensive and the most beautiful resort here in Jeju Island! I will not let arrogant people to freely step their foot in my resort, I don’t care about your money, get out of here!

*they both make a scene that attracts the whole staff’s attention

PD: what’s going on here?

Wooyoung: sorry to interrupt, but we cannot let you shoot here. Im Kang Wooyoung, heir of this resort… we don’t care about your money and the advantages that you’ll bring to our resort when you shoot here; I care about the attitude of the people entering our resort, what a shame for a fake superstar to be here? He does not belong here; our resort is for VVIP only.

PD: Can we please talk to a private place?

Lyan: Woong, Im alright, no need to over react

Wooyoung: no, he crossed the line…

*The PD, JB, the staff, Lyan and Wooyoung went to a more private place…

Wooyoung: Please take a seat

PD: so what exactly happen?

Wooyoung: you’re talent here, shouts at you’re staff and at my friend. I cannot things like this happen, He stepped on someone’s toes, and he thinks he has powers and start manipulating people. I know you won’t let the press to know about this, I want an apology to my friend and to this staff

Lyan: Ahjussi, Im perfectly fine… Woong, no need to do this

Wooyoung: Andwae…             

PD: Im taking the responsibility…

JB: Mianhae, staff Kim, PD Mianhae, I caused a lot of trouble… these two are here because they are my childhood friends, Wooyoung-ssi gets mad because he thinks that I don’t remember them anymore, he’s right at first I never thought it was them, I should’ve let them introduce themselves first, I shouldn’t have gone mad easily Jeongmal Mianhae. Lyan-ssi, Mianhae…

PD: if that’s the whole case, can we proceed to the shoot

Wooyoung: De, Im sorry to interrupt you again

PD: that’s nothing, Kamsahmnida… we will leave first, come on staff Kim

JB: PD, I’ll stay here for a while

PD: oh, OK

*PD and Staff Kim both went outside

JB: you sure still smart and still can handle tough situations huh?

Wooyoung: and you’ve now become arrogant person

JB: hmm, I agree… Mianhae, Im sorry to both of you. I was actually hoping to see you here again, but I never thought to meet you in situation like these

Wooyoung: why did you forget us? Not even a call

JB: ahmm… Mianhae, let’s not talk about that… you sure grown a lot Lyan but you’re still pretty

Wooyoung: huh, unbelievable

Lyan: Woong, can you please stop acting like a brat, we must be happy, it’s our reunion… Jinyoung, I’ve waited many years for this moment, I really missed you

JB: me too, I missed you a lot

Wooyoung: I did not miss you…

JB: yah! Kang Wooyoung! Still mad at me? Ahh, you want my kiss? Just like the old times

Wooyoung: what? Yah! Get off me!

*JB tries to kiss Wooyoung and he succeeds…

Wooyoung: eww!! You’ve gotta be kidding me

JB: Kang Wooyoung, I miss you… really miss you

*Wooyoung gave JB a hug… after the shoot

JB: I need to go back to Seoul, but I promise I’ll call you

Wooyoung: stop promising, just… do it

JB: de, I will

*JB hugged Lyan and Wooyoung

JB: Annyeong

*after JB left…

Wooyoung: come on, let’s go home

Lyan: yah! Why are you so harsh to JB?!

Wooyoung: I just protect you from that rascal

Lyan: rascal? You are the rascal here! Pabo!

Wooyoung: yah, wait for me

*in the midst of their walk, Lyan accidentally trips…

Lyan: ouch! My foot… Ahh!

*Wooyoung runs toward Lyan…

Wooyoung: what happen?

Lyan: don’t touch me

Wooyoung: yah! Still mad at me, look at your condition… why do you always trips, come I’ll carry you on my back

Lyan: b-but…

Wooyoung: Wae?

Lyan: it was miles away

Wooyoung: I carried you many times and miles and miles away, I know how heavy you are, and it’s alright

Lyan: are you saying Im fat?!

Wooyoung: Andwae, I just can’t afford to see you suffering

*Wooyoung carried Lyan, they went to a near hospital… after the check up, and they went home…

Wooyoung: the doctors said you sprained your foot, rest for the night and don’t walk too much, I’ll check you here tomorrow, ok?

Lyan: de… Ahh, Woong?

Wooyoung: Uhm…

*Lyan hugs Wooyoung and kisses him and said…

Lyan: Kamsahmnida

Wooyoung: Aigoo, why are you so comfortable kissing me at my cheek… you’re always welcome, I’ve gotta go. See you tomorrow. Annyeong

Lyan: Annyeong

*after few hours of sleep, Lyan was woken up by the noise at their house… it was her parents arguing, she heard about her parents separation, she heard that her mother want to take her to Seoul and her father wants to take him to America, she was so afraid that she might never see her bestfriend again, so she ran away… despite her sprain, she kept on running until she reaches the farm, there was a great storm that night. So she went inside the windmill…

 Lyan: if only I can be a superstar like JB and I can control my own life… why they have to separate like this, why can’t my dream to be a superstar come true?!! Wae?!

*then a big lightning strikes the windmill… some part of the windmill collapse and woods hit Lyan’s head… next morning, when she woke up

Lyan: my head hurts Awww… oh? I remember last night there was a great lightning that strike the windmill… but why does the windmill looks normal and clean? There are even no woods on the floor, how strange…

*Lyan went outside and takes a walk when she realizes something was wrong

Lyan: Omo! My foot, the sprain was gone! And even the bandage… I think I know who the person behind all these is…

*after a few miles of walk, a staff approach Lyan and said

Staff1: where did you go? Everybody’s looking for you; your manager is so worried about you…

Lyan: manager?

*the staff drags Lyan inside the tent

Staff1: Mr. Choi, I found Lyan

Mr. Choi: good, ivy please retouch Lyan’s make up. Lyan, I’ll talk to you later, I have to talk to the PD now…

*Mr. Choi leaves the room and Lyan asked the lady in the tent

Lyan: excuse me, can I ask you what’s going on?

Ivy: don’t you remember? After you get mad to the PD about the script, you ran away, you delayed the shooting for 4 hours. Mr. Choi is so mad at you; JB is so worried about you

Lyan: JB?

Ivy: de… it’s done, wait for the staff to call you

*Lyan has no clue what’s going on, she also notice the changes in her face and body and even in her dress. After a few minutes, JB secretly went inside the tent and covered Lyan’s eyes and kissed her in the cheeks…

JB: guess who?

*Lyan removed JB hand and look back

JB: you got us all worried, where did you go?

Lyan: but I don’t understand every detail

JB: don’t worry about the script they will handle it.

Lyan: I’m not talking about the script… have you seen Woong??

JB: Wooyoung?? I’m your boyfriend, why are you looking for him?

Lyan: boyfriend?

JB: why are you so weird today? Alright, I’ll go back to the tent, I’ll just check you later…

*JB left the tent and leaves Lyan alone inside the tent

Lyan: JB... Omo, what’s happening to me?

*then ivy went inside the tent to get some of her things…

Lyan: ivy, do you know Kang Wooyoung?

Ivy: of course, he’s a Hallyu star, who wouldn’t know who he is… you seems weird today Lyan

Lyan: Uhm, do you know where he is today? Is he here?

Ivy: Uhm… Lyan, he’s on abroad for his Hollywood shooting, don’t you remember? You even said farewell to him… as a far I know you seems to be mad at him before he leaves…

Lyan: ooh? May I borrow your laptop then?

Ivy: Lyan, I don’t have laptop, but you sure do. Wait, I’ll go get it, it’s somewhere here

*ivy get Lyan’s laptop at her bag

Ivy: oh look, it’s on your bag, here you go… why don’t you browse your laptop for a while, I’ll go check you later, Mr. Choi’s probably looking for me…

Lyan: ok, thanks

Ivy: no prob

*Lyan browse her laptop… she then found out that she is a superstar and had her debut at the age of 15. She found out that she had already made many albums and now shooting for a big movie called black sapphire, as the lead role, together with her boyfriend JB. She also search Wooyoung, she then found out that her best friend Woong is now a big time Hallyu actor and idol for such young age…

Lyan: Na otteoke? What’s happening? I have to talk to Woong, Omo! He’s return is on Friday, what took him so long?? Alright! Lyan-ssi, you just have to go with the flow, until he return, he’s the only person you can trust

*then manager Choi enter the tent

Mr. Choi: Lyan, go inside the car 

Lyan: Wae??

Mr. Choi: stop asking…

*inside the car

Mr. Choi: I already talk to the PD to delay the shooting. JB and Ivy told me that you seem weird today, so we’re going to the hospital

Lyan: Wae?! Im fine… there’s nothing wrong with me

Mr. Choi: for an actress like you, you must not go through amnesia or dementia… you must not forget each and every detail of your life

Lyan: what the hell are you talking about? I told you I’m fine

Mr. Choi: you’re fine huh?? Ok, what’s my whole name? You’re the only person beside the president that knows that… what’s my whole name?

Lyan: I-I don’t know…

Mr. Choi: Omo!! How could you forget my whole name? Are you playing with us huh? Lyan, just because you get mad with the PD, you’ll be mad at us also? That’s too much for your attitude Lyan

Lyan: I swear, I don’t know what’s happening Mr. Choi

Mr. Choi: Omo! Look! You don’t call me Mr. Choi; you always call me pops, you treat me like your real father, even though I am on the third

Lyan: you’re gay?

Mr. Choi: Aigoo! Did you just insult me? Ok… let me say this, first, when JB is not around, you’re always asking where he is, not Wooyoung. Second, you never call him JB, you call him Jinyoung Oppa. Third, before Wooyoung leaves Korea you’re mad at him and said you’ll never forgive him for leaving you. Fourth, you never let anyone touch your laptop, not even your PA Ivy, and fifth you don’t talk to her nicely. Tell me, how can you say that you’re alright?

Lyan: is it that bad to be nice?

Mr. Choi: see! I’m not saying that you have to be mean but since you become a superstar, you’re always mean that only JB can tolerate your attitude and only Wooyoung can handle your attitude, he’s the only one who can tame you. Not unless, he did something in America that will make you a better person

Lyan: yah! What are you saying?! Are you a jerk?

Mr. Choi: yah! That’s what I’m talking about, that attitude…

Lyan: am I that bad, really?

Mr. Choi: De…

Lyan: can I really trust you then?

Mr. Choi: there are only three people you trusted the most, it’s me, JB and Wooyoung

Lyan: stop the car; I’m going to tell you something. Let’s go to the more private coffee shop instead…

*then they both went to a near coffee shop

Mr. Choi: you love this coffee shop; you always went here, maybe because you missed Jeju Island in this place… anyway, what do you want to tell me?

Lyan: I hope this might not freak you out… but last time I check, last night I was just a normal teenager whose parents decided to separate and when I woke up this morning, I’m already a superstar, how come did that happen? When I search my laptop, there are pictures I don’t even remember, and there are also false details… I’m not a superstar at such a young age…

Mr. Choi: you’re acting crazy; this is totally serious, let’s go to the hospital

*Mr. Choi, stand up and was about to leave when…

Lyan: I’m not lying, I’m serious! It all started at the windmill, I have no other clue what’s happening on me

Mr. Choi: what did you just said?

Lyan: that I'm not lying

Mr. Choi: backward

Lyan: I'm serious

Mr. Choi: backward, backward

Lyan: I have no other clue?

Mr. Choi: nope, forward… I think I heard it wrong

Lyan: it all started at the windmill

Mr. Choi: Omo! Are you talking about the windmill at Jeju?

Lyan: De… Wae?

*Mr. Choi and Lyan take a sit again and started the conversation about the windmill

Mr. Choi: I once heard a story about the windmill in Jeju Island, it was a story my grandmother told me when I was ten years old, since then I never forget that story, it was remarkable… that windmill has a miracle, when a great lightning strikes the windmill, a magical thing would happen inside, every wish would come true… there’s an old man living at the windmill, he’s the caretaker of the windmill, whenever there’s a storm with lightning, he never let anyone enter the windmill. That man is called “the timekeeper”

Lyan: that’s the same thing that happen to me, it was just last night… I was crying inside the windmill when a great lightning suddenly strikes the windmill and woods fell on my head… the next morning when I woke up, everything changes, I'm a superstar. I don’t want to stay like this. I admit, I want to be a superstar but not like this, I was so clueless, my head is on puzzle, like jigsaw puzzle…

Mr. Choi: we must find the timekeeper… he has the only answer

*the next morning, they both went back at Jeju Island… when they reach the mysterious windmill, they saw an old man…

Mr. Choi: excuse me sir…

Old man: what’s the problem sir?

Mr. Choi: were looking for the caretaker of the windmill, is that you?

Old man: this windmill is not for sale, how many times I have to tell people like you about that! Get out of here; you cannot buy this windmill…

Lyan: wait! We’re not here to buy this windmill, were looking for the timekeeper!

Old man: what are you talking about?

Mr. Choi: my friend here is victimize by the windmill, something strange happen to her yesterday

Old man: so you’re the thick head that intend to mess with time

Lyan: I never intend to mess with it, I'm crying that night, It all happen accidentally

Old man: I never believed in that, it happened because you are destined to.

Lyan: I don’t want to live like this

Old man: but you ask for it, right? The windmill won’t give something that you’re not asking for

Lyan: but not like this… I just want to return to my normal life, if I want to be a superstar, I want to do it with blood, sweat and full of effort, not in just instant click…

Old man: I still have many things to do, you must leave now…

Lyan: please, I want to return to my normal life… please!

Old man: find true love…when you found it, you’ll know what ‘s next, but I warned you, when you found true love, it will be hard for you to decide whether you want to go back or stay like this… you must find true love with pure and innocent intentions…

*then they both went back, inside the car…

Lyan: how am I supposed to find true love then?

Mr. Choi: JB! He’s your boyfriend; I think it’ll be easy for you to go back then…

Lyan: it’s not that easy, I was not the superstar lyan; I'm the normal Lyan now, I don’t know how to love him like the old Lyan do…

Mr. Choi: well, is there any guy you love before? Before it all changes?

Lyan: I don’t know what kind of love I feel for him, I don’t know if it’s a love for a friend or love as in true love…

Mr. Choi: Aish, why didn’t you knew it before you change your future? it will be a lot easier for you… for right now, you have to go with the flow, act like a normal person, I’ll tell you later, whose friend and whose woes, who’s who and who’s the people you need to know

*the next day, at superstar Lyan’s house, an unexpected guest arrives…

Wooyoung: Annyeong!

Lyan: Woong?!

*Lyan runs and hugged Wooyoung tightly

Wooyoung: looks like someone misses me, you hugged tightly like you never seen me for years…

Lyan: I just miss you so much

Wooyoung: I thought you’re mad at me and would never forgive me for leaving you

Lyan: let’s forget it anyway; did you buy me a gift?

Wooyoung: of course, how could I forget that? Do you think that if I forgot to buy you gift, you will forgive me? Of course you won’t.

*Lyan remembers the sentence Wooyoung used to say to her.

Wooyoung: Wae? Why are you staring at me like that?

Lyan: nothing, I'm just glad that something still not changes…

Wooyoung: huh?

*Lyan, kisses Wooyoung at his cheeks and grabs the gift

Lyan: thanks Woong

 Wooyoung: yah! Why are you so comfortable at kissing me at my cheeks? We’re not kids anymore and what did you just call me? Woong? Haven’t I told you not to call me Woong anymore?

Lyan: I like it that way

Wooyoung: Aish, where’s Manager Choi anyway?

Lyan: he’s you’re manager too?!

Wooyoung: have you hit your head? Of course he is…

Lyan: I'm just kidding, he’ll arrive soon… he had a meeting with the president… Woong?

Wooyoung: Wooyoung

Lyan: Woong…

Wooyoung: Aish…

Lyan: if ever, something strange happen to me, would you believe me?

Wooyoung: Lyan, you already told me many lies, I always believe them, and I always intend to believe them

Lyan: but what if it’s true, would you still believe me?

Wooyoung: what’s it now?

Lyan: I think…

*but JB suddenly appears

JB: Omo! Wooyoung-ssi, you’re here!

Wooyoung: oh? JB!

Lyan: why do I have many visitors today?

JB: Wae? Aren’t you happy to see me?

*Lyan gave a fake smile

Lyan: of course, I'm glad to see you both here, feels like were having a reunion… good huh?

*after a few minutes, Mr. Choi arrives

Mr. Choi: oh? Wooyoung, I'm glad you already arrived…

JB: perfect, I both foods, there are lots, why don’t you help me first Wooyoung?

Lyan: JB, he just arrived, Woong must be having a jetlag…

*Mr. Choi looks at Lyan

Lyan: I mean, Jinyoung-Oppa, hahaha… I'm such a joker now-a day, hahaha!

Wooyoung: don’t sweat it Lyan, I'm alright, we’ll just get the foods…

*Wooyoung and JB both went outside…

Mr. Choi: I told you to act normal, stop acting strange…

Lyan: I'm sorry; it’s just, I'm not yet used to it… Pops, I think JB won’t help, because whenever he’s around I just feel irritated

Mr. Choi: who do you feel happy with?

Lyan: I'm so happy that Wooyoung is here, but when he arrived, I feel like my mood just change to something irritating

Mr. Choi: do you like Wooyoung?

Lyan: I still… don’t know yet

*during their meal

Lyan: Woong, here eat this. It’s good for your health

Woong: thank you but Lyan you don’t have to do this

Lyan: why not? You’re my best friend, I promise to take care of you, here take some

*the kitchen is surrounded by the awkwardness… Lyan keeps on feeding Wooyoung, while Wooyoung feels awkward because Lyan is feeding him in front of his boyfriend, while Mr. Choi can feel the tension around JB

Mr. Choi: so JB, are you planning to take the lead role in dream high?

JB: at first, I don’t want to, but someone’s pushing me to take the role

Mr. Choi: does it have kissing scenes?

JB: I think there are some, I hope someone won’t get mad at me about that…

*but Lyan keeps on ignoring JB and keeps on talking with Wooyoung

JB: Mr. Choi, I hope you don’t mind, if you’ll excuse me I'm done eating

*JB walks out.

Wooyoung: yah! Why did you do that in front of him? Did you two quarrel?

Lyan: Andwae… he’s just being childish…

Wooyoung: go talk to him now!

Lyan: alright…

*Lyan went outside to look for JB

Lyan: Woong will regret pushing me to JB… Aish, were could he be…

*Lyan found JB near the pond

Lyan: here you are, I search for you everywhere

JB: why did you search for me?

Lyan: because Woong told me to.

JB: why do you always talk about him? Why are you punishing me? Did I do something bad at you?

Lyan: Anni… it’s just one day, I woke up everything isn’t in order… Let’s break up, it won’t work out

JB: what?

Lyan: my life nowadays is complicated and you can’t help, you’ll just trouble me… I'm sorry for being honest… I’ll go inside, you better go home

*Lyan went inside the house…

Wooyoung: where’s JB?

Lyan: he went home, I know he’s not feeling well… and I know you too, so why don’t you rest? Take a sleep now…

Wooyoung: de… I’ll see you tomorrow

*Wooyoung went upstairs, while Lyan and Mr. Choi went outside for a talk

Mr. Choi: what happen?

Lyan: I broke up with him

Mr. Choi: what?! But why did you do that?

Lyan: hmm… it’s easy; I realize that whenever I saw him I got irritated. That’s what happens when I don’t like a guy, maybe I like him but I don’t like the fact that he is my boyfriend.

Mr. Choi: are you out of your mind? He’s your key

Lyan: he maybe my key, but he’s not the only key I have… I have Woong

Mr. Choi: are you saying that…

Lyan: De, I think I like him, because whenever he’s around I feel happy and whenever he’s not, I feel… melancholy. And, I don’t like the feeling being without him…

Mr. Choi: so you think it’ll be easy for him to fall in love with you? Remember, he treats you as he’s best friend and he won’t hook up easily with he’s other best friend’s ex

Lyan: I know, that’s why I will do my very best for him to like me

*the next morning, Lyan prepared a breakfast for Wooyoung and Mr. Choi

Lyan: good morning

Wooyoung: good morning, looks like we have an early bird in this house…

Lyan: early bird?

Mr. Choi: good morning you two. Lyan, I think Wooyoung’s just jealous that someone might take his place for cooking everyday in the morning

Lyan: Ohh… well then, let’s just eat… Woong-Oppa, you had your flight yesterday. So I had decided to take in charge for cooking in the morning this day, I guess… you hope, it won’t happen again…

Wooyoung: looks like my best friend’s taking care of me like a real Dongsaeng, did you really miss me that much?

Lyan: haha! You wish… did you just call me Dongsaeng? Do you want to die? Huh?

Wooyoung: haha! I'm just kidding, let’s eat…

Mr. Choi: Uhm, Wooyoung and Lyan I buy you two tickets…

Lyan: huh?

Mr. Choi: Uhm, you both work hard since you enter showbiz and never had a break, so I decided to give the both of you a vacation at Chunji hotel for a week

Lyan: a week?

Wooyoung: a week?! But I had appointments, there are loads

Mr. Choi: I'm manager right? Do you think I haven’t handled that yet? Of course, I already handle that

Wooyoung: huh, are you serious?

Mr. Choi: why are you so workaholic? Hey kiddo! You’re too young to spend your life like this

Wooyoung: alright, you win…

*after their breakfast, Mr. Choi and Lyan are at the kitchen

Lyan: what are you trying to do pops?

Mr. Choi: Im doing this for you, you said you want to get close to him right? You can’t get close to person whose workaholic

Lyan: you’re right… Kamsahmnida, pops 

Mr. Choi: don’t mention it; just do your best, Fighting!

Lyan: de, fighting!

*after breakfast, Wooyoung went to JB

Wooyoung: Lyan told me you don’t feel good yesterday… Is there a problem?

JB: she broke up with me…

Wooyoung: what?

JB: I know. It’s crazy, right?

Wooyoung: but why?

JB: I don’t know, she just told me that one day she woke up everything’s not in order, that her life is complicated and there’s nothing I can do, that I’ll just trouble her… I don’t understand and she won’t let me understand her situation… but Im guessing, that she’s doing it, because she realize… that she like you

Wooyoung: what are you talking about? Were just friends and you know that, because Im your bestfriend… you know that she’s my childhood friend, we all are…

JB: Since we shoot in Jeju, she changed… she’s always looking for you, she care for you so much, she never smiled at me like the way she smiled at you yesterday… I know it’s not pretending, it’s real smile that only your true love can give… right now, I don’t know what to do, but please, please take care of her… I don’t wanna see her sad, but if you fall in love with her and realize that you really love her, please take care of her until the end… right now, I don’t think there’s something I can do for her but to please you to look out for her….

Wooyoung: as you wish… but if you realize that you don’t want to let her go, you don’t have to inform me, fight for love…

JB: de, Kamsahmnida Kang Wooyoung

*then they both went on a trip, at the plane…

Wooyoung: do you really have to do that to him?

Lyan: do what?

Wooyoung: break up with him, on such a terrible way

Lyan: so you knew… it’s the only way I know, so that he won’t appear again in front of me…

Wooyoung: why are you doing this to him? What did he do to you to hurt him like this?

He’s my friend; you also once became friends…

 Lyan: you will not understand what’s happening

Wooyoung: why don’t you tell me so I can understand?

Lyan: because if I told you, it’ll be hard for you… let’s not talked about it.

*when they arrived at Chunji hotel, Wooyoung is still cold at Lyan

Wooyoung: here’s your room, put your clothes on the closet. I’ll go in my room

Lyan: de…

*at Lyan’s room

Lyan: why he’s still cold at me? I never thought it would be this hard, I hope this vacation would help me… Aish, why does he have to tell Woong about this?!

*Lyan went outside for a walk, Wooyoung knocks on Lyan’s door but there is no response, he also went outside to look for Lyan… Wooyoung found Lyan wandering in the hotel’s garden

Wooyoung: I went to your room

Lyan: Jeongmal?

Wooyoung: this vacation is for the both of us, you don’t have to went outside alone

*but Lyan kept on walking in the garden and ignore Wooyoung

Wooyoung: are you still mad at me? I see, you’re still ignoring me like Im not around

Lyan: it’s not dangerous here, whether you’re here or not, nothing will matter. I will not be in danger… in fact, there’s load of staff…

*Lyan’s sentence was cut when Wooyoung kissed her in the cheeks…

Wooyoung: Mianhae

*he apologizes with a sweet smile and hugged Lyan

Wooyoung: Im sorry for talking about JB, Im sorry for being cold to you a while a go

*then Lyan pushes Wooyoung

Lyan: yah! W-why did you do that?!

Wooyoung: Wae? You’re always doing that to me when we were kids

Lyan: but you never did that to me!

Wooyoung: de, I never thought it would be relaxing to do the same to you, is that what you also feels when you do that to me? Why you never tell me about it? Aish, so selfish… come on; I know a beautiful place here…

*Wooyoung grabs Lyan’s hand and went to a secret place

Wooyoung: isn’t this a paradise? It’s the hotel’s secret paradise, only few people knows this place

Lyan: wow! It’s so beautiful

*Wooyoung back hugged Lyan and said

Wooyoung: I miss you so much; I know these days have been so hard for you. Im sorry for being numb, I should have been beside you from the start… I will never let you go, never again

*Lyan faces Wooyoung; Wooyoung held Lyan’s hands and said

Wooyoung: I like you since we were young; I never told you my feelings because I know how much you like Jinyoung… I kept my feelings for you because I want my bestfriends to be happy and sacrifice to ignore my own feelings… we don’t have all the time in the world, I don’t wanna waste more time anymore because I wasted too much. Saranghae, Han Lyan, Jeongmal Saranghae

*Wooyoung kisses Lyan in the lips and hugged her… after a while, in Lyan’s room, she calls Mr. Choi

Mr. Choi: Yoboseyo?

Lyan: pops? Pops… its happening!

*Lyan screams at Mr. Choi on the phone

Mr. Choi: yah! Calm down… what happen?

Lyan: I don’t know what’s going on, but I really liked it.

Mr. Choi: did it go according to plan?

Lyan: well, he told me that he love me since we were young, I never thought that he liked me before… he also told me that he would never let me go but the plot here is… he kissed me!! Aaahh!!

Mr. Choi: yah! Stop screaming, it breaks my ears… well to tell you, I actually did something to wake him up

Lyan: really what did you do?

Mr. Choi: I actually tell him that the reason you are like this is because you had big problem and that problem is… you have brain cancer and there’s not enough time left for you

Lyan: Yah!!! Wae?!! Why did you tell him a lie?!

Mr. Choi: we don’t have other choice… I told him not to tell you that he knew you had brain cancer. Well it doesn’t matter because if you told him about the windmill, he will really think you had brain cancer because you’re acting crazy!! He might think you’re being paranoid because you’re ill and you didn’t lie to him, I did… you don’t have to worry darling

Lyan: I don’t know, but I think you’re really giving me a brain cancer. I’ll hang up, I need to rest, and it’s been a long day. Annyeong…

Mr. Choi: rest well, Annyeong…

*Lyan hangs up the phone…

Lyan: wait, I think there’s something wrong

*Lyan calls Mr. Choi again

Mr. Choi: yah! I thought you’re going to rest?

Lyan: Pops, there’s something wrong… if Wooyoung loves me and he kisses me, why am I still here? Isn’t that enough to say that it’s true love?

Mr. Choi: Andwae, that guy can’t lie… well, if it wasn’t him? Maybe it was you

Lyan: me?

Mr. Choi: how much do you like him? Are you sure it is enough to say it’s true love?

Lyan: I don’t know, everything happen unexpected and I was shocked on what happened

Mr. Choi: de! I remember… only pure and innocent intentions can reveal the magic of true love…

Lyan Omo! Do you think my intension wasn’t pure?

Mr. Choi: de, maybe you were thinking too much about the windmill, remember you cannot push yourself, only pure and innocent intentions can help you. We must not hurry but you need to try your best to adjust for now

Lyan: de…

Mr. Choi: go take a rest… Uhm Lyan… if you had the chance to go back to the real time, remember that I love you very much. You’ll always be a good daughter to me and don’t you forget me ok?

Lyan: de… I love you too, Pops… Annyeong

Mr. Choi: Annyeong

*Lyan was disappointed and hangs up the phone, the next day

Wooyoung: did you sleep well?

Lyan: oh? De…

Wooyoung: let’s go eat

*Lyan realizes that whenever Wooyoung is around, her aura feels positive… while eating

Lyan: Woong, why do you love me?

Wooyoung: honestly, you were my crush since kindergarten, we grew up together but one day I thought I love you because you’re my friend, I get jealous whenever you talk about JB because I thought I would lose my best friend. But when you got into an accident when we were on 5th grade, I ask myself why I care about you so much, and then I found out that Im truly in love with you. I actually thought my feelings for you were puppy love; I never thought I would grow up loving only you.

Lyan: was that the reason why you never had a girlfriend?

Wooyoung: de… I’d rather be single my whole life than to be committed to someone I don’t love... How about you?

Lyan: huh, I don’t know… these past few days, I’ve been thinking why I am so comfortable with you and like you, why do I care about you so much and why I feel melancholy or uncomfortable whenever you’re not around

Wooyoung: maybe you just get used to it that Im always by your side

Lyan: I don’t think so. Maybe the real Lyan is very different from the superstar Lyan; I just wanna be me, I don’t want to make controversies

Wooyoung: are you saying that now? Because you already made a lot of issues

Lyan: hahaha! I know… it’s just; maybe I’ve woken myself in reality or… Im still dreaming

Wooyoung: you know, since I left… you became really weird

Lyan: really? What weird?

Wooyoung: as in, weird-weird

Lyan: really? You think so?

Wooyoung: de… but I like it, because you care about me so much and I feel like you’re the commoner Lyan and not the superstar Lyan, just like when we were kids, so caring

*Lyan smiles at Wooyoung. After their dinner, Lyan went back on her room… then an unexpected visitor knock on his door… when she opens the door…

Lyan: JB?

JB: Lyan, I miss you

*JB hugged Lyan, but Lyan pushes JB, then JB enter Lyan’s room, leaving the door open

JB: Lyan, listen… I realize that, I can’t just let you go, I won’t let you go. I’ve woken myself up and you have to wake yourself up too, its reality Lyan… Im your boyfriend, I know you still love me; I still have a place in your heart

*Wooyoung went to Lyan’s room but stopped when he hears a voice and he was shocked to see JB at Lyan’s room. He hides and heard what JB said he suddenly feels sad and went outside for a drive. While on Lyan’s room…

Lyan: JB, you don’t understand, I don’t love you anymore. Stop acting like a child and understand every word I said

JB: no, Lyan please. Give me a chance again; I’ll make it up to you

 Lyan: I love Wooyoung, so please stop!

JB: what?

*JB was so shocked on what he heard

Lyan: you heard it right

JB: since when? Since when are you cheating me?!

Lyan: I did not cheat, I never cheat. You don’t understand I love him, I can’t live without him. Our relationship, never really exist. It is the reality… and you’re dreaming, you’re the one who have to wake up here… there is no second chance, it should’ve never really happen. Mianhae, Joesonghamnida Lee Jinyoung

*Lyan went outside and finds Wooyoung, she calls Wooyoung but no one answer his phone. Lyan search all over the hotel but did not see even a shadow of Wooyoung… after a few minutes, Lyan’s cellphone ring

Lyan: it’s Wooyoung!

*she picked up the phone and

Lyan: yah! Kang Wooyoung! Why did you not answer your phone?

*but Lyan heard an unfamiliar voice

Police: excuse me ma’am, are you a relative of the owner’s phone?

Lyan: huh?

Police: since you are on his speed dial, we tried to call you. The owner of this phone got into an accident, he’s condition is unstable so please immediately come to the hospital

Lyan: what?

*Lyan was so shocked on what she heard, her body feels paralyzed and don’t even know what she’ll do. When she woken herself into reality she immediately went on the hospital and called Mr. Choi to go as well.

Lyan: Yoboseyo?

Mr. Choi: de, Lyan

Lyan: Pops, Wooyoung got into an accident, come immediately to the hospital

Mr. Choi: alright, Im coming… Lyan, please relax, ok?

Lyan: de… Pops please come immediately. I don’t know what to do?

Mr. Choi: alright, alright, Im going

*fortunately, Mr. Choi was on a business trip near the hospital’s location, at the hospital… Lyan waits outside the emergency room, after a while Mr. Choi arrived

Lyan: pops

Mr. Choi: Lyan, what happen?

Lyan: the police told me that there are witnesses that his car runs very fast and it flipped, I-I I don’t know what to do, I don’t know what happen, he’s very safe when it comes to driving. But I guess he heard us, JB went to the hotel acting crazy and trying to settle our relationship, I think he thought I would go back to JB… I don’t know pops

Mr. Choi: calmed down Lyan, let’s just hoped that he will be fined

*after a 30 minutes of waiting the doctor came out and said

Doctor: Im very sorry, we did everything we could to revive the patient, but we lose him…

*Lyan cries and said

Lyan: no, no! You’re lying! I know he will be fine! You’re lying, take it back!

Doctor: Joesonghamnida

*the doctor leaves… Wooyoung’s body takes outside the room and brings to another room… Lyan went inside the room and Mr. Choi said

Mr. Choi: I’ll leave you first; I’ll settle the hospital bills

*Lyan nods… she hugged Wooyoung and continuously cries. Lyan talks to Wooyoung’s cadaver

Lyan: how could you do this to me? I just chose you over JB, how can I live without you? Wooyoung, Saranghae… I will always love you

*Lyan kisses Wooyoung and a huge wave of wind enter the room and Lyan went in to a magical portal, she saw the old man behind her

Old Man: it’s time; it’s time for you to go back Lyan

Lyan: time keeper?  No, no, I can’t leave Wooyoung behind

Old Man: are you saying that you want to stay?

Lyan: wait, if I go back… would he still be alive

Old Man: of course, he didn’t die back there. But remember, if a person dies in this time, he may still die the same date and the same time

Lyan: but I can stop this right?

Old Man: there are always hope, choices and chances most are second chance

Lyan: then I can still settle this!

Old Man: But I can’t promise you, that he will still love you the same that you have here

Lyan: as long as he will be alive… De! Im going back

*Lyan went back to the real time… Lyan wake up in the windmill

Lyan: huh? Am I really back in real time?

*Lyan notices the woods on the floor, her bandage in foot and her sprain are all back. She happily said…

Lyan: I am!

*Lyan runs faster and went to Wooyoung’s house, ignoring her sprain. When she saw Wooyoung in their garden, she immediately hugged Wooyoung very tight.

Lyan: Kang Wooyoung! Im so happy to see you

Wooyoung: I miss you too?

*Wooyoung was clueless on what happen to Lyan and why she’s acting weird

Wooyoung: take a sit, did you eat breakfast?

*then Lyan’s tummy craves

Lyan: oh?

Wooyoung: alright, I see

*Wooyoung, told the maid to get Lyan something to eat

Wooyoung: so what’s new? Why are you very excited today? And how’s your sprain?

Lyan: the sprain? I don’t know and I don’t care. Im so happy to see you

Wooyoung: why are you so happy?

Lyan: nothing, just happy…

 Wooyoung: are you happy because you’re parents are going to separate and they’ll take you somewhere far?

*Lyan was shocked and her mood suddenly changes

Lyan: how did you know about that?

Wooyoung: your mother went here, asking if you’re here… they’re looking for you last night, they’re so worried about you, why do you make people worried about you?

Lyan: I don’t intend to… it’s a long story, you won’t believe what happen to me either.

Wooyoung: what are you talking about?

Lyan: Woong, how much do you love me? How important I am to you?

Wooyoung: what?

Lyan: if you’re just going to lie, you’re gonna regret it your whole life. How much do you love me?

*Wooyoung sighed deeply, smiled and said…

Wooyoung: you are the most important part that happens to my life, I like you since we were young, and I never told you my feelings…

Lyan: because you thought I like Jinyoung, you kept your feelings for me because you want your bestfriends to be happy and even ignore your own feelings

Wooyoung: how did you know?

Lyan: I just know… and I know you don’t wanna waste time anymore because you already wasted too much

*Wooyoung nods and Lyan kisses Wooyoung… after few days, they are always together and happily went to many places, then one day Wooyoung brings Lyan to a secret place

Lyan: where are we now?

Wooyoung: just wait for a while, were near there… you can remove the blindfold now

*Lyan was shocked to see the place that Wooyoung brought her too

Wooyoung: isn’t it beautiful?

Lyan: are we on Chunji hotel?

Wooyoung: oh? How did you know?

Lyan: Ahh, nothing… I just knew it

*then Lyan remember something…

Lyan: what’s the date today?

Wooyoung: Wae?

Lyan: just answer me

Wooyoung: June 14, Thursday. Wae?

Lyan: Aniyo, We need to go home, let’s just go home, Ok?

Wooyoung: Home? Right now? But its miles away

Lyan: alright, let’s just go somewhere safe

Wooyoung: safe? What’s happening Lyan? Marebwa

Lyan: Nothing… let’s just take a rest, ok?

Wooyoung: alright

*at the room

Wooyoung: I'm going back at my room, take a rest, I’ll see you tomorrow

Lyan: Wooyoung wait! Can you stay at my room for tonight?

Wooyoung: alright, I’ll just get some of my things and I’ll be back

Lyan: ok

*Wooyoung is about to enter his room, then suddenly a man approaches him

Staff: sir, here are the keys you order for the car

Wooyoung: oh? Ok…

Staff: can you please sign this?

Wooyoung: alright, uhm… do you know where can I buy chocolate cake? It’s for my girlfriend

Staff: sir, I can get one for you. What’s your room no.?

Wooyoung: oh, you don’t have to. I see that you had a lot of work to do, just tell me where it is?

Staff: it’s at the first floor, at the refectory, on the left

Wooyoung:  alright, thank you. Here, some tip

Staff: oh? Thank you, sir

Wooyoung: you’re welcome

*when the guy left, Wooyoung decided to buy some cake first before packing his things up. At Lyan’s room

Lyan: what takes him so long?

*Lyan was worried what take Wooyoung so long, she went to his room and found that he’s not there. She went outside to look for Wooyoung, then Wooyoung who was about to buy cake saw her going outside, then Wooyoung followed him. While searching for Wooyoung, a group of guys approach Lyan…

Guy1: miss are you alone?

Guy2: do you need company?

Guy3: wow, you are so pretty….

Lyan: I'm fine; can you please leave me alone?

Guy1: come on, miss… let’s just have fun for tonight

*then Wooyoung came

Wooyoung: Lyan, what are you doing here?

Lyan: Woong, I was looking for you

Wooyoung: are you alright?

Lyan: de…

Wooyoung: let’s go

Guy2: hey! Are you saying we harass your girl?

Wooyoung: no, but you’re about to.

Guy3: huh, do you wanna die?

Guy1: I think this guy was looking for problem; unfortunately your soft skin will have bruises for today…

Wooyoung: Lyan, move away!

*then the guy attempt to punch Wooyoung but failed, and then Wooyoung punches the guy, then also the other two guy. The three guys who looks like gangster fought Wooyoung but looses, when the three of them are lying on the floor, Wooyoung went to Lyan

Wooyoung: are you alright? Let’s go, ok?

*then one of the guy saw a block of wood and pick it up and hit Wooyoung’s head very hard

Lyan: Woong!

*after the guy hit Wooyoung’s head, they escaped. The blood on Wooyoung’s head slowly falls on his face; Wooyoung’s face was covered with blood… Lyan was crying and shouting for help. After a few minutes a help came… at the ambulance

Lyan: Woong, please don’t die. Don’t leave me alone… again

*Wooyoung tries to respond

Wooyoung: what are you talking about? I won’t leave you… I never had… be strong… you don’t have to… worry… I'm fine… I won’t die… because we have… to sue those guys… who hit me…

*Wooyoung smiled at Lyan

Lyan: how can you joke this time? Stop talking too much and just promise me you’ll wake up.

*then they arrived at the hospital… after a few hours of operation the doctor came out

Doctor: the patient’s condition is out of danger now

Lyan: thank god, thank you so much doctor

Doctor: but I have to tell you that we lost him for 30 minutes, but fortunately we revived his life. For my 20 years of service in the hospital, he’s the first person I handle whose life is a miracle. The boy is really fighting for his life, we were about to give up on him, but his pulse are somehow giving hope and clue not to give up, so we really tried our best and it takes us 40 minutes of CPR. From what I see, it looks like the boy tries to live for you. Please take care of him, the boy’s life is miracle, it’s precious.

Lyan: I will…

*Lyan was so surprise what the doctor told her… after a few days, Lyan was sleeping beside Wooyoung. She was awakened by Wooyoung touching her hair…

Lyan: Woong, you’re awake! Wait for a while; I’ll just call the nurse

Wooyoung: wait, just call her later… come here and hug me.

*Lyan’s tears slowly fall

Lyan: I thought you’ll leave me again, the doctor told me you died for 30 minutes

Wooyoung: really? But that did not happened because I made a promise to you…

Lyan: the police also came by; they said that the three gangsters were caught the next day

Wooyoung: Jeongmal? That’s good news…

*later that night…

Wooyoung: I'm sorry, I left you

Lyan: huh?

Wooyoung: and I'm sorry I forgot those dreams…

Lyan: what are you talking about?

Wooyoung: that night that you run away, I went at your house…

*your mother was crying, when they found out that you’re not in my house, they knew you run away, so I went at the windmill to look for you, like what happened to you… it also happened to me, I was ahead of you that time. I was talking to the timekeeper when lightning strikes the windmill that is why when you enter the windmill the time keeper wasn’t there… he told me I was sent there for a mission, that I was destined to. In the dream world, I mostly have a conversation with the time keeper. I was also clueless on what was happening to me but I found out that I had a diary; it helps me to adjust on the dream world. There I knew that even in that dream world my feelings never changed, and I was lucky to. I came to think of it, maybe it’s my chance to confess my feelings for you so I did not waste my time and fortunately after a few minutes Manager Choi called and I thought it really it is. That is why I followed you at the hotel’s garden. And then, I found you and JB at your room at the hotel; at that moment I thought I was sent here to make you both realize that you are both destined to love each other. It really broke my heart… because of so much anger; I drove a red car, driving with full speed. Then suddenly the time keeper appears in front of the car, so I turn right. That is when I had the car accident… he then told my “what I was doing?” he explained…

Time Keeper: I sent you here to make you and the girl you love realize what part you’re missing… you are looking at the wrong picture, I didn’t sent you here to make them realize that they are meant for each other, Wooyoung in the dream world is miserable and hopelessly devoted to a girl he can’t even have, look what happened to you, you killed the Wooyoung in this world… that girl, the girl you love is here at the same situation like yours… she accidentally messed my “dream book of life”

Wooyoung: so she knew what was happening all this time? Oh my god!

Time Keeper: you will have to go back to the real world because you died here… I can’t promise you that you’ll remember what happened here…

Wooyoung: but why? That is unfair

Time Keeper: you died and you failed, that’s it. I hope you make it this time in the real world… thank you and goodbye…

Wooyoung: we talked again; he told me that I can have the second chance here in the real world as a reward for what I did in the dream world; he told me that after a few minutes of leaving, something good came up… and us being there, is a really big help for him. He said he also want to thank you.

Lyan: he did help us also… time keeper is a good guy… but I wonder what happen to Pops…

Wooyoung: I hope he’s doing well

*the day after, Wooyoung was discharged in the hospital… A fine weather at the grass field, while walking together… A vehicle stops by and a guy asked them

Mr. Choi: excuse me, may I ask you? Do you know where the windmill here is?

Wooyoung: Mr. Choi?!

Lyan: Pops?!



                                                       --The End--      















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Chapter 1: I love this one. Hehe. ^_^
KPOP_survivor #2
loooooooooooooooovvvvvve it so touching its so realistic daebak =^^= hehe