Donghae is meant for Eunhyuk & the other way round

Donghae is meant for Eunhyuk & the other way round

Somewhere at the restaurant....

Donghae : I need someone to talk to,Hyukkie..

Eunhyuk : I'm always here for you,Hae..

Donghae : I know

Eunhyuk : What's wrong???

Donghae : I like someone so much

Eunhyuk : Talk to that person

Donghae : I don't know.He won't ever like me.

Eunhyuk : Don't say're amazing

Donghae : I just want his to know how i feel.

Eunhyuk  : Then tell him.

Donghae : He won't like me.

Eunhyuk : How do you know that??

Donghae :  I can't just tell him...

Eunhyuk : Well just tell him

Donghae : What should i say ??

Eunhyuk : Tell him how much you like him

Donghae : I tell him daily.

Eunhyuk : What do you mean?

Donghae : i'm always with him...I LOVE HIM

Eunhyuk : I know how you feel..I have the same problem as you,Hae..but he'll never like me..


Donghae :  Wait..!! Who do you like??

Eunhyuk : Oh,some boy.

Donghae : Hmm,he won't like me neither.

Eunhyuk : He does *smile*

Donghae : How do you know??? 

Eunhyuk : B'cuz who wouldn't like you..??

Donghae : You

Eunhyuk : You're wrong. I LOVE YOU

Donghae : I love you too..

Eunhyuk : So, are you going to talk to him???

Donghae : I just did..

Eunhyuk  : Thnks,Hae!!!


~~~You never knew unless you try...3,2,1, action boy~~~



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Chapter 1: omo! why too short?

i was like.. "BWOOO? ITS THE END? HUWAAAAH! :'("

kekeke! nice! ^^
Chapter 1: so sweet <3 <3 <3 so adorable :D really... it's so cute!!!! <3 <3 <3 it made my day smile ;)
well, it was quite cute, but I don't like the style of writing - sorry. I prefer a real text not those scripted sentences.. It a good idea for a story so I think you should've done it the "normal" way, it would've been better.. if you understand what I mean :P Sorry, english is not my first language so I often don't know how to discribe my ideas..^^
thnks 4 ur comment..hihi..^_^
simple and cute
so so sweet
nv_yoochangsun #7
Arww short and sweet way of confessing ^^