This fic is inspired by these gifs!




“I’m backkkkkk!!” The voice that Onew missed so much travelled down the hallway. Excited, he hobbled his way out to the living room to see Key taking off his shoes. Onew has been stuck in the house for days due to his injury and thus were unable to join the other members for schedule. “The others have gone somewhere, I don’t know where!” Key said, as he waved his arms around. Onew smiled, thinking “they’re trying to give us some alone time, silly.”

Key put his stuff down - his diva-ish bag, his favourite Americano and gave his old man a big hug. “I miss you~ and I hate you!!!” Onew got a shock, pulling away from the hug reluctantly, he looked at Key with a questioning look. “Its Paris! Paris, jinki, paris!! And you didn’t go with me, I hate you” Key pouted. Relieved that Key didn’t actually really hate him, Onew hugged the pouty boy and muttered sorry-s. “Now go take a bath, I bet you are tired already.” Key nodded cutely and scoots off to bathe, totally forgetting his ‘hatred’ for Onew.

“I smell so niceee, like strawberries!” Key skipped out from the bathroom happily, preparing to enjoy his coffee while watching the television with his boyfriend. “Jinki, did you see my coffee? I put it here, on the table.” Key asked, while searching the living room table, and the kitchen for his coffee. Key didn’t receive any answer, so he went out to see what the old man is doing. All he saw was Jinki backfacing him, watching television so he went back to the kitchen, wondering where he exactly placed his coffee. Slightly annoyed, he went to find Jinki again, “Jinki, did you see…” He didn’t have to finish his question before he got the answer he needed. “YAHHHH!!! LEE JINKI, WHAT ARE YOU DOING! THAT’S MYYYYY COFFEE!!”

Startled, Onew just stared at Key, and smiled sheepishly after a few seconds and stretched out his hand to pass Key his coffee. “It was too tempting, Kibum ah” Key reached out for it and got another shock at the now much lighter weight cup. “Lee jinki…….” He said in low tone and took the nearest cushion to him and threw it at the older boy. “I’m sorry baby! I’m sorry! I’ll pay you back okay! Or I can buy you something else, whatever you want!” Onew said hastily when he saw Key reaching out for the second cushion. Key stopped when he heard the last line. Smiling sweetly, Key sat down and cuddled close to his boyfriend, “You said that yourself, baby. And oh, you can have the rest of the coffee!” At that instant, Onew felt relieved and happily drank up the little bit of coffee left, enjoying the rest of the time that they have left together before the other members came back.

Few days later, Key came back from shopping, looking all satisfied. He showed off his shopping goods to the other members, of which included two caps that are so expensive that the rest got a shock when they heard it. “Oh Jinki, you’re paying for one of them, you promised that you’ll buy me something, whatever I want, remember?” Key said with smile, the smile that Jinki loved the most, and since he did say he will buy Key something, all he could do was to smile back lightly and say, “of course, Kibum ah, no problem”. While at the same time, Jonghyun burst out laughing “Hyung! Of all things you have to promise Key that, are you mad!” With that, Key’s smile disappeared, replaced with a glare and started running after the older boy. They only stopped when Jonghyun hid behind Minho, with Key deciding to let him off this time round. All these while, Onew was at the side, staring at the cap that costs him a bomb, thinking, “oh well, if this makes Kibum happy, then so be it!" and he couldn't help it but smile when Key came to him for another hug. ♥ 



The end! :x

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ilabya20 #1
xxxcandies #2
Jinki is such a good hubby. xD
So cute!
Thank you for writing this oneshot!
Ahahah, this is so cute XD
2minshineeontae #4
this is another good story!!!
i love the stories that you write!!!!!
keep on writing!!

p.s i think that you are my most fav author ^.^
ellieg4453 #5
Awwwww jinki is so sweet allowing key to buy something so expensive :3