


Chapter 2:





Kyungsoo finds out that day that Kris has a sweet tooth after the tall man sneaks in his sixth packet of cookies, a second Double-Stuf Oreo. Kyungsoo sighs. He pondered how close they had become in the span of just a day. It felt like he had known Kris his whole life, and as they spent more time together at the grocery store, Kyungsoo found himself growing more and more comfortable and less and less nervous. Sort of. Kris was still really hot.


“Kris, we can’t get this many cookie packets,” Kyungsoo says, exasperated. “I neither have the money for more than two, nor do I think it’s particularly, er, healthy, especially for you, Leader Kreees.” Kyungsoo laughs, exaggerating the last syllable and pulling a face.


“Especially for me?” Kris says, startled at Kyungsoo’s sudden snark. “What makes me so special?”


“Well, for one, you are the leader, and you have to set a good example,” Kyungsoo replies. “And two,” He comes closer to Kris so others can’t hear, “You want people to think you’re a fatty?” Kyungsoo smirks triumphantly and winks as he slyly puts one of the packets back on the shelf.


Kris gawks at Kyungsoo.


“I am not- I just- I like cookies and- Kyungsoo can- Can I just get two then?” Kris stutters, completely flustered. Kyungsoo laughs. Kyungsoo had never seen Kris act so adorable before. Kyungsoo pats Kris's cheeks and puts back three of the remaining five packets. 

“What did I do?” Kris asks then, rubbing at his cheeks.

“I don’t care what anyone says, Kris,” Kyungsoo says without really even thinking, leaning in so only Kris can hear him. “You’re a cutie.”




A CUTIE. He had called him a CUTIE. What was Kris going to do? No one ever called him cute, not without a slap or a kick in the shin or something violent and bruising, but Kris couldn’t bring himself to do anything but accept the compliment from the small, round-cheeked boy. They returned to their apartment house to find each room in a different state of madness. Sehun and Luhan had been furiously making out in their room, and had, unfortunately for Kris’s curiosity, left their door open. Already? But then he remembered their email correspondence that had spanned over four months prior to the merger, and how Luhan and Sehun had hit it off almost instantly, and just shrugged it off.  


Suho and Yixing were playing a video game intensely, their hair in different states of disarray and Yixing swearing profusely. Kai and his roommate Tao were asleep on top of each other, snoring and drooling everywhere, and Xiumin had decided that everything was delicious, and he and Chen were slowly picking at Baekhyun and Chanyeol’s leftover pizza.


Kris and Kyungsoo walked as silently as possible into their dormitory room, and Kyungsoo hurried with the groceries into the deluxe kitchen Kyungsoo had specifically asked for.


Kris didn’t expect to be so amazed by cooking. Kyungsoo’s movements were graceful, almost flawless, and the best part, in Kris’s opinion, was that Kyungsoo sang while he worked. Kris had looked at the bios that the head of school had given them regarding the six other councilmembers, and had read on Kyungsoo’s page that he was part of the school choir with Baekhyun.


Kris had overheard Chen, M-school’s own resident choirboy, ask Kyungsoo about how he got to lead singer. Kyungsoo had bashfully stuttered that it was all because of Baekhyun who thought Kyungsoo was better suited for the job and had the chops for it, adding that he didn’t think he was “that good, though, so I feel like I’m letting them down.” To which Baekhyun whacked him on the arm and glared at him.


Kris knew now why Baekhyun had chosen Kyungsoo for lead vocalist.


Kyungsoo’s voice was like his cooking style; smooth, with a dash of husk, a sprinkle of falsetto and a pinch of high-note, and a whole lot of holy mother of god he’s good.

Kris found himself clapping when Kyungsoo finished singing his song. Kyungsoo looked surprised, or maybe that was just his face, and turned around with two plates of spaghetti.


“You’re an amazing singer,” Kris says, pulling a fork out of his place settings and putting a napkin on his lap. “I’m not surprised you’re lead vocalist. You and Chen should sing together.” Kyungsoo blushed furiously and shook his head.


“I’m not that great, I just really like singing,” Kyungsoo said, trying to rub the pinkness from his cheeks, but to no avail.


“You’re kidding right?” Kris said. “You’re fantastic, Kyungsoo-ah! You should go into this for a living!” He ruffled the younger man’s hair as Kyungsoo blushed harder.


“You flatter me,” Kyungsoo said. “Eat up, Kris-hyung. I want to know if it’s good.”


When the spaghetti first hit Kris’s tongue, he was certain that he had just experienced paradise. Kyungsoo was looking at him with those big, big eyes, focusing on every bite he took nervously, fiddling with his fork with his long fingers.


Kris let out a groan after he swallowed the first bite.


“This is ing incredible,” Kris said, without thinking, shoveling the spaghetti into his mouth. “What the Kyungsoo, why didn’t you tell me you were so good at cooking?”

Kyungsoo had that face again.


“Kris-hyung,” Kyungsoo said nervously. “If you eat that fast you’ll get indigestion.”


“I don’t care! It’s delicious, and I'll eat as fast as I damn well please! indigestion! I'm a grown man!” Kris blurted. The food was way too good to think about being cool and y.


Kyungsoo ate pretty quickly, so he and Kris had finished at around the same time. As Kyungsoo put the plates in the sink, Kris couldn’t help but wonder what else the little man would surprise him with.



Kris made a rule the next night:


Never drink alcohol with Kyungsoo.  


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i'm pretty sure the maintenance thing on this site ate the sixth chapter, so i'll post it again with the seventh tomorrow :D


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Zizzlebug #1
Chapter 9: This is so cute!
SashaHRH #2
Chapter 8: Would love to see this continued! KriSoo are just the cutest thing together!!! Please come back to it :)
Chapter 3: o.O AINT this M rated? idek man just suggesting
DoubleYsYeoja #4
Chapter 8: I want the full one soon . Looking forward for next love ! ♥
Chapter 8: Feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeels
Chapter 7: continue this story please author-nim ^^ pwety pwesssss...

krisoo~ omgomgomg. please~ cant wait for ur update author-nim
blossompie #8
Chapter 7: I want an update T.T
minhosnoona #9
Chapter 7: soooooo cute!!!! Please update soon!