

Its our 4th year anniversary. I still cant believe that we will make our relationship this far but we made it and I am glad though its hard at some times but that doesn’t matter as long as Iwill be able to hold him, kiss him and as long as I can hear him say those three words.



I really hope that he would be happy about my surprise tonight




I went up to his apartment and open it with the spare key he gave me. Its dark inside, maybe hes in his room, I tiptoed my way to there and was about to surprise him but what I saw didn’t only surprise me but left me breathless and broken..



He is in there, in his bed with a girl making out…I stood there cant believe what im seeing, I dont know for how long the next minute then I saw the girl with him, its my bestfriend…



Chaerin-ah! I said out loud without meaning to



They stop their deed and look at me with wide eyes, 



Her is in schock





Him is surprise….




“Dara-yah ” he called my name and stood up from the bed and make his way towards  me



“Why? How dare you both do this to me? Am I not enough? What else do you want from me? How could you do this to me, how could you” I shouted at him, tears flowing freely



He was just looking at me, with regret in his eyes



Mianhe, baby, I don’t know what happen, please listen to me, I love you



“you do? Really? Then what the hell is this? it jiyong, you know how much I love you, you know that I will do anything for you right?.... I will do anything you ask me for?...But why?” I told him while crying and with a pained voice I added



“You just could ask me to die, if you don’t want me anymore, you don’t have to this because I can’t take this, I can’t bear this pain jiyong! How could you, just kill me! JUST please kill me”







No don’t call me that you , I love you, you are my bestfriend, of all the people you are the one who knows the most how much I love him, then why did you do this? Did I hurt you? Did I do anything bad to you? If I did you could have just told me chaerin-yah, , I will give anything for you to forgive me, I will pay you but not this…not this… “ I told her then run away from that place, run away from the people I love the most but the same people who hurt me. I can hear them calling my name, running after me...




I run, run, and run until I trip into something, I didn’t even realize that it’s raining already, here I am soak, crying and broken.




Oh God, please help me, please let this pain go away, please just let me die right now, I can’t take this…



What did I do to deserve this? 



Am I not a good friend?




Am I not a good girlfriend?




Am I not enough?



 my life was perfect





I was successful





I had a boyfriend





And I was happy






But all of it is all in the past…WAS









My life is in shamble





I am broken 





He breaks my heart into pieces when he decided to cheat on me with my best friend



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untitledtae #1
Alone18 #4
ahhhh SEQUEL...i hate a broken dara!!..
jiyong cl go to hell..
make ji.regret t please..cl u two face b~>.<grrr..
ji u just wste 4 great i mean incredible years for just cl??dara is way better..
i just hate their character here^^
dara be strong...authornim i need to make a sequel or else lolz=D
please make an update^^
Dorkhiem #5
that was sad..

really. sobs.
kyutae12 #6
Please make a sequel but still a daragon one.. But make sure Jiyong suffers.. And so does chaerin.. Kekeke... :P (they kind of deserve it XD )
myjoyce1986 #7
make a sequel and make it a tabisan fic pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee since jiyong is a jerk and dara is always hurt so please make her happy and she deserve someone else so make it tabisan please
MollieBes #8
poor dara. make a sequel pls... T.T
mylyza07 #9
authornim are u lovedaragon_21? coz i think i have read this in one chapter of the stories...that i love most, that's why i recognize this...
pinkandblue #10
Poor Dara. I wanted her to be happy. If there is a sequel, pls. make Dara a strong person who can handle hardships. I hope the people who hurt her knows what mistake they did. :)