My Second Love




 "Someone please remind me to kill me Onew once we get off this plane to Hawaii...." Kibum muttered to himself as he rubbed the bridge of his nose with a headache.
TaeMin was crying in the bathroom , Jonghyun and himself want kill Onew , and Minho is too busy talking to a girl that will be going to Hawaii with us. And all of this happened because , You guessed it! 
I guess if I told you what happened you would understand....
SHINee was boarding the plane to get from Korea to Hawaii. Key , Minho , and Jonghyun were excited , especially Kibum , since he has always wanted to go to Hawaii for a vacation. Onew was a nervous-wreck , about staying next to his crush for 5+ hours , and sharing a room with him for a week. TaeMin was petrified of planes , even though the group always go on them atleast once a month.
 Key-Umma , worrying for his son ,  was about to comfort Tae-Baby , but Onew did something that warmed up Kibum and Jonghyun's hearts. 
"Don't worry , I'll make sure nothing bad happens." Onew whispered softly into TaeMin's ear , causing them to both to blush a light violet.
Jonghyun watched the fan-service (( Not that they were doing it for fans , unless JONGKEY counted :D )) and announced " ONTAE couple is too cute" , which Kibum replied with a simple nod and went back into thinking. 
"KIM KIBUM-AH , Come on! We gotta get on the plane!" Minho yelled snapping the boy out his trance , dragging his and Jong luggages onto the plane.
Key sat next to his short lover , Onew next to TaeMinnie , and Minho was accompined by one of Kibum's girl friends that was also going to Hawaii for some weird reason.
 ' Oh , Krystal! What a coincedince she is coming to Hawaii also! They seem to be hitting it off well" , Kibum thought before he turned foward into his seat.
4 Hours into the trip , Jong fell asleep on Key's shoulder while he was reading a fashion magazine making his own little comments such as " GURL YOU R TOTS ROCKING THOSE JEANS" , and , "HMM-HMM HONEY. THAT SHIRT WITH THOSE SHOES GURL?" and more in low whispers. 
Minho seemed to like the girl , Krystal ,  he was talking to . Onew was reading a book of famous places in Hawaii , but was nervous sitting so close to TaeMin , while Taem was listening to his IPOD. 
This is the part where another problem started. So you know how Onew likes TaeMin? Well get this. SH*TS ABOUT TO GO DOWN GUYS. "Onew-Hyung , can I ask you something?" TaeMin asked with a serious face , shifting in his seat to face his hyung. 
Onew nodded a little worried , tearing his attention away from the book. Onew knew when TaeMin put on a serious face , TaeMinne is not joking. TaeMin asked the following as if he was about to burst into tears and kept stuterring , 
" W-w-what do y-you think of m-m-me?" 
What Onew told TaeMin in reply caused TaeMin to go the restroom crying , and Kibum to kill Onew. 
"Sorry , TaeMin-Ah , I only think of you as a best friend and doesang only." 
Onew declared it like it didn't matter about TaeMin's being and emotions which made me wana kick his chicken . TaeMin looked suprised for a second , stood up with his head hanging low , walked away to the bathroom whispering something with his hushy voice that shocked the living hell out of Onew. 
All Kibum and Jinki could hear was "I knew.........." the rest was muffled because of the tears. 
When TaeMin entered the bathroom he almost broke the door closing it so hard. Minho and his 'girlfriend' turned around but went back to talking. Onew then look pissed at himself and kicked the back of Jonghyun's seat. Suprisingly , Jonghyun didn't even wake up!
"DAMNIT!!!" Jinki yelled causing the sleeping dino to awaken really grumpy ,which recieved a small apology from the leader. When Jonghyun turned around to give Onew a glare , he noticed that TaeMin was gone , turned around and started panicking. 
After I explained everything to him , he looked like another dino just stole his baby egg. (( IM SERIOSULY SORRY FOR THAT LAST BIT ))
 After Key explained everything to Jong , he became furious for 2 reasons. 
1.) Being obvious , Onew is a big pabo 
2.) Jonghyun had failed as a Appa to protect his son , TaeMin-Ah , and now Minnie is heartbroken , crying in a airplane restroom. 
"Remind me to kill Onew after we go to Hawaii." Key and Jonghyun spat together in chorus. Jonghyun told Key that he'd go and talk to TaeMinne , he wanted to try acting like Key-Umma when he tried to take care of the crying baby. 
He got up and walked to the bathroom knocking on the door , "TaeMinnie , Can Appa come in to talk to you?" , but all he recieved was a couple of sniffs and the click of the door unlocking. 
The short puppy opened the door , and was welcomed to a puffy-eyed , tear-stained face , TaeMin sitting on the ground surrounded by toilet paper used to blow his nose and wiping tears. Jonghyun's heart broke , seeing TaeMin in this condition and Jong kneeled down to hug TaeMin showering him with love & affection. "ME AND KEY UMMA ARE GONNA BEAT ONEW'S CHICKEN SO HARD HE WON'T BE ABLE TO DANCE AGAIN!!!!!!!" Cried the dino even more then furious. 
TaeMin giggled a little which what the Appa was aiming for to happen. TaeMin complained alittle worried , 
"Do I have to go back there...?" Dino came up with a idea. "I'll sit next to Onew , and you can sit in my seat" Jonghun comfortingly reassured to TaeMin with a pat on the back. "Thanks Appa!" TaeMin exclaimed , wrapping his arms around his Appa's neck. 
Jong held TaeMin's hand as they walked out of the bathroom receiving a gasp from Key , a frusterated sob from Onew , and nothing from Krystal and Minho , them being to busy with playing with eachother and giggling. 
TaeMin ran to the seat next to Key as Jonghyun slowly  sat next to Onew. Onew was at first suprised and expected a awkward tension between him and TaeMin , but then got the idea quickly. Key took TaeMin's head and rested it in his lap while brushing TaeMinnie's hair with his slim fingers while whispering sweet nothings into TaeMin's ear like , "Don't worry Tae-Baby , It's alright~". 
Onew groaned to himself as he muttered something to himself no on else heard. "Oh god , This is going to be a long vacation...."
I'm back!!!! :D Anyway , since I won't always be able to update alot , I'm gonna hold a contest!!!! :D If you want to be CO-AUTHOR. If you would like to apply , fill out the form below and pm me it , and I shall choose the best one. Please put above the form **CONTEST** if you can. If you decide to drop out , just PM me.I will PM you if you win , and Metion you in the next chapter.FORM:
Why should I choose you as CO-AUTHOR?:
What will you do as CO-AUTHOR?(Come up with idea's , write some par. or chapters, etc.):
Will you commit to being CO-AUTHOR?
The contest ends 7/15/12 , so hurry! It will past by fast!!!!
 -Bubbles <3
So if you have been subscribed to this story when it first came out , or as you can see the difference from the next chapter from the rest and the previous ones , I've been editing them ^^. So sorry it took so long for me to update this , plus it took over like 3 months for me to actually find a co-author because no one participated or cared D; But I guess the wait was worth it because my co-authour now is better than anything I could have ever asked for <333~
So ill just end it here , and I'll hope you continue to read you little bubbles!!
Eat Alot , Rest Well , & Continue chasing your dreams , bubblies!~
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Yo! Sorry for a such a long wait , but school and stuff is so mean to me and co-author-shii!!! ;A;


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writing-in-the-dark #1
Chapter 15: Aigoo... Taemin... You need to work on your rationalizing skills.

Onew, calm down and explain to Taemin. It's gonna get awkward though.
Kekekeke ~~*
Chapter 14: keke love it, so hot Onew have a naughty dream, I think that you may have made Taemin a little to naive though, there's no way he got to his age without experiencing one before; can't wait for more, love OnTae their so adorable; update soon.
Chapter 13: great job, so cute, hun, really love it; poor Tae having a bad dream, but at least Onew was there to look after him. <3
Chapter 12: fantastic job, I'm glad that OnTae are happy; I love Taemin's possessiveness with Onew, and that flight attendant, keke; can't wait to see what they get up to in the resort and their shared room, update really soon. <3 ;-D
keke, yay, so cute, I hope that Taemin believes him now; can't wait for more, update really soon. <3
OMO,Onew sweetie had you just said that before then you wouldn't be in this position right now; and Onew must be really mad to not only yell, but to use his leader status; I'm sure that will shock the others; really really looking forward to more, can't wait, update really soon. <3 <3
KpopJujuBee #7
Noo update!
OMO, Taeminnie no; I really hope that he's ok, and that Onew got there in time to help him; update really soon. <3
Taeminnieah #9
all I have to say is... AHHHH!!!!!!