The Day Infinite Goes Without A Leader - Part III

The Day Infinite Goes Without A Leader


Part III

“Thank you, Sunbaenim,” Sunggyu bowed when he saw Tablo already waiting for him in the garage when he came down with a duffel bag with his clothes and some other essential things. Tablo laughed and patted the younger man’s back.

“Sunggyu-ah, I’m hyung remember? Not sunbaenim,” He laughed before unlocking his car, allowing Sunggyu to slide into the passenger seat. “I hope you don’t mind, but today is YG Family Dinner day, and while I know you’re not YG Family, you we—are part of my family, so I’m inviting you.”

“But Hyung! I’ll be intruding—“

“Nonsense, I’ve already talked to YG about it, he said that it was fine and that he wants to I quote unquote see new faces around the extremely long table anyways. Don’t worry, you’ll be sitting with my family, if it makes you feel better, I’ll try and us some seats on the end so you won’t have to talk to anyone,” Tablo smiled a bit when he saw Sunggyu nod. “So want to tell me what happened?”

“I’m just tired, hyung, that’s all really tired,” Sunggyu’s posture deflated and he almost seemed devoid of life when Tablo started up his car.

“Life of an idol, Sunggyu that is one of the prices you pay.”

“I know, it’s not the schedule or anything,” Sunggyu corrected himself. “Oh no, I love my schedule, it’s the members.”

“The members? What happened, I thought you guys were all family?”

“We are!” Sunggyu re-animated at Tablo’s question, “I mean the kids they’re really childish and I can understand that they want to have fun, but sometimes they go too far. And everyone has this image of me—and it just really hurts—but I can’t say anything—and sometimes it just gets really hard hyung.” Sunggyu had never felt so weak, so exposed before. Tablo frowned at how the younger male had simply lost life again; he reached over and rubbed his shoulder in reassurance before placing his concentration back on the road.

“You can stay with us for as long as you think you need to, besides Haru could use another playmate,” Tablo chuckled at the idea of Sunggyu playing his daughter. “And here we are,” Tablo pulled into a nice parking garage and parked in his usual spot. “Now that you know where I live,” He smirked at Sunggyu’s confused face. “I’ll have to kill you,” He said, in English that caused the younger man to laugh. “Come on, time to meet the family,” He guided Sunggyu to the elevator and they had simple talk to his floor where he punched in his key code and the door clicked open.

“You’re home,” Tablo’s wife popped out of the kitchen and smiled at her husband she then turned to Sunggyu, giving him a look over and whisking him into a tight hug. “You are welcome here any time, you hear me, any time.” When she felt a nod, she smiled. “Well then, I need you two to go shower. There are towels in the guest bathroom already, go go~~! We have an hour to get to the restaurant.” Sunggyu cracked a small smile before heading to the guest bathroom, unaware that his phone battery had died from all the calls he had been receiving.


“Hey hyung,” Dongwoo looked up from the folder of schedules to see Myungsoo staring down at him with a blank expression. Dongwoo cringed a little, Sunggyu was always better at reading the members than he was, “Can I—Can I sit with you?”

“Of course,” Dongwoo closed the folder and set it aside, patting the space on his blanket for Myungsoo to sit down. “What’s up?”

Myungsoo frozen half way before standing back up, “Umm—on second thought, hyung I just remembered I had to go—umm—you know do that thing.” Myungsoo mentally cringed at his lame excuse before walking towards the room he shared with Sungyeol.

Dongwoo rubbed his face before falling onto his pillow. How did Sunggyu do it all? He tried to remember a time when the leader had complained about the members seriously and he came up blank. Dongwoo cursed himself looking at the closed door that Sunggyu and Woohyun shared. He sighed and got up before knocking on the door announcing that he was coming in.

“Hyung, what’s up?” Woohyun’s hair was a mess, his eyes are red, and behind were bottles of soju that Sunggyu probably had stashed away for some occasion.

“Woohyun,” Dongwoo hissed, “drinking is not going to bring Sunggyu back.”

“Yes! YES! IT WILL! HE’LL BE SO ANGRY… soooooooooo angry that I dr-dr-drank from his liquor stash. He said he could trust meeeeeeeee with it, he’ll be sooooo angry. He’ll have to come back and scold me and then make me buy him some more. Aishhhh~ that stingy hamster! STINGY HAMSTER I TELL YOU!” Dongwoo frowned as he listened to Woohyun ramble on about Sunggyu’s anger and secret alcohol stash.

“Come on, let’s get you sobered up, Sunggyu-hyung won’t be happy when he sees you like this. You’re supposed to be strong for the team, his right hand man. He’ll be disappointed,” Dongwoo’s grip on Woohyun tightened as the younger male stiffened up and sighed.

“What can we do to have him comeback to us? To his family?” Woohyun allowed himself to be guided to the kitchen where Dongwoo’s tea was still hot. He poured himself and Woohyun a cup.

“We waited. We were the ones that ed this up, so we wait for him to come back to we can fix it,” Dongwoo watched Woohyun over the rim of his cup. The other was so torn. How did it become like this?


Sunggyu sat in between two of the many iconic people around him, legendary SeungRi and G-Dragon. He never imaged that he would be able to meet such people. He was in awe that he was eating out of an empty spoon for long time.

“Sunggyu-ah,” Ji Yong’s voice flowed in through his right ear. “Are you alright? You keep missing your food.” Sunggyu looked down at this owl of rice and noticed there was barely even a dent there. He chuckled nervously.

“I guess I’m just nervous, I’m surrounded by so many great people,” He rubbed the back of his neck and Ji Yong smiled knowingly.

“You are too modest, Sunggyu-shi,” SeungRi slapped the man’s back, causing him to choke on what he had managed to put in his mouth. “Oh , I’m soo sorry!” SeungRi patted his back gently, as he got the food back up and down the correct pipe. He gave the other an ‘okay’ sign and dabbed his mouth of any food pieces that might have escaped.

Ji Yong watched how Sunggyu acted around everyone. The man seemed somewhat dependent on Tablo and the rapper’s family. He was shy, yet there was the air of confidence. Ji Yong stared at the other as he tried to figure out the younger idol, what had to make this leader crack so hard that he had to leave his promoting group for a day? Then there was the answer,he was hurt, hurt by his family. Ji Yong pulled the other up and towards the veranda that restaurant had for their guests.

“Who hurt you so bad that you had to run away?” He asked. “Sunggyu-ah, who hurt you?” He gasped when tears began to hit the wood floor, staining with little wet drops. He pulled the younger man into a hug, rubbing his back. “Shhh, it’s okay, it’s okay. It’s okay for a leader to cry. Shh.” The door slid open and there stood Tablo a bit winded. Ji Yong smiled and gestured for the older rapper to return to the dinner, he could handle this.

Tablo hesitantly nodded before sliding the close door softly, leaving the two men alone. “What happened, Sunggyu?”


“Dongwoo-ah, you need to wake up the members,” Jongryul  shook the sleeping man up before going to the kitchen to prepare what breakfast he could for the others. Dongwoo rubbed his eyes, trying to take in his surroundings. Why was he even awake this early for?

“Hyung, go get Sung—“ Dongwoo shot back up. “Hyung, did-did Sunggyu—“ He wasn’t even able to finish his question with his answer already laying in front of him. Sunggyu always tried to make some type of breakfast for s before he got into the routine of waking them up. Dongwoo sighed and went off to the main vocal bedroom first to find Woohyun already up and getting dressed. “Jongryul is making breakfast, make sure you eat some.” Dongwoo turned to leave when a small voice caught his ears.

“Will he come back to us?”

“Woohyun-ah! Don’t ever doubt or ever forget Sunggyu’s love for us, for Infinite, for his brothers,” Dongwoo smiled sadly. “Because it seems like we have.” Dongwoo turned to leave to go wake the other members.

With everyone awake and eating, Hyowan told each member their schedule, explaining to them they had to behave. He explained to them that Sunggyu had called the CEO last night, just to inform the older man that he was okay and would come back soon. Woohyun shot up.

“Did he say where he was? What did he sound like? Sunggyu-hyung—“

“Is a man,” Dongwoo cut off the main vocal, “He is a strong man, with a lot of heart. I’m sure he’s fine.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Because we all know he’s a strong man and won’t get into trouble,” Dongwoo answered. “Now sit down and finish your breakfast, you and SungJong have an early schedule today.” Woohyun nodded and went back to stabbing his eggs before putting them into his mouth. “Myungsoo, Hyowan-hyung will be driving you to your drama shooting, I’m sorry I wasn’t able to make you lunch, be sure to pick some food up, okay?” Myungsoo’s expressed went from blank to pain back to the same blank face before nodding.

After Woohyun and Songjong left, Dongwoo looked at the remaining members before pulling out his phone. “Hoya, I want you to text After School and U-Kiss, ask them if they’ve seen Sunggyu. Sungyeol, I want you to ask an of your friends if they’ve seen in around, anywhere. We’re going to find him and bring him back to us.” Dongwoo was determined to bring their leader back. The group depended on it. 

A/N: I know that te chances that Sunggyu will actually meet Big Bang is like slim to none. But Tablo is part of YG and I remember Gummy said something about a get together, so why not right? Don't worry guys Sunggyu will come back soon?

ALSO I'm working on Part four right now.. hopefully that'll be the last part :D SO some people.. I won't name any names! XD told me that switching out leaders would be a better idea. I did play with it and while I do like the idea I have to take into consideration when Sunggyu is to come back. SO THIS MEANS this will be longer than four parts. So bear with me Part Four isn't coming to me as nicely as the other parts have. :D

Comment Replies:

@aainaa: pressured isn't the word I was use, teasing isn't really pressuring in my opinion :P Thank you for commenting //greasy Nam Woohyun hearts// 








@Valerjia: bwahahahaha XD //throws you manly like Hoya hearts// that's fine I love long comments :D I like to read them and go awwww they commented soo much XD Thank you for commening :D
Updated part of comment: well I was thinking of letting each member go through the process but then it would get too long? I was going to let Dongwoo for sure... maybe some other members. we'll see cause you know like Kwanghee from ZE:A said even though he's older, ZE:A wouldn't survive with him being leader.


@fashionchik91: Aww thank you for loving this :D
Updated part of comment: I'll take it into consideration :D since you guys are the readers

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Posted Chapter5 8_20_2012 It'll be a while before I get to Part V1 I'm working on TheDarkMoon chapter2 right now


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imsmlee86 #1
Chapter 5: Blame me for liking angst too much but this much of oain is not enought to make them understand sunggyu's suffering .wut
Anyway the story is nice i like it ❤
imsmlee86 #2
Chapter 1: Ikr,I also think that sometimes they went overoboard with sunggyu-bullying-thingy but that's how korean ent. World works so i can't to anything
Chapter 5: Uhhh ... that's it? I appreciate the fact that you decided to go with this kind of plot. Because I've always wanted to read a fanfic that will tackle this topic (about Sunggyu being bullied by s and other people on variety shows). I honestly hate seeing him getting bullied even if it's for entertainment purpose. :( Anyway, back to the fic. As I was saying, I'm glad you tackled this topic but I also think that you didn't get to explore the whole plot. This fic felt incomplete like it lacks something. There's many loopholes in this fic. I think it would've been better if you made it longer since it felt like it ended up abruptly. Overall, this fic's plot needs to be explored more.
Daniella2136 #4
Chapter 2: God reading this and listening to the script I cried bad especially since breakeven was playing and my heart broke
Chapter 4: Gyu and haru ^^
This is happiness
Chapter 3: Gyu and ji ^^ what a combo
Chapter 5: =) thanks for writing this~ I wish sunggyu won't be bullied so much on weekly idol, just a bit of teasing is fine but not to the extreme.
Chapter 2: I'm crying~ well, I always cry when reading Sunggy fanfic but this is just so sad. Huhuhuhuhu
Chapter 5: Why did I found this now? This is really nice and beautiful!
i like it.. this is great story....
i dislike when gyu bullied in weekly idol..
become leader is very difficult.. hope the member not bully him again..
update soon authornim.please..thank you