

Chapter Two: Concealed


“I can’t tolerate your misbehaviour any longer.”

18-year-old Kim Junsu subconsciously rolled his eyes and silently mouthed “whatever” upon his father’s words. He didn’t have an ounce of care over what it was this time; he had long lost track of things. It was just the start of the day, and they were at it already. 

Unfortunately, those little actions didn’t escape his mother’s sharp eyes.

“Junsu.” There was so much authority in her voice, that it could trigger a person’s deepest fears. But not on his own son.

But he had no powers against his parents, anyway. “I’m sorry.”

“Who are those girls?” The tone of his father’s voice showed nothing short of seriousness.

“What girls?”

“The pictures on Facebook.”

“It was a birthday party and we were just having fun. We weren’t doing anything wrong, if that’s what you are implying. In fact, they are Sunye’s friends, as well,” Junsu replied, as-a-matter-of-factly. He tried to sound calm, but the nerves within him were ticking one by one.

Mentioning her name always did the trick. Needless to say, his mother loved Sunye to bits. She could accept no other girl but her to be her future daughter-in-law.

“Ask her to come over for dinner later,” Kim Junki suggested with a broad smile carved on his ageing face.

“She told me she has plans with the girls later tonight.”

Actually, he wasn’t so sure, but Junsu knew Sunye wouldn’t have it any other way, anyhow. The fact that their parents had seemingly accelerated the pace of their arranged union made him nervous. He seriously hoped they stuck to their promise of giving them all the privacy and time until they were ready, yet just last night during their dinner together, their mothers had suggested that they start going on dates more often.


Although she had tried her best to focus her undivided attention towards the book held by her hand, it was still very hard for Kim Yubin to ignore the murmurs and stares surrounding her. Fact of the matter was, the pretty teenager was often a subject of her fellow schoolmates’ conversations. She was the daughter of a famous celebrity couple who had attained legendary status in South Korean entertainment industry, so it was a given that she would automatically receive the limelight.

She never liked the attention. She wished she had the option to stay off-radar, but people just had to find out about her background. The fact that she happened to befriend a group of stand-outs of the crowd definitely further damped her request.

However, Yubin doubted that her blood was the case this time around. It wasn’t her school, and she was feeling even more so uncomfortable at the moment. It was another high school from the opposite side of the town. Going against traditions, she was practically exposing herself, in her school uniform, in the enemy’s territory – Seoul High and Jirim were always competing in every event. The rivalry was very intense. It was no secret that the students from respective schools detested one another and there had been reported cases of fights occurring outside school grounds.

Growing frustrated that she could barely concentrate on reading, especially when it was her favourite new book, she gave up and placed the novel back into her school bag. Yubin looked at her wristwatch and frowned at the fact that she still had over half an hour to spare.

She sighed in defeat.

“Seriously, people are gonna hate me after this,” a familiar deep, manly voice from behind caught her off-guard.

Standing tall and towering over her was the handsome Choi Seunghyun, her favourite person in the whole wide world.

“Oh you finished class early!” The delight in her voice was very evident.

“I mean, really?” he continued, pointing at her tidy school attire. “Are you that mad at me for last night?”

Yubin nodded with seriousness written all over her tanned face, but they both knew she was just messing with him, like how he had.

“You made me hang out with my rivals,” he said, slipping his hand onto hers. Seunghyun was referring to the time when he spent a whole afternoon with Ok Taecyeon, Kim Junsu, Jang Wooyoung, Lee Junho and her. Her boyfriend was the captain of the Jirim High School’s basketball team and quite clearly, he wasn’t exactly meant to get along with the opponents, let alone the corresponding team captain. “And now, you’re in your school uniform at my school. They’re gonna call their basketball hero a traitor now. Nice one, Kim Yubin.”

She just grinned and shrugged her shoulders.

“Oh, the things I do for you,” he said helplessly, his silly smile a physical evident of just how much his mind was smitten by his new girlfriend.


Lee Junho stared at the suddenly subdued Ok Taecyeon in sympathy. The latter might have tried his hardest to be discreet and nonchalant, but having known him for 10 long years, Junho could read his every expression without even trying. He was obviously pretty disappointed to hear about Yubin and Seunghyun. Junho could tell just how much their growing attachment was ripping Taecyeon into pieces in the inside.

He sighed at how gloomy things were getting of late. Earlier that November, Fei caught her then boyfriend cheating on her with his colleague. At his attempt to be funny and subsequently cheer up his depressed friend, he told her to stop dating non-Korean pretty boys (Fei somehow was always falling for foreigners – tall, fair and cute: precisely her type) and insisted that she should consult Junho before dating again because apparently her taste just hardcore. Needless to say, Fei didn’t find any humour in his little advice. Regardless, Junho was still very much relieved that they were over. For some reason, he never liked Khun – not because he was racist or some sort; Khun just appeared a little weird and his jealousy was overbearing, from the short time he knew him. His gut instinct was proven right in the end, anyhow.

Exactly two weeks later, it was Jang Wooyoung’s turn to divulge in despair. The post-split period was horrifying to watch, on his side. Ahn Sohee was his first girlfriend, and even though their rocky relationship only lasted a mere month, it was very intense. They were always together – all. the. time.  It was such a shock that the cute and innocent 16-year-old Sohee would have the nerve to leave poor lovesick Wooyoung for another guy, but boy did she wreck his heart. In fact, she did even more damage: she shredded it into fragile pieces and chewed them into oblivion.

He shouldn’t worry about Kim Junsu and Min Sunye – the unlucky duo had their fates set. Junho wouldn’t call them unlucky, actually. He and just about everyone else was convinced they harboured feelings for each other and that the two of them were just in denial. Even if there wasn’t any arranged marriage involved, Junsu and Sunye were the perfect match and complimented each other so well. To put it simply, the future Kim’s were a match made in heaven.

Ok Taecyeon was headed towards doomsdale. His usually cool demeanour was starting to betray him. He had really fallen for his best friend since childhood. Despite finding it disgusting and uous, Junho genuinely wanted to support Taecyeon.

“She’s so lucky to have him,” Yeeun said adoringly. Choi Seunghyun was just perfect in every sense of his being, and from the times she had met him, she could find no flaws in his personality at all. He was kind, respectful and friendly – to add to that, he just grew more handsome by the second.

Ok Taecyeon let his guards down and he couldn’t help but let out a scoff. Fortunately, everyone was too busy talking about Yubin’s new boyfriend to be paying attention to his changed facial expression as words of compliment came pouring in.

“Did you know that he models?” Fei chimed in, applying her pink lipgloss on her already glossy lips in the process. She was always carrying it around and it could get bothersome to watch her applying it every five minutes sometimes.

“WHAT?” both Yeeun and Sunye responded, amazed. Yeeun continued, “Really?”

Sunye had tried to stay quiet ever since the topic of Yubin’s hot new beau came up. She just felt uncomfortable talking about another man like that in the presence of Junsu. It just seemed inappropriate to her. Sunye didn’t want to feel the burden of having to care for his feelings, because quite frankly he didn’t offer the same special treatment for her, yet she just couldn’t help it. She couldn’t comprehend nor explain herself. Truth be told, she hated the fact that she had become so considerate of his feelings lately... It was getting complicated. This newfound distraction was making her nervous.

“Yes, he helps out his older sister sometimes. Gosh, he’s so cool.”

Choi Sunhee was a fashion designer and a rising name in that side of the world. The girls, especially Fei and Sunye, worshipped the fabulous fashionista to no ends.

“A guy who does catwalk on a runway is not manly,” Junho retorted.

Fei’s immediate reply: “You’re just jealous.”


An annoyingly loud and squeaky voice disrupted them in the middle of the conversation and captured their sole attention, and undoubtedly everyone in the café as well. Walking towards their table with b arrogance and overwhelming confidence, true to her style, was the one person the girls despised with all their hearts.

Jung Minju, or more fondly referred to as Joo; Kim Junsu’s ex-girlfriend.

“Oppa!” she said again, this time looking straight at Junsu’s surprised face. “I missed you.”

Fei had to restrain herself from getting up from the chair and giving the a cold slap on the face. She wanted very much to do that, to pay back for the facial damage she suffered from the midget’s punch a few months ago. Joo was seriously asking for it. Was she suffering impaired vision – did she not see Junsu’s future wife sitting right next to him?

“Hey!” he replied. He was clearly exited to see her.

“I’m so delighted to see you here. Haven’t seen you in so long!” And then her smile dissolved immediately. “Too bad I can’t stay and catch up with you. Hyerim and Min are waiting. You know, I didn’t my car and I’m following them... Well.”

“Oh, you can just follow me. I rarely see you around anymore, let’s have coffee together,” Junsu suggested.

Sunye felt a pang on her chest.

“But...” Joo said, innocently pointing at his friends.

“Oh you guys don’t mind, do you?” he asked, although he could care less about their responses; He was aware of their dislike towards Joo. Almost immediately, he turned to face her again, assuring, “I was just about to go home, anyway.”

Min Sunye had never felt so stupid.


They say pride is a terrible disease.  People inflicted with possessing too much pride always try to hide their feelings and never want others to know that they are hurt. There is always that wall enclosing and secluding their heart, that they find it difficult to voice their true thoughts. 

"I'm okay. I mean, really, why should I care? Do I even look like I'm jealous? Pssh."

Yes, you do, Fei wanted to say, but knowing the type of person Sunye was, she wisely opted to remain quiet. 

She wanted to tell her that she could trust her with anything. If she wanted to cry, just go ahead, Fei would lend her shoulder any time. Aren't friends supposed to be there for each other? But Sunye was too stubborn and prideful.

It was Saturday and the best friends had planned to spend their afternoon together. They were having their favourite Iced Mocca at Press Play, whilst waiting ever-so-patiently for the tardy Park Yeeun. 

"This is so unlike her to be coming so late," Fei commented, as she looked at her wristwatch.

"Maybe it's contagious. Since Yubin isn't coming, Yeeun is the one taking over her tardy reputation," Sunye suggested.

Fei laughed at her idea. "Maybe."

"And th--" Sunye felt the coldness hitting her on the knee after her hand accidentally pushed the drink, causing it to fall over on her. "This is my favourite outfit," Sunye complained, giving off her trademark pout. "I'm gonna cry if I can't clean the stain."

"AAHH SERIOUSLY!" She yelled quietly, cursing herself in the process.

"Oh my goodness, it's from the new collection. How can you be so careless?" Fei was more appalled for the navy blue casual dress than her friend.

"Wow, gee, thanks, Fei," Sunye replied, with much sarcasm. "Okay, excuse me while I clean this mess."

Just as Sunye was out of shot and entered the restroom at the opposite end of the restaurant, Fei felt a hand tapping on her right shoulder from behind.  

“Yeeun, I never realised how masculine your hand--"

Wang Feifei abruptly stopped in mid-sentence when she turned around and realised it was definitely not the person she had been anticipating for. Frozen and rooted to the sofa chair, she gasped as she stared at the man towering over her.

"What the fcuk are you doing here?"

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kpop4u #1
update soon
I'm assuming that's Khun. LOL. Judgin from the super loud outburst. ^^<br />
<br />
I'm a WonderPM original OT6 person, meaning WooYe, SuBin, ChanEun, TaecMi, KhunHee and JunLim. But your story just keep me wanting for more despite the pairings. As long as it's WonderPM.. who cares. WonderPM needs more love! And I kind of have a guilty love for SunSu and WooBin(even though they're not here) hehehe. I love the comfortable relationship of SunSu. Your two stories are both interesting! More please? :P
Hi :)) Like your story :)) Please update soon!!!!
I <3 Sunye and the other mains in here. I'm so glad it's not one of those So Hee focused stories. <br />
<br />
Anyways, Yoobin is lucky to have Seunghyun but Taecyeon likes her doesn't he?<br />
Sunye and Junsu, aish. When I first story I was actually hoping for Woo-Ye. Oh well, it's your story :) that I love so far btw<br />
<br />
Can't wait to know what man tapped Fei <br />
<br />
Update soon!
Cindaye #5
nice story i'm a sunye bias kekeke can't wait for your next update kekeke<br />
i really love wonderpm and kinda like fei and junho together, wooyoung and ye eun and khunbin after the without you performance but taecbin is awesome too! Can't wait for your update! Update soon :)
IheartMSY #6
Love this^^<br />
sunye is my bias and I'm more of a Wooyoung-sunye and Junho-sunye fan but junsu and sunye are starting to catch my attention hurts me to see (imagine) sunye unni like in the story but I love everything that's going on and I hope that u can update soon!
pearlburgundy #8
thank you! <3
I like your writing style, keep it up! =)