Chapter 4

The Things You Wish You Had



10 o’clock.

Riverside Park.

I’ve got a surprise for you.

Don’t question it, just go.

With love from every part of my being,





It was a note taped to the fridge, white and obvious. It was meant for Se Kyung, I knew that from the ‘Love’ at the end. You would never say something like that to me, no matter how much I wished it.

What is he going to do...My head swam with possibilities, none of them to my liking. Hmm...he wouldn’t notice if I go to, right?

That night was probably the most horrible in my already miserable life.

The air was heavy and humid, and it soon started to rain. A soft, gentle rain, filling the air with it’s distinctive smell. I glanced down at my watch. 9:53. Where is she..?

I had left before Se Kyung, telling her something came up at work.

“Jjongie?” I heard her delicate, smooth voice call through the cold winter air.

“Right here.” His angelic voice rang through the night, and his form emerged from the shadows under the lonely oak tree beside the river running through the center of the park and under the bridge.

I was behind another tree, where you couldn’t see me.

“Let’s go.”

“Where can we go this late at night, Jjong?” Se Kyung looked completely confused as Jjong took her by the hand and led her away into the night.

“You’ll see, Jagiya. Nothing to worry about.

I stayed there for another 3 hours, and I still don’t know why, even after all this time.

I heard footsteps over by the oak tree, so I guessed they were back. I sat on the park bench, shivering in my light sweater. The light rain drizzled on the back of my neck, making me shiver slightly. I stared blankly out into the night, my eyes seeming to search for something in the darkness. As I was about to get up to leave, I saw the faint silhouette of a man. He bent down on his knee, looked up, and said these four words:


“Will You Marry Me?” Jonghyun sincerely asked.

And that was the moment that my heart broke, because what I sincerely wanted to hear, hadn’t been said to me.

I slowly walked away, oblivious to the tears spilling down my cold face.

You did this with no warning, and the next day, you didn’t even tell me.

They seemed happy when they walked in the next morning, but they completely ignored me...

Even Jjong never looked my way. They didn’t know I had been there last night, and I wasn’t planning on telling them. Let’s see how long it takes Jjong to remember me.

Living with you two was absolute torture. Then, while you and Se Kyung were out for the day, I did something I would always regret.

I grabbed my bags and looked out the window. They should be coming home soon...

With a huge sigh and a heavy sigh, I opened the door and put my suitcases in the trunk of my car.

They probably won’t even know I’m gone...

As I drove away from the house I had spent my life in, I never looked back.






[A/N] so, another update!! and we’re also starting the next chp...

keyword WE

yeah....i accidentally wrote another chp by myself again.......MIANHE

its ok im not mad XD

we WILL write the next chp together tho...

hopefully XD jkjkjk we will

if kissmeimirish will actually TYPE something while we’re doing this...

well sorry!!! you’re the one who is always typing so i don’t want to ruin your idea

the only reason i’m always typing is cuz you won’t.... could have told me that EARLIER...

well sorry....i kinda zone out when i’m writing...

so i noticed XD anyways, thanks for subscribing guys!!!


bye bye~

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Thedinoandthediva #1
I mean *just ><
Thedinoandthediva #2
I nust discovered this fic and I cried really much.You write so well,really.
heme-sanloveminho #3
Chapter 1: lol sec shoe all a salt, that's so cute
If Key's dead, I'm dead. He should never be put through that. I fhe ever goes through this in real life, I will personally kill that person. D=
@dancesingkpop-kekeke XD oh jongkey
its so sad! i had them (you know who i mean) read it and they started hugging each other....actually they still havent let go.
@cookiedream-yeah, topjongkey and i cried while writing it...thank you soooo much for subscribing!! it really means a lot to us!!
Ahh T_T this story is making tears stream down my face T_T good work~!
@dancesingkpop-yes im pretty sure she does
I believe imelfsized disapproves of your shipping.....