Ho Ho Ho Motherers c:

New Family In Town!

Ahhh Christmas time! The perfect time to spread  happiness & joy with random people, and wel.. Umm... Boyfriends c; if you have one :P Not like me ._. Andyways,




"So like.... Christmas is in two days & well..... I don't know what to get her," Kyuhyun said to Harry.

It seemed like that double date really worked out, now they're almost bestfriends & tell each other everything

"Ahh! I feel you man. I don't know what to get my Cheeky Kassie either D:" Haeey said scrathing his head.

Kassie & you made your entrace "Well hello... What were you guys talking about?" Kassie asked & Kyuhyun & Harry stood up & looked at each other

"Nothing important... Just... Boy stuff" Harry said

"Mmm Yeah, what he said" said red-cheek Kyuhyun

The boys took their girlfriends's hands & made their way inside the school.

People always gave you the weird look.

The weird happy girl dating the British boy & the dark scary girl dating the Korean dude. Can it get more akward? Yes.

"Awweee! Look at the happy couples!" Kellin said clapping sarcastically behind you guys. 

"Oh, I see you came to school today," Kyuhyun said. Kellin had disappeared for two weeks & nobody knew where he was, but he was probably getting drugged up.

"Yes, chinese . I came to see your girlfriend c;" Kellin winked

"If you touch her. You're dead" Kyuhyun said firmly

"Don't worry sushi.... I won't touch her..... Yet...." he laughed & went to the bathroom

"Don't listen to him. Look how drunk he is," you said placing your hand on his arm & kissed him.

"Yeah, you're right. He's stupid,"




~After school

"So you say the guys went to do some 'Boy stuff'? That's weird" Kassie said walking home from school with you.

"Yeah, that's what I said too," you said

"You think they'll have a surprise for us on Christmas? :D" Kassie asked happily

"omg I don't know. What are you gonna give Harry?" you said

"." Kassie said trying to hold back her laugh

"WHAT?" You stopped in surprise "Kassie you better not-"

"Dude calm down xD" Kassie laughed "I got him a kitty"

"Oh dude, you ing scared me! -.-" you said slightly slapping her arm

"And you?"

"Well..... I did some stalking with his  mom, & friends from Korea & I got them to send me some pictures. In other words, I got him a photo album filled with pictures from his family & friends from Korea. I think he misses it" you smiled

"Aww how cute :3 are you getting Joon anything?" Kassie said

"Yep. I got him this ninja weapon I found on Ebay too," 

"You with your online shopping" Kassie said rolling her eyes

"Hey, it saves time :P"

"Whatever you say, well we're in front of your house. & I'm hungry....." 

"Let's go in Kassie" you smiled & opened the door.



~Christmas day at school

"Merry Christmas Kyu," said a girl in a pink bow giving Kyuhyun a candy cane

"Thanks Kate," Kyuhyun smiled

The girl smlied too & went with her boyfriend

You sighed in relief

"Yes babe, she's taken & she's just a friend. You can put away your knife now," Kyuhyun joked

"Pshh I wasn't planning to kill a pretty girl who talks to my boyfriend" you said sticking out your tongue

"Yeah, she may be pretty...."

You looked at Kyuhyun

"But in my eyes & heart you're the most beautiful girl alive," Kyuhyun smiled & kissed you


~After school

"Hey Harry, you & Kassie wanna come to my house for a while so we can... you know? Do our Boy stuff" Kyuhyun winked

You & Kassie looked at each other

"Alright, I'll meet you in 20 mins? Is that fine?" Harry asked

"Perfect. We have a surprise for you. But come until we call you" Kyuhyun kissed you goobye & Harry did the same to Kassie

"Well... I guess that gives us time to do some girl stuff too :D" Kassie said checking her watch

"Mmm.... Let's go to the Mall," Kassie said dragging you to her car


"We're just gonna get some clothes for the thing they have for us. We have to look more beautiful than ever" Kassie said as she clicked your seatbelt

"But, they're always ing about how beautiful we are,"

"Yeah, but they're guys. Guys say that to make us feel good with ourselves & stuff," Kassie said

You just looked at her

"We're just gonna get some clothes -.-" Kassie took out her card "& It's on me,"

"Okay then cx" You smiled


~At the mall

"Let's go to Forever 21!" Kassie said

"No. Hot Topic" you said

"Nadia, we're looking for Christmas outfits, not Halloween costumes,"

"What's the differnce? ._." You said

"Fine," Kassie looked around "Let's go to that one. It's new" Kassie pointed at a store named "This store is on fire"


When you two entered, both of your eyes widened. That store had every style you can think of. 

"Here, try this on," Kassie said handing you a dress she saw on a poster of the store:


"Mmm Yeah.. I don't like the bunny ears ._." You said looking at the dress

"Well, just don't wear them," Kassie said

"Fine. But I'm picking a dress for you too" you said & went to go try it on

"OMG! That one!!! I'm buying you that one" Kassie said as soon as you stepped out of the dressing room

"Don't you think it's too.. I don't know.... red? o.O"

"Nope. At least wear something other than black today," Kassie made a puppy face "Please"

"Fine.." you said


"Alright this one?" you showed a dress to Kassie

"Nope. Too plain" she said

"K... Ummmm.... How about this one?" 

"Maybe...." Kassie said

"Go try it on," you said pushing her to the dressing room

"Well haaaayyyy xayyyy ;D" you said as soon as Kassie came out of the dressing room

"It's comfortable. I like it" Kassie said

"& it looks gorgeous on you! ^.^"

"K, I'll take it" Kassie said


~Leaving the mall (At your house)

"Well, let's get dressed," Kassie said

Your phone rang

"Hello" said

"Hi babe, you guys can come already," Kyuhyun said from the other line

"Okay, but now let us get ready for you guys cx" you said

"Oh, I think I'm gonna like this. See you in one hour. Bye Love you,"

"k love you too."

"We got an hour to do magic" you told Kassie

"Alright, well Ima use your shower, so take a shower downstairs" Kassie said sticking out her tongue




"Aww you girls look gorgeous!" your mom said as you & Kassie came downstairs

"Thanks Mrs. S" Kassi replied

"Let me take a picture!" your mom said as she went for the camera

"Ah great .____." you said


"Thanks you Kassie for doing her hair & clothes" your mom said to Kassie

"You're welcome. Even though she didn't want to wear the bunny ears & couldn't stay still on the curling part," Kassie said

"I'm still not wearing them (/._.)/" you said tossing the bunny ears on the couch

"Well, have a great time & don't do anything unappropiate" your mom said

"Bye mom,"

"Bye, Mrs. S & don't worry. I'll take care of her"



*Knocks on Kyuhyun's door*

Joons opens the door & his eyes open wide

"Hey Joon, Merry Christmas," you said giving him his present

"I... You.... Look gorgeous *-*" Joon said

"Mmm... thanks, can we come in?"

He looked behind you & noticed Kassie "Oh yes.. I'm sorry"

"Merry Christmas to both of you. You girls look very pretty" Joon headed upstairs to his room "Oh, and thanks for the present," he grinned & kept walking

"Well someone's got the Christmas spirit" Kassie said



"HO HO HO MERRY CHRISTMAS" Kyuhyun & Harry appeared in the living room dressed in Santa Clause costumes with beards & stuff & almost tripped when they saw you guys.

You & Kassie laughed. iest Santas EVER!

"What the hell" Kassie said still laughing 

"Kyu, you make y Santa c:" you said hugging him

"& you make a beautiful Mrs. Claus" he said kissing you

"Did you girls dressed like this on purpose?" Harry asked

"No. We had no idea," Kassie told him

"Well, it doesn't matter. You look wonderful" Kyuhyun said



You gave each other your gifts. Harry almost cried when Kassie showed him the kitty.

He gave her a watch with a picture of them together.

"Here, I got you this," you said giving Kyuhyun his present

He started unwrapping it.

His eyes filled with water when he started going through the pictures.

"Thank you so much," he kissed you & gave you his present

It was a plaque with a picture of you guys that said "Love is part of life, live it" in Korean

You smiled "Thanks Kyu" you said, this time you kissed him

Just then, the doorbell rang "I'll get it!" called Joon from upstairs

He opened the door & a girl in a blue dress came in. "People, this is Amanda" Joon introduced her. "Hello" the girl said. She seemed nice.

"Are you my brother's date or something?" Kyuhyun asked

Amanda laughed "Yes. We're going to a party," she said

"Oh well, it was nice meeting you. Have a great time," Kyu said shaking her hand.

Harry, Kassie & you did the same thing

"It looks like Joon's not spending his Christmas night alone,"
 you said smiling




HAPPY HOLIDAYS READERS!!!! I hope you  like the story, the chapter etc. I barely update today 'cause Ahh! I barely had time

But yeah leave COMMENTS letting me know what you think, suggestions & that ^.^ 

Suscribe if you haven't

Is Joon gonna have a girlfriend now?? Lol we'll see xD

meli keuliseumaseu <3











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chapter 5 is posted! :D


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KassieSykes #1
Chapter 15: ____ you better update!
KassieSykes #2
Chapter 13: Loving it!!!
You're getting better!
I'm proud of you. You emo jpop kpop rock screamo- loving chicken:)
Ultimate_K-Pop_Fan #4
Chapter 12: Awwwwww!! I love this so much!!
KassieSykes #5
Chapter 9: Nadia! I honestly think this story is just getting better ! Keep going!
Chapter 11: Hell Yeah! *BAM*
Okay sorry~
But it was goooddddd:)
KyuBaby!!! XD
Ultimate_K-Pop_Fan #7
Chapter 11: Yay!!! I'm so happy!! This story is awesome!! This chapter made me so happy, even though it was short!
Chapter 10: I like your story, but make kyu move...manlier and let him take care of the business (?) No man wants a woman to deal with his '____' its just not something men like other than that its good~ oh im just wondering will this story have ?
Ultimate_K-Pop_Fan #9
Chapter 10: Don't delete it!!! You should continue writing!!!
I love this story!
Please don't stop!