"Kiss Me"

You Saved Me........

Minji's POV

I got back to the studio and apparently my Unnies were waiting for me. Chaerin Unnie was pissed and was staring at me with narrowed eyes. Dara Unnie was trying to make Chaerin Unnie laugh and Bom Unnie was eating corn. I left my bag on the corner and faced  Chaerin Unnie. She was still giving me deeath looks.

"Unnie, is everything OK?" --> Me

"How could you leave practise like that?" --> CL

"Jiyoung Oppa called me and told me wanted to tell something inportant. I told him I had practise but he insisted." --> Me

"Ok then!!! Let's do 'Can't Nobody'. And Unnie please stop eating, you're gonna get fat." --> CL

"I'm not fat!!!!!!! Am I???" --> Bom

"5....6....7.....8......." --> CL

We practised all of our dances. Then we had some vocal leasons and we went home. I took a shower and since it was still early I thought to go and talk with Jiyoung Oppa. I was nervous but even if he would not let us be 'together' it wouldn't be a big deal. I put my coat on, my shoes and made my way to Big Bangs Dorm. I knocked on the door and Taeyang Oppa opened it for me.

"Minji?!?!?!? What are you doing here?" --> Taeyang

"I'm here to talk to you. I want you guyes to know the hole story." --> Me

"Ok then!!! Come in!!!" --> Taeyang

I got in and I heard someone yell, and breaking stuff. It must've been Jiyoung Oppa. We got in his room. Everyone was there: Se7en Oppa, Gummy Unnie, Psy Oppa, TOP Oppa, Seugri Oppa and Daesung Oppa. Thank god YG wasn't there. He would have yelled harder that Jiyoung.

"Oppa........What's up?" --> Me

"Don't you remmember what happened today?? Minji, I'm telling you, leave him. He's dangerous!!" --> G Dragon

"Why does everyone sayes that?" --> Me

"Couse he is. He'll leave after he takes what he wants." --> G Dragon

"And what does he want's?"  --> Me

"He......." --> G Dragon

"Oppa, I don't love him. It's just a cush." --> Me

"Yeah, but you'll grow to love him latter." --> G Dragon

"I'm gonna fall for him. Trust me." --> Me

I knew this wasn't a good idea, but what can I do now?? I allready made the deal with that brat. Got I can't belive I thought he was a nice guy. He's creepy and a playboy, just like I used to imagine him.

"I have to go now. Bye!!" --> Me

I said and hugged my Oppa really tight. He must'vee been really worried, and I honestly don't want to lie to him. I went to the door and waved at Taeyang Oppa, then left. I was really bored and I thought it was gonna be good to go and see Minho and Kibum Oppa. I know they must be mad, or upset with me but I really wanted to see them. I took a taxi and I drove to their dorm. It was pretty big, bigger than ours. I got in the elevator and when I was in the right floor I knocked the door hopig they would open it. After about 10 minutes knocking and yelling they finally opened the door. I was planing to tell them the truth. That between me and Taemin was nothing but the brat might not accept. Kibum Oppa opened the door and he was looking at me with very cold eyes. He never saw me like that. He allways used to smile at me even when he was sad or angry. But this time.....everything changed. I felt this litlle tear falling from my eye. Then, his eyes were also full of tears. He grabed my waist and pulled me into a hug.

"Why him Minji?? Why him??" --> Key

"I'm sorry!!!!" --> Me

I was not crying becouse of the deal and the hell I was going to live the next mounth. I was crying couse I felt guilty for lieing to everyone like that.

"Come in!!!!" --> Key

I went to the livingroom wich was empty. I sat on the couch and after a few minutes Kibum Oppa comes being followed by Minho Oppa. He also had thet cold look in his eyes, but after seeing my tears that looked disapeared. He sat beside me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"I don't understand why and how you grew to like him, but I'm going to be here for you." --> Minho

After this sad and emotional scene I was invided to stay for dinner. I, sure accepted and I'd also have the chance to talk to Taemin. Minho Oppa and Kibum Oppa cooked while I was talking to them so they wouldn't get bored. After a while Taemin came back. His cheek was really red, like someone hit him. Well, it was time to be worried girlfriend. I stood up immedietely and put my hand on his cheek.

"What happened to you??" --> He understood my game and played back. He put his hand on my waist, smiled at me and said:

"Nothing babe!!!! Don't worry about it!!!" --> Taemin

If he does that again I'll freaking kill him. 

"Taemin, can I talk to you?? Please?" --> Me

"Sure!!!" --> Taemin

I don't know he lead me to his room, but if he was trying to........he better dreames about  it.

"What did you wanted to tell me?" --> Taemin

"Why did you bought me here?" --> Me

"I asked you first!!!" --> Taemin

"I don't want to lie to Kibum Oppa and Minho Oppa. Let's tell them the truth." --> Me

"What?!?!?! Are you crazy?? Of course not!!!" --> Taemin

"Why not?" --> Me

"Becouse they are going to tell everyone!!!" --> Taemin

"Please Taemin, pleaseeee!!!!" --> Me

"Fine.......But with one condition!" --> Taemin

"What's that??" --> Me

"Kiss me!!!" --> Taemin

"What?? No!! I told you there will be no kisses plus i'm not gonna give you my first kiss!!!" --> Me

"Ok, you're not gonna tell them." --> Taemin

"Yeah, like i'm gonna ask you!!!" --> Me

I turned around to leave but he was faster than me. He grabed my waist gentely and whispared to me.

"I will deny everything so you better not do it." --> Taemin

"They don't trust you anymore!!!" --> Me

"Don't be so sure, honey!!!" -->Taemin

"You.......brat!!!!!" --> Me

After hearing this his face became cold. He snnaped me to the wall, yet gentely, and put his arms on the wall so he could block me. 

"Look, the fact that I like teasing you doesen't makes me a brat. And you can do whatever you want to but if I deny everything they won't belive you. Your only chance is to kiss me. You choose!!" --> Taemin

"I can't kiss you!!!" --> Me

"Why not?? Are you waiting for the right guy?? *getting closer*  --> Taemin

I was about to say something, but it was to late. He was already kissing me. I was frosen; I couldn't even use my arms to push him away, and I don't think it was becouse I was shocked, it was becouse I was enjoying it.......a lot. His lips were incedribly soft. Without knowing one of my hands was on his neck and the other one was playing with his hair. When the kiss was over I 'woke up' and I saw that he was smirking at me. I slaped him but the smirk was still there.

"We need to tell them!!" --> Me

"No!!" --> Taemin

"What??? I kissed you didn't I?" --> Me

"I kissed you. You just kissed me back." --> Taemin

This guy has no limits. I had to kiss him again, so I did it. I gave him another peak on the lips but he turned it into a real kiss. This time I pushed him away.

"You happy now??" --> Me

"Overjoyed!!!!" --> Taemin



Hello everybody!!!!! I'm really happy you're liking this ver. too. I personal like this one better than the 1st one. Anyway thank you very much for subscribing and commenting.

I Love You Everyday, Don't Get Away, Take Me Away,

I Love You Everyday, In Everyway, Nan Saranghae :D

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Chapter 1: Is Minzy , Sulli ?
Chapter 15: Just done reading the story.. waaah. so good.. Minzy could really handle such jerks.. keke I'm so happy for them. How I wish it's all true
Chapter 15: Omg yayy!!!everything is okay!!
Chapter 14: OMO soooooo is she goin to be gud gall now??????
btw y do i feel like ur goin to end this story?!?!?!?!?!
if u r NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!~plxx LOL
waitin for yah nxt update!!<3<3<3<3
Chapter 13: Omg!!!It is so CUTE!!!
chep 8-after struggling with the font size finally read it!!!
chep 9-SO CUTE...^__________^
chep 10-sulli is MUCH better NOW!!!~KEEEKEEE ^^
chep 11-THE start was hillarous!!!AND THE ENDING WAS JXT SOOO SAD AWWW!!**i almost cried :P **

KEKE SOWEE FOR THE LOOOOOOOONNNNNNNGGGGG COMMENT!!~i jxt had to comment for each chap LOL!!~
Cute <3
Love that GD and Teddy are so protective. Update soon please