2 Different Minds~ Ch.1

2 Different Minds~ (SHINee's Kim JongHyun Love Story)


~2 Different Minds~

Chapter 1

~Hi guys! This is my new story (SHINee Kim JongHyun Love Story ‘Fanfic’)! Those of you who are followers of my other story: Too Many Coincidences, I’m still writing it, but I’m starting on a brand new fanfic…. I hope you guys enjoy it as much as T.M.C.!! And those who haven’t read Too Many Coincidences yet, it’s another SHINee Kim JongHyun Love story! But anyways, on with the story!

-Just for clarification… this is a made up story about Korean pop artists or K-pop artists! The story will be based IN KOREA (not America). So they will basically be “speaking” in Korean so I will be using some Korean words!^-^ Well… here we go!

-Son HyoMi’s P.O.V. (Point of View)-

(In Middle School- 6th Grade)- Flashback:

It was that time of the day. Lunch time. I walked over to my locker in the corner of the hallway and turned the combination on the lock. I carefully placed my binders and work books on the mini shelf inside and grabbed my bento box along with a library book. I went into the usual place that I would eat lunch at, the library. I never sat in the cafeteria for it was far too noisy for me to read. That was my guilty pleasure, reading.

As I walked into the usually quiet library, I heard a bunch of girls squealing and jumping up and down. The popular girls of the 6th grade.

“Did you see him? Did you see him?!” they shrieked as they dropped a bunch of books into the return box. “Of course I saw him! Who wouldn’t have?? He’s so cute!” one of the girls said dreamily.

I rolled my eyes at the girls and made my way to my eating/reading table. I began to eat the rice and kalbi my mom had made last night and started on my book. A few seconds later, the noise level went down and my mind cleared towards the battle that was happening inside my adventurous novel.


After lunch, I came back to my locker and took out my other binders and work books for my afternoonclasses. I made my way towards my reading class, my favorite subject, and saw an unfamiliar face sitting in my desk.

“Uh… excuse me?” I poked him softly and he looked up.

“Neh (Yes)?” Wow. He must’ve been the boy those girls were talking about! He was dreamy and handsome and everything in between! They were right for once… he was cute.

“U-uh…” I stuttered unknowingly.

“Oh! Mianhamnida! (Sorry- Formal) Is this your seat?” he apologized.

“U-u-umm… Anniyo! (No) You can sit there!” I bit my tongue at what I had said for it was my seat and I would get in trouble for not being in my seat before the bell rang.

‘BRRRIINNNNGGG!’ Great. Just what I wanted to hear. I found an empty seat in the back of the room and dropped all of my things on the dusty desk.

“I’m going to take attendance, now.” Mr. Lee, my strict reading teacher, instructed. Everyone waited as he checked the seating chart just like every other day until he stopped and stared at the new kid. “Ahem… you’re not Son HyoMi are you?” he cleared his throat.

“Oh! Anniyo! I’m new to the school….” The boy stated and Mr. Lee nodded his head.

“Ah, araseoyo (all right). Please stand up and introduce yourself,” Mr. Lee directed him towards the front of the classroom and sat down as he gave an introduction of himself.

“Annyeonghaseyo (means any of the following: Hello/Goodbye-formal), I’m Kim JongHyun. I’m from Suwon in Gyeonggi and I hope I’ll be able to make some new friends here,” he formally bowed down all the way to his knees and waited as Mr. Lee went on with class.

My eyes scanned the boy, Kim JongHyun. He had shiny black hair that was carefully cut shortly, he was bit taller than most of the boys and girls in the class, he had thick dark eyebrows, broad shoulders, he had a loud and clear voice, and a killer smile. Everything a girl could want in a guy. I stared in awe until Mr. Lee pronounced my name. “Ms. Son, would you like to gain your seat back?” he cleared his raspy voice.

“Oh, n-neh! Kamsahamnida (Thank you)!” I stuttered. Everyone stared at me as I made my way all the way back up to my original seat. That was another thing I hated, attention. Aside from the popular people, I hated getting attention from my classmates. I was more of a mellow, shy, and quiet kind of person who didn’t like public speaking or attention of any kind. But, whatever I had to fight for, I would argue with them and try to win no matter what it took. I quickly sat back in my seat and looked back up to the new kid, Kim JongHyun, who was surprisingly making eye contact with me and smiling.

“Mr. Kim, you may go ahead and sit here in this desk,” Mr. Lee guided JongHyun towards the desk in front of mine and he gladly sat down in his permanent seat for the rest of the semester. ‘Oish (Oh gosh/ Oh my gosh/Jeez)! Why does he have to sit directly in front of me?! I’m already distracted by all the books that I read during class, and now him?? WAE (why)?!’

“Ms. Son, would you please help out our new classmate with all of our procedures of the classroom?” Mr. Lee asked and my eyes widened. ‘EHH??? I have to converse with him now?!’ “Ms. Son, kenchana (means any of the following: that okay/ are you okay/ I’m okay)?” I finally shook myself out of my mini daydream and looked back at the teacher.

“Neh!” I answered confidently yet nervously.

“Great. Now, please open up your workbooks to page 113 and complete a brainstorm, rough draft, and final for the prompt, begin.” Mr. Lee set the timer and we all got to work.

“So, are you going to help me?” JongHyun turned around and smiled.

“Of course! I’ll show you how we do this, jakaman (hold on a second/ hold on)!” I went to the back of the classroom and grabbed another book for him and filled with joy inside. “Here you go!” I whispered and handed him a book.

“Komawa (thanks)!” he gave his killer smile and turned back to his desk. I giggled inside and went back to work.

“Mianhae (sorry), but I didn’t catch your name… what is it again?” I heard a sweet voice come above my lowered head. I looked up and gasped.

“O-oh! It’s Son HyoMi….” I whispered softly in shock.

“Son HyoMi…” he repeated. “I won’t forget that,” he chuckled softly and turned back around.

‘OMO (Oh my gosh!)! Did I hear that correctly?? “I won’t forget that…” EEEEEPPP!!!!!! I think I finally have my first crush…. Kim JongHyun….’ I rejoiced inside of me but a couple minutes later, the bell had rung and I didn’t even finish the rough draft of my paper.

“Please turn in all of your work to me!” Mr. Lee reminded us before we left. I quickly got up to turn in my unfinished work when Mr. Lee called me back once I threw it in the basket. “Ms. Son, kenchana?”

“Neh…. Waeyo (Why)?” I looked at my teacher in confusion.

“You haven’t finished your whole writing assignment and you always do an outstanding job on them….. what happened?”

“Oh… I-I was just thinking about the book I was reading today and I just couldn’t wait until I got to read it again, see?” I showed him my adventurous book and he nodded slowly.

“Araseo…. Please do better next time. You’re dismissed,” he waved me goodbye and I hurried to my least favorite class, P.E. As I ran all the way to the gymnasium at the other end of the school, I bumped and tripped over someone. “Ah! Ouch….” I rubbed my elbow and knee in which I had scraped on the hard cement floor.

“Mianhae!” the other voice said. I gathered all of my things and weakly stood up.

“Mianhamnida! I really didn’t mean to bump into you…” I pouted and looked up to see Kim JongHyun smiling softly.

“J-JongHyun-ssi?” I gasped. “MIANHAE!! Aigoo…. I feel so bad…” I looked away in embarrassment.

“Haha… kenchana…. Yah! Look at you! Do you need to go to the nurse?” he eyed my scraped knee and elbow and I shook my head.

“Anni (No), I think I’ll be fine…” I scratched my head. “But I have to get to my next class! I will see you later! Mianhae!” I gathered my things and quickly ran all the way to the gymnasium.

--At the End of School-

“Finally… the end of the day…” I sighed as I gathered all of my things together in my backpack. “What a long day… now for a bit of reading!” I grinned and took out my adventure book. I flipped to the page in which I had stopped and began to walk my normal route in which I would take every day to get back home. I always did that after school, read a book while walking home, the same with walking to school in the morning. It was my favorite thing to do since I got to do my 2 favorite things: read and take long walks. I put my book down for a while to enjoy the scenery of my walk when I noticed another person on the sidewalk across from me. It was weird for no one in my school lived in the area where I lived. I tried not to stare, but I couldn’t help it. Eventually, I got caught by the mysterious person.

“Oh! Oh! Excuse me! Can you help me?” the person ran towards me and I fidgeted trying to find a way out of the situation.

“E-eh…?” I finally looked up and who did I see? You guessed it! Kim JongHyun….. AGAIN!

“HyoMi?!” he yelled in shock.

“N-Neh?” I chuckled.

“Wow! I’m always bumping into you one way or another…” he laughed and I did along with him. “But… I was wondering if you could help me… Do you know where this is?” he showed me a paper with a written address and I smiled.

“I know where this is! It’s in my neighborhood! Here, you can come with me if you want,”

“Jeongmal (Really)? Ah, komawa!” he made himself next to me and we walked in silence for a while.

“So… did you make any friends, yet?” I asked him in between the awkward silence.

“Mmmm! There was this one guy in my geometry class…. Hmm… it seems that I forgot his name… hehehe,” he chuckled.

“Oh….” I smiled and nodded my head.

“But I also met another person… she was really nice,” he grinned.

“Ah, jinjja (Really)?” I said quietly. I pouted for I wasn’t exactly classified as his “friend.” Of course I wouldn’t count as a friend to him…. He was way too outgoing and popular like everyone at school.

“She’s right here with me…. Son HyoMi!” he laughed and ruffled my hair.

‘Did he just….. touch my head?!! I can’t believe what’s happening right now… I think I’m going to die.’

“Hehehe!” I laughed. We talked for a while until I got to my house and I told him the rest of the directions.

“Wait…. You live here?” he questioned me his head tilted to the side.

“Mhmm! Wae?” I asked.

“Because… this is my house right here,” he pointed to the house in front of mine and I did a happy dance inside of me. “I think I might have written down the wrong house number… Mianhae! But, wow! We live right across from each other! Now I’ll really have a best friend near me, annyeong (it means any of the following: Hi/Bye- informal)! See you in the morning for another walk~” he waved with both of his hands and my heart skipped a few beats.

‘This is not happening to me is it? It’s just a dream, right?! I hope it isn’t…. I really hope it isn’t.’ I entered my house and forgot all about my book that I was eager to read and daydreamed all day.

For a few months, Kim JongHyun seemed to be my only friend and his was mine. We would walk to and from school every single day and he would follow me to eat in the library. Surprisingly, he also loved to read. That was when I knew we would be friends for a long time. But, after those months, his parents began to drive him to and from school, he wouldn’t come to the library with me to eat lunch, we changed seats in reading for the new semester and I was on one side of the room and he was on the other, and eventually he became a part of the populars just like I predicted. I would wave and say hi to him once in a while, but he was just taken away by his other friends. Sometimes he would join in with his friends and call me names and things just to impress them. But even though I was apart from him, I couldn’t get over him and his old personality. The old Kim JongHyun was my crush. Not the new one.

---- End of Flashback ----

-Present Day- High School-

“Yah! Son HyoMi, get up!” my mother shook my shoulders and I immediately got up.

“E-eomma (Mom)! What time is it?!” I stuttered.

“It’s 7 A.M.! Why aren’t you awake yet?! You’re always up early….” She looked at me in confusion.

“I-I had a weird dream….. but it wasn’t a dream… it was like a flashback…” I said quietly still thinking about it.

“Yah! Stop dreaming! You did a lot of that already! You are going to be late!” my mom exited out of my room and I quickly changed into my uniform. School started at 7:30 a.m. and I would always leave by 7:15 to walk to school. I looked out my window and saw that JongHyun and his mother had already left to school in their car. Yes. I still live across from Kim JongHyun, and it’s already my last year of high school until college. We have lived across each other for a long time, but I never talked to him. My parents and his parents always talked to each other like good friends and we were always invited to their house or we would invite them to ours so, I would try to make a conversation with him, but he wouldn’t say anything.

“I’ll be leaving now! Annyeong!” I waved my mom goodbye and ran out the back door. I quickly checked my very old phone for the time and saw it read 7:17. I was still good on time. I smiled and slowed down a bit trying to fix myself up a little. I had a colorful set of braces, the same dark brown eyes accompanied with an occasional usage of black rimmed reading glasses, shoulder length black hair, and my small height.

As I came up to the school, I quickly glanced at the time again on my phone and saw the numbers: 7:23. I had 7 minutes left to spare. As I walked inside the school, I spotted the popular people huddled around each other in a circle. I scoffed and rolled my eyes at the sight and made my way to my locker.

“HYOMI-AH! You’re here!! I have big news!” I could hear a familiar voice shriek.

“Neh?” I asked her as I searched for my key to open up my locker. The person shrieking was my first friend that I had made after Kim JongHyun left me for the populars. She was new to the middle school before when I met her and we suddenly became lifelong friends. Her name is Jung ChoHee which meant beauty and joy, and it was true. She was very pretty and pure and happy all the time. She had long jet black hair, light brown eyes, and perfect complexion. I was very jealous of my beautiful friend.

“I entered you into the MASTERS ART CONTEST!!” she screamed and jumped up and down. My elective was art for I had a love for drawing suddenly after Kim JongHyun joined the populars. I realized it when I began drawing this beautiful tree outside my window when I was depressed and bored. It was my new favorite thing to do and then reading came next.

“Yah! Yah! Yah! Jeongmal?!” My eyes literally bolted out of my head.

“Mmmm!!” she nodded her head furiously. “Here’s the paper of dates you can come to present your artwork,” she handed me a sheet of paper that was covered in a bunch of different colors. It was like she handed me an example of a great piece of art.

“Wah… There is no way I can compete in this… I am not pro yet!” I stared at my friend who was soon frowning.

“EHH?! Of course you can do it!! I’ve seen your painting of that tree you made once, and it’s perfect for the competition! I know you’ll win first place with that! And besides… the winner gets 500,000,000 won (about $500,000 U.S. dollars)!” ChoHee cheered me on.

“A-araseo, araseo…. I’ll try…” I gave her a weak smile and she rejoiced as she made herself to her own locker.

‘Masters Art Contest… 500,000,000 won… Come show your art on any of these dates: May 14, 15, or 16…’ I reviewed the main points of the paper and quickly stuffed it in my backpack. ‘Aiya… how can I let ChoHee down...?. Humph… I guess I can do it…’ I sighed and quickly made my way to my first class. I ran down the halls until I slipped and dropped my book across the floor. ‘Ah! I’m so clumsy…’ I gradually got myself up until I heard the most annoying laugh I’ve ever heard.

“Hahaha! Slow down there, tiny. Someone might trip and fall on you!” one girl said. I looked behind her and saw the group of populars standing along with her. Kim JongHyun was standing there too at the back trying hard not to look down at me.

I quickly searched around for my book, but there were too many people walking around. I looked at the one girl who spoke back to me and scoffed.

“Aww! Tiny can’t find her book anywhere… Maybe we should help her…” the girl frowned sarcastically and one guy waved something in the air.

“I found it!” he shouted and I looked up at the book he was holding. ‘There it is…’ I gasped and tried to make my way towards it.

“Give it here,” the girl smirked and held it in her hands. “Is this it?” she waved the book in my face and I moved my hand to grab it, but I missed. “CATCH!” she yelled and threw the book towards someone else and soon it was a game of “hot potato.”

“Yah! Give it to me!” I screamed and jumped up and down to get it. I eyed the book as it fell into some random unpopular guy’s hands and he looked at the girl in confusion.

“Throw it in the trash… I don’t know whose it is anyways,” she giggled and the guy shrugged his shoulders and dropped it in the trash can. “Let’s go you guys…” she demanded and the huge group followed her.

“Aish! I don’t know what I’m going to do now…” I whispered to myself and made my way towards the trash can in which my book was thrown in. I braced myself and gradually reached my hand inside.

“Here! Hurry take it!” I saw my book in another person’s hands and I grabbed it with two of my fingers. “Watch where you’re going next time, araseo? Uh… I got to go before I get in trouble,” I looked up and saw the back of Kim JongHyun running back towards his group.

“Huh… he still has his old self in him still…” I smiled softly and also ran to get to my class in time.

-Kim JongHyun’s P.O.V.-

“Good morning, eomma,” I greeted my mom sweetly with a kiss on her cheek.

“Ah, how are you today, sweetie?” she replied.

“I’m feeling great!” I took a sip of the cool white milk that my mom prepared for me along with a warm hot cake that was sitting on a plate. “Did appa (Dad) leave to work already?” I asked as I brushed my milk mustache off.

“Of course… he has a big meeting with the Board of Pottery Art today,” she explained. My dad was a potter for he made different kinds of vases and cups and such with clay. My mother was a teacher at a local kindergarten.

“Oh, by the way, I have an audition today…” I told my mom quietly as I munched on the hot cake.

“Oh, jeongmal? I hope you do well, son~” she encouraged me and rubbed my back.

“Kamsahamnida, eomma! Should we get going now?”

“Oh! Let me get the car keys….” She hurried on her way and I grinned. Although I was able to drive, I loved spending some time with my mom talking in the car. She was a major role model of mine.


“Annyeong! Saranghaeyo (I love you!- Formal)! I’ll be home late because of my audition, wish me luck!” I kissed my mom on the cheek, yet again, and waved her goodbye.

“JongHyun-ah!” I heard someone squeal. I looked behind me saw a group of girls run toward me. “EEPP!” they screamed and grabbed my arms.

“Yes, girls?” I asked with a bit of annoyance in my voice.

“We missed you, oppa (referred to an older boy when a girl says it)!!” she said trying to act cute. The girl, Hwang HyunJung, was the head of all the populars. Whatever she said, she would get. Her name HyunJung meant righteous and affectionate, and this was the perfect name for her.

“Araseo, araseo,” I said freely and shook them off of my arms.

“Uh!” they yelped.

I made my way towards the rest of my friends who were in the big huddled circle while HyunJung and her group directed our whole group to go inside of the school.

“So, you’re auditioning today, right?” my friends asked me and I nodded.

“Mmm… later today after school,”

“WAH!!” they screamed and hammered me with questions that I was too lazy to answer. My eyes wandered off to the front doors of the school when I saw HyoMi walk through. She glanced over at our group, rolled her eyes, and walked towards her locker.

“Huh,” I looked back at my friends and we all began to walk slowly towards our first classes. As we walked, all of our attention caught onto something in which I closed my eyes and rubbed my head in frustration. I saw as HyunJung said something rude and made a scene. ‘Uh. Son HyoMi! Why do you always have to do something stupid like this?!’ I looked and saw HyoMi on the ground looking up at HyunJung. Soon she was up talking back to her trying to get her book. I tried my hardest to not look at her fighting back with HyunJung and pretended not to notice.

“CATCH!” I heard someone call towards me. I looked up and saw HyoMi’s book being thrown directly in my direction. I quickly ducked and saw the guy behind me catch it and hold it in his hands. I quickly ran to the very back of the group and heard the horrible demands of HyunJung. My eyes watched as he threw the book in the trash can and the group started to walk away. I waited a few seconds until they were busy talking with each other and made my way towards the trash. I saw HyoMi slowly reach her hand inside and I sighed and quickly grabbed it.

“Here! Hurry take it!” I pushed the book towards her and she took it with two of her fingers not even looking up at me. ‘Uh! Why is she so slow?!’ “Watch where you’re going next time, araseo?” I told her. I looked towards the group and saw them making a turn in the hallway. “Uh… I got to go before I get in trouble,” I turned back and ran before they started to look for me.


“Good luck, oppa! See you tomorrow!!” HyunJung and her friends squealed.

I walked away and gave them a thumbs-up as I walked. I could hear them cheer in enjoyment and I rolled my eyes. ‘Hmm… so where is this building?’ I looked around in every direction and eventually took a bus. I was auditioning for a spot to be a famous singer in SMTOWN or SMENT (SM Entertainment). I was told by my mother many times that I had an amazing voice and she would always make me sing at her kindergarten. My father also supported me even though he wanted me to follow his steps in being a potter. I pulled out the lyrics to the song that I was going to sing and reviewed it over and over and over again until we got to my destination.

“Ah! Kamsahamnida!” I bowed down to the bus driver and he smiled and drove off. ‘Okay… Building 2E…’ I looked around for the right building and kept practicing the song in my head. ‘Ah! There it is!’ I entered the building and saw about 5 or so people waiting in a line. There was a table with one person at the side and she called me over.

“Are you here to audition?” the lady asked.

“Neh,” I answered staring at the line blankly. “Just out of curiosity… am I late?” I chuckled softly.

“Oh, anniyo. Many of the participants are in the other buildings auditioning as well, so no need to worry!” she smiled and handed me a clipboard and a sticker. “Please fill out these papers first and then stick this sticker on your shirt. And while you audition, please take off your uniform blazer and tie so the judges can see your sticker. Good luck!”

“Kamsahamnida!” I bowed down formally towards her and sat myself down on a chair and quickly filled out the papers.


“Number 113, Kim JongHyun, we’re ready for your audition,” a woman said and opened a door for me to enter.

“Kamsahamnida,” I entered the rather large room which looked like a recording studio. I looked around carefully and saw four other people around my age sitting at a round table with microphones and gear in front of them. They looked up at me as I entered the room, but looked toward 8 older people sitting in the front. I figured that the 8 people were the judges.

“Annyeonghaseyo, what is your name, sir?” one man from the group of 8 smiled.

“Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Kim JongHyun. And I’m here to audition for the spot of a main vocalist,”

“Neh! Please use these headphones and microphone so we can also record you on our recorder to go back to later. From your audition papers, I can tell that you are already well experienced, yes?”

“Neh! I try my best to share my talent with everyone,” I grinned and they all nodded simultaneously.

“Neh. So, what will you be singing?”

“I will be singing ‘Nothing Better’ by Brown Eyed Soul,” I nodded and they all looked at me in awe.

“Wow! Very impressive! A lot of people have attempted to sing that song, and I know it’s a very hard song to sing, so good luck! We will be recording you now,” he pointed a video camera at me and waited for me to put on my headphones so that he could start the music. I took a deep breath and started to sing for the last and final open spot of S.M. Entertainment of the year.

Kim JongHyun’s Audition Tape! (Well, it’s not really his real audition, but it’s very close! And I’m sorry… It may be a little off, but it was the only one I could find D: ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sdXL6fnC-8


“Woo-Hoo!!!” all of them cheered for me as I ended the song. The other guys my age were also clapping and cheering especially the one in the orange shirt. Throughout the whole performance, he seemed sincerely happy for my audition even though we were all fighting for a spot in fame.

“That was amazing!” all of them agreed and clapped louder.

“Kamsahamnida,” I bowed down formally and waited for the results.

“We’ll let you all know about the final results tomorrow, so please check your mail or e-mail for the final papers to see if you got in! If you do not return the papers back by the deadline, we will try calling you and if you don’t answer within 2 days, your spot will be taken, so please remember! You all did great today!” they directed us out of the room and I grabbed my stuff and started to head out towards the bus stop.

“Excuse me!” I heard behind me.

“Neh?” I looked back and saw the one guy who was clapping for me throughout my audition.

“Your audition was really great! You are one of the best singers I know.” He smiled and shook my hand.

“Oh, Kamsahamnida!” I said a bit shyly.

“My name is KiBum by the way, Kim KiBum,” he grinned widely and I smiled back. “I think it would be best to get to know each other a little bit, now. Those judges kept us in the same room for a reason. They pick out people they think will go good together and have them stay around to kind of get a feel of what they’re working with,” he explained and I nodded my head.

“How did you know that?” I asked him curiously.

“Haha, my friend auditioned for this before. Although, his group all dropped out on him and he just decided to give up,” he chuckled and I did too.

“I’m guessing you’re around my age, right?” I asked and he nodded very slowly.

“I’m a junior in high school… I’m guessing you’re a senior, am I right?”

“Mmm! Well, I guess I better get going then. It was nice meeting you KiBum!” I waved him goodbye and he did the same.

“Nice meeting you too, JongHyun hyung!” his energetic voice called and I smiled at the cute kid.


I waited for the bus to come, but there was no sign of any bus or any car movement in the area. I glanced at the time on my phone and saw that it was already 6:48 P.M. and it was going to get dark soon. I decided to ditch the bus and walk home.

-HyoMi’s P.O.V. - (End of School)

“Jung ChoHee! Let’s go!” I pulled on my best friend’s arm and she followed. We usually walk home together because she lives in the same community as me but is a little further down the neighborhood. Today, she was going to spend the night at my house until the workers were done putting in hardwood floors in their house.

“I’m coming, I’m coming!” she giggled and we walked home without closing our mouths to stop talking. We’re usually like this a lot.


“Eomma! We’re home!” I yelled as we got inside my house. We comfortably went up to my room to start on our homework and talking over things.

“So, have you thought about submitting your work in the art contest?” ChoHee’s eyes widened as she asked me the question.

“Mmm….” I mumbled and she frowned.

“Wae? Wae? Wae?” she pouted.

“Uh…” I tried to look for the right words to say, but I only fell into her trap. “Fine! I’ll do it! Are you happy now?” I stuck my tongue out at her and she giggled.

“Yay! Now we have to find you something nice to wear!! Let’s go shopping!” she gasped and pulled me off of the ground.

“What?! Now? We still have a lot of time!” I told her and she immediately sat down. “We just began January and second semester! Let’s take a break…” I replied innocently and she nodded.

“Knock, knock!” I heard a familiar voice behind my bedroom door and saw my mother standing in the doorway with a disappointed look on her voice.

“Neh, eomma?”

“Where’s the mail?” she questioned me with her arms crossed in front of her. My job was to check on the mail every other day and I completely forgot.

“Oh! Mianhae! I’ll go check on it now!” I gasped and she shook her head.

“Not yet, I would like you and ChoHee to finish your homework first,” she replied and walked away. My mom treated ChoHee as one of her children, too. She loved ChoHee a lot, but disciplined both me and her whenever we forget to do something. It really made me feel like we were sisters.

“Let’s get this done and then we can go to the park!” ChoHee smiled and we hurried to finish our homework.


“We’ll be going to get the mail and hang around the park; we’ll be back soon, eomma!” both me and ChoHee waved to my mother and began to walk through the chilly community. As we walked to the mailbox, we saw a mysterious figure walk down the streets. We were glad not to be seen, but he soon turned back to go our direction. I saw that he was a homeless man looking for a place to stay the night.

“Yah, we should probably get back to your house,” ChoHee whispered and we tip-toed away from the scene. “Hurry!” she shouted in my ear and I shook my head.

“Anni! He might hear us…” I whispered back harshly and she looked at me with scared and nervous eyes. “We’ll be fine!” I cheered her up and everything was fine until we heard a bunch of muffled yells.

“W-what’s that?!” ChoHee screamed and hid behind me.

“HELP!” I heard and pushed ChoHee to go back to the house to get help while I bravely ran down the streets to find the matching voice of the terrified screams.

-End Chapter 1-

-I hope you guys enjoyed!!~ Don’t forget… I LOVE FEEDBACK. <3 <3


Name: Son HyoMi

Position/Description: Son HyoMi, the main character of it all, is quite an unpredictable person. One minute she’s determined, then she’s unsure, then she’s shy, and then she’s angry! It’s hard to tell what will happen with Son HyoMi, but when she’s around the people she knows well, the whole atmosphere turns into a world full of rainbows, unicorns, and happiness… most of the time.


Name: Jung ChoHee

-Her appearance matches the looks of Kim SoEun or Chu GaEul from Boys Over Flowers!-


Position/Description: Jung ChoHee is the beautiful, smart, outgoing, fashionable, and kind best friend of Son HyoMi. She plays a big role model to every little child she meets and even to HyoMi. She takes part in many activities and hopes to become a doctor or fashion designer when she grows up even though many people think she will become famous because of the outside activities she does outside of school (drama/acting, choir, dance team, modeling, teacher’s aid, community service, doctor trainee, and even aviation training! She is determined to get her license in flying in a couple of years.)


Name: Kim JongHyun


-Position/Description: Kim JongHyun, the ex-best friend of HyoMi, basically. He was turned around in middle school when he was asked to join the populars when he was younger. He couldn’t turn down such an amazing group that were known to everyone in school and were most likely to be a “someone” when they were older. Although he didn’t like their ways of making fun of others and being rude, he was able to get chances at taking classes like dancing, singing, and acting from his friends companies. He may have been popular, but it didn’t mean he had a foul personality on the inside. He only pretended to be a “real popular” when he needed discounts on his extra classes.


Name: Hwang HyunJung

-Most likely appears as Kim HyunA from 4minute! HyunJung isn’t played by HyunA, but she resembles her~ HyunA is so nice in real life!^^


-Position/Description: Hwang HyunJung- the said, “beauty” of all humankind. She thinks she’s the princess and gets the attention from everybody. She strives to be together with Kim JongHyun because of his good looks and his likeliness to be famous in a few years. She obviously despises of HyoMi and all of the people like her that she tends to have a habit of humiliating those people in public.


Name: Kim KiBum/Key


-Position/Description: Kim KiBum, or Key, is the most caring, cautious, crazy, and cool member of the soon to be group, SHINee. Sometimes he may seem very depressed, angry, annoying, fun, caring, enthusiastic, and plain ‘ol crazy one day; however, you never know what mood he’ll be in the next day. He’s very unpredictable (like HyoMi) and will always take away the attention when he steps into a room.


- I really hope you guys enjoyed it! I hope it wasn’t lame… xD

Please tell me what you think! Do you think I should keep writing this, or would you like me to just focus on Too Many Coincidences? I NEED YOUR HELP!~ NOW… CLICK THE MESSAGE BUTTON AND GIVE ME SOME FEEDBACK!!!..... please? :3 hehehe~ I love you guys!!Thanks so much for reading!! Byebye~^0^

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2min4life #1
Wow! I'm really looking forward to this! I thought that you stopped writing t.m.c but thank goodness it's still continuing!