

-Pricilla's POV-

I was lazily sitting in class waiting for time to pass, i couldn't wait until after school. Key had been gone for a year and i miss him so much :( But he's coming back today :D I need to dash home and get ready to meet him at our favourite restaurant xD. The only problem is this teacher won't shut up and time is going sooo slooowww. I fiddled with my pen, doodled in my book, graffitied on my ruler, passed notes to random people, poked the nerd in front of me and stuck my rude finger at the teacher. The bell finally decided to ring! YES! I ran out of the room like lightning, leaving a trail of dust behind me.

All the excitement and anticipation was rushing out of me as i ran home, without greeting my mum i ran upstairs and quickly showered........my eyes searched through the messy pile of clothes and i couldn't pick what to wear so i picked up my phone to call my no.1 eonnie, (i'm your no.1 eonnie but i'll make exceptions just this once) Jessica. She picked up on the second ring, after telling her about my crisis, she quickly rushed over. We tried on a thousand outfits before she finally agreed on one, it was a simple but elegant dress with a side bag and cute flats. It was almost time so i stood up to leave, Jessica eonnie walked me to the door and wished me luck.

I took a cab to our favourite restaurant, the place was packed with people but Key oppa probably already made reservations. "Good evening miss, how may i help you?" the guy at the front desk asked me with a friendly smile, i smiled back before answering "Reservations for Kim Kibum?", "Ahh yes" he said and led the way, i followed him while looking around at the people in the restaurants. Instead of sitting in one of the tables in the room with the rest of the crowd, the front desk guy led me into a V.I.P room lit with candlelights and there was also a bottle of champagne. *Key oppa planned all this =)?*. The man bowed then left.

I sat down on the velvet seat and looked around the room, it was dark but the candles gave it a romantic effect. I was probably so excited that i came too early, i'll just wait for oppa. I sipped on my glass of water happily, thinking about meeting my boyfriend again, i glanced at the wall clock and 10 minutes had passed. I waited some more, until a whole hour had passed, my heart sank and my hands started to become sweaty *What if he doesn't come?*....*No, oppa won't leave me hanging* More time passed but yet still no sight of Key, my faith started fading until i had waited an entire 2 hours. I stood up and left some money on the table before leaving, outside it was raining and i didn't bring an umbrella but i didn't care about anything now.


So maybe a two-shot? I can't write the rest of it now but i will update tomorrow =D



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Finished transferring from MinHee_xD, Happy Endings Don't Exist and Marry...HIM?! coming up tomorrow! THANK YOU ^^


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Very good :) and really sweet ending! <3
Great fanfic. I loved it:)