Chaos in the Cafeteria

I'll Be Your Lover Forever


No ones POV:
As days passed by you grew slightly closer with Infinite.
Your heart that was covered with ice melted one drop at a time without you knowing.
Not only did you change slightly, but L did, too.
He began to attend class because of you.
Your POV:
 You sat at your desk waiting for class to start.
The teacher came in and class began, but L didn't come to class yet.
"Why isn't he here yet? Wait! Why am I thinking about him?" you thought while the teacher was talking.
Suddenly, the door flew open and L walked in.
"Sorry, I'm late! I was stuck in traffic," L quickly said.
He then walked to his seat and took out his things.
L then looked over your shoulder.
Feeling uncomfortable, you asked him,"What are you doing?"
He replied back saying that he just wanted to see your notes that you took so far.
Understandingly, you allowed him to.
Finally, class was finally over.
As usual, L dragged you to his table where Infinite was waiting.
However, Infinite wasn't as loud and lively as they always were.
Shrugging it off you went to go get your lunch.
Myungsoo POV:
I walked up to them and whispered," What's up with you guys. Why are you so quiet now?"
They answered,"It's Valentine's Day tomorrow, but ~~~~ isn't going to give anything to us.
So, let's do something to her!"
Woah! They're pretty smart!
"Good idea! We'll plan at my house!" I said while smiling.
Maybe I'll see her being happy tomorrow!
Wait! What's taking her so long to come.
Out of the blue.........
Woori POV:
What is that ugly duckling doing with Infinite?
She has no right to be there.
That should be me!
She's going to pay for that.
Watch out ~~~~ because I'll make sure that you stay away from them.
Your POV:
You were heading back to Infinite, when a girl comes up to you and blocks your way.
"Stay away from Infinite if you know what's good for you," she hissed.
She then takes her lunch and was going to dump it on you.
You brace yourself for the food that you were going to be standing in.
Suprisingly, someone slips in front of you and shields you from the girls lunch
Myungsoo POV:
I saw Woori infront of ~~~ with her lunch.
I quickly ran and covered ~~~ from the food.
I had Woori's food all over me now.
I looked at Woori and yelled,"Why the hell would you do something to ~~~, Woori?
She hasn't talked to you much less do something to you!"
Woori screamed out," She's stealing you and Infinite from me!"
"Since when were we yours?" six voices said.
I turned around and it was the rest of Infinite.
I nodded as a sign of thanks.
I bent down and picked ~~~ up off the floor.
Your POV:
"Did L just save me?" you questioned yourself.
Now you feel really bad, like I owe him something.
He picked me up from the floor.
You turned me head because you felt awkward.
The bell rang indicating that lunch was over.
L left to go change into different clothes.
You just walked to your locker dazed.
You arrived at your class still confused.
L strolled in as if nothing happened.
He sat down beside you quietly.
You nodded as a sign of thanks and then put your head down on your desk.
For once since L.Joe broke up with you, you actually felt that you were loved.
"Maybe the Infinite boys aren't the worst guys in the world," you decided.
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Chapter 36: Too much drama for me. I feel like, with a situation like that, it's not meant to be dragged out. It's something maybe for 2 chapters after the initial misunderstanding.
kwistal12 #2
Chapter 24: Be ma girl- Teen Top
kwistal12 #3
Chapter 20: My ultimate bias is L.joe/Byunghyun
BellaDoanOfficial #4
Chapter 20: Mine is ALL UKISS members especially Hoon... <3
Chapter 10: It is tooooo awesome!!! :D
Chapter 38: it too short i think
keep writing and be my friend ;)
Chapter 37: Nice story :)
Chapter 3: I love this already x)
Chanyeol4lyfe000 #9
Chapter 11: wow i love it is the best story
Chapter 37: that was an awesome story! and really cute too! :D haha