Happily Ever After?

I'll Be Your Lover Forever

L.Joe POV:

I've done a lot just to get ~~~ to even talk to me.

I kissed her, fought for her, and even worked together with L to get that guy to switch back his seat with ~~~'s.

Should I give up?

I guess so.

I need to tell Woori that.

I asked Woori to skip class to talk.

So I met up with Woori in a cafe.

I was going to talk first, but she interrupted me.

"We need to get rid of ~~~!" she said while rolling her eyes.

What?!? Get rid of her?

No way!

"Sorry Woori. I'm not working with you anymore. I give up. You should too," I replied calmly.

I thought that maybe she would give up, but hell no.

"Are you kidding me? You're stopping! Ugh. Fine, but I'm not going to give up like you. L must be mine. He belongs to me and ~~~'s in the way. She stands no chance," Woori sneered as she sashayed out of the cafe.

! She's going to do something malicious.

I have to get to ~~~ now!

I ran to my motorcycle and jumped on.

Basically speeding through every red light and dodging cars, I drove to the school.

I ran into the school, looking for her.

I then saw something suspicious outside.

A white van with tinted windows.

I could vaguely make out a figure of a girl..... banging on the windows.

Oh my ing gosh!!

Auddmdowhqgakpchwgysk!!!!(L.Joe spazzing out)

Who would want to kidnap....... Well duh Woori!

I need back up!

Guess I'll get Teen Top, Infinite, and Won Ho.

I ran into my class where L and Won Ho was.

I slammed open the door and ran to both of them.

"~~~'s in danger! We have to go save her!" I half whispered.

No one else needs to know about this.

The teacher gave me a dirty look, but didn't say anything.

Afterall, I am THE L.Joe.

All three of us ran to the other class gathering the rest of Infinite and Teen Top.

L's phone then recieved a text.

If you want to ever see ~~~ again come to the warehouse in the middle of Seoul.

All of us jumped onto our motorbikes and sped to  our destination.


No, I need to save ~~~!

I went way over the speed limit and arrived first.

Without thinking, I stormed into the warehouse.... alone.

All I thought about was getting to ~~~.

What I saw scared me.

~~~ was tied to a chair battered and bruised, unconcious.

I whipped out a pocket knife and ran to her.

To my distaste, eight huge men appeared and blocked me.

That's when a fight broke out.

I threw the first punch.

I was doing pretty well, but ~~~ woke up.

I lost my concentration and started to get hit.

Luckily, Teen Top, Infinite, and Won Ho came in.

We were winning at first, but all of us slowly got tired.

While everyone was fighting, I untied ~~~. 

She randomly hugged me and I hugged back.

But someone suddenly ripped her from my embrace.


I was going to walk closer, but she took out a gun and pointed at ~~~'s temple.

"Don't come any closer!" Woori shrieked insanely.

Holy !

"Be mine forever and your precious ~~~ will live," Woori cackled.

I took another step closer.

Woori cocked the gun.

"Don't! I be your boyfriend just let her go! Please!" I begged.

Woori smirked.

"You'll still love her though, so she needs to go!" Woori screamed.

I ran forward and heard a shot.


Is ~~~ injured?

I slowly looked up and saw someone on the ground.

It was..... Woori?

~~~ was standing up dazed.

I looked behind and saw L.Joe holding a gun with its muzzle smoking.

It was L.Joe who shot Woori.

"Don't worry I didn't shoot her anywhere harmful. She's unconcious from shock. Woori is really annoying, why did I even talk to her? Oh and I called the police," he casually said.

Speaking of the police, they barged in and arrested Woori.

I made my way to ~~~ and hugged her. 

I then pulled away and looked at her in the eyes.

"I love you," I sincerely said.

I then crashed my lips onto hers.

We shared a passionate kiss and when we stopped and gasped for air, ~~~ said,"I love you too."

Your POV:

After your "incident," everything went back to normal, except for a couple things.

You and Myungsoo were as close as ever.

But, no there was no love pentagon.

L.Joe went to America while Hoya and Won Ho finally founds their own girlfriends.

Woori was in jail for the rest of her life.

Both Your POV and L POV:

My life is complete.

I am his/her lover forever.




That was the end!

Thanks for subscribing to I'll Be Your Lover Forever!

I love you guys!

And make sure to subscribe to my next story which I haven't made yet!

L.Joe will be a main character!

Again, thank you!

Oh and can someone make a poster for my next story and tell me how the poster thing goes onto the story because I'm still unfamiliar with AFF?





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Chapter 36: Too much drama for me. I feel like, with a situation like that, it's not meant to be dragged out. It's something maybe for 2 chapters after the initial misunderstanding.
kwistal12 #2
Chapter 24: Be ma girl- Teen Top
kwistal12 #3
Chapter 20: My ultimate bias is L.joe/Byunghyun
BellaDoanOfficial #4
Chapter 20: Mine is ALL UKISS members especially Hoon... <3
Chapter 10: It is tooooo awesome!!! :D
Chapter 38: it too short i think
keep writing and be my friend ;)
Chapter 37: Nice story :)
Chapter 3: I love this already x)
Chanyeol4lyfe000 #9
Chapter 11: wow i love it is the best story
Chapter 37: that was an awesome story! and really cute too! :D haha