Unexpected Words

I'll Be Your Lover Forever

Your POV:

You were so angry and annoyed at yesterday's big suprise.

"Why did he have to kiss me? Why can't he let me go?" you asked yourself.

You were so frustrated, but you let it go.

"Myungsoo Oppa's going to support me and protect me, so I'll be fine," you thought as you got ready for a new day.

You went outside and expected to see Myungsoo's car, but it wasn't there.


You waited for him to the point that your were going to be late for school.

He still didn't come, so you ended up having to run to school and climb over the gates.

Luckily, you weren't late for class.

Bursting into class, you scanned the room to look for Myungsoo.

You found him sitting down in his seat with his head down on his desk, buried in his arms.

You walked up to him and said," Is something wrong? You look depressed and you didn't come to my house this morning."

Myungsoo just looked at you and got up from his seat.

You were wondering what he was doing and you got your answer.

He asked a girl across the room to switch seats with him!

You were taken back and hurt.

Instead of approaching him now, you decided to do it at lunch.

You gazed at him and then looked away with a deep sigh.

L.Joe came in like he owned the place, and sat down next to you.

You glanced at him and scowled.

Myungsoo glared at you and L.Joe and scoffed.

Wait! YOU and L.Joe?

Yeah that's right.

"Why is he glaring at me too?" you thought while fighting back tears.

You managed to keep your poker face on.

As soon as the class ended, you approached Myungsoo.

"What's wrong? Why are you giving me a cold shoulder? Did I do anything wrong? Did something happen?" you asked.

"Stay away from me. You betrayed me and your acting like nothing's wrong right now. Go away," he growled coldly.

"What do you mean? What did I do to betray you?" you interrogated.

Myungsoo sneered, "As if you don't know. You know exactly what I'm talking about. Stop acting innocent.

We're no longer a couple"

After saying those words, he left you alone in the classroom.

You were so confused and shocked.

"What's going on? I've always been faithful," you thought.

You ran to the cafeteria to talk to Myungsoo about it to recieve more information, but when you got there, you were heart broken.

You saw Woori on Myungsoo's lap, his cheek while kissing him on the lips.

You're tears that you tried so hard to hold in, finally leaked out onto your cheek.

Infinite saw you and was going to go after you, but Myungsoo made them stop.

He told them what he saw yesterday.

They were all dumbfounded and didn't buy the story, but they kept quiet.

Infinite POV:

L left with that , Woori.

"Something's up, guys. Why would ~~~ cry if she has L.Joe now?" Dongwoo asked curiously.

"Yeah, as far as I know, ~~~ is head over heels for him. She always glares at L.Joe.

That story can't be right," Sunggyu stated while thinking hard.

"Well, we only heard L's point of view, so we need to hear ~~~'s. Her's is most likely the truth.

After all, Woori showed L what happened.

L.Joe and her seem really close these days.

They could have set it up." Sungyeol exclaimed.

"We need to look for ~~~ and hear her side of the story. L misses her, I know it.

He hold so much sadness in his eyes, even when he pretends to be strong.

It hurts to see both of them hurt," Woohyun added in.

All of us went to go look for ~~~.

We found her sitting infront of a tree, sobbing quietly.

So, we approached her.

~~~ must have sensed our presence, so she jumped up and was about to run, but Hoya and Sungjong held her back.

"What happened between you and L hyung," Sungjong asked.

"I don't know! He's being so cold to me and he's with Woori now," ~~~ replied sadly.

We told her what L told us.

Her eyes widened.

She suprised us by punching the tree.

"What's wrong, ~~~?" Hoya asked.

"No wonder I thought that there were people behind the bush. Those two evil s set us up!" ~~~ screamed.

"This is what really happened," ~~~ said.

She told us the truth and we weren't shocked.

It was what we expected.

L just didn't watch the important parts that happened.

It made all of us furious.

We thanked ~~~ and walked her to her class.

L glared at us intensely while Dongwoo texted him.

We have to talk after school. You have to meet us at our hang out place.

Don't you dare ditch or we'll kill you. It's important.



I seriously can't today.

Guests are coming to my house.


What a liar. I doubt that there's anyone coming over.

He's going regret all of his actions.

Let's hope that ~~~ forgives L for being an idiot.


The words I said to ~~~ were ringing in my ears.

We broke up.

It was ~~~'s fault.

I kind of wished that I didn't end it, but I had to.

She lied to me and Infinite still hangs out with her.


I was going to glance at ~~~~, but I stopped myself.

I shouldn't be doing that anymore.

I'll never be able to heal my heart, but I have to fake it.

I need to avoid ~~~ and Infinite for at least two or three weeks right now.

So, I lied to Infinite.

Your POV:

"We're over now.

Thanks to those two desperate asses," you thought.

You really miss Myungsoo already, but you sort of don't want to forgive him.

"He doesn't trust me, so why should I take him back?" you questioned yourself.

"But still, I understand why he would think that I'm cheating on him," you argued back to yourself.

You gave up on deciding what to do.

"The answer will come up later," you thought.

School was going to be over in five minutes.

You couldn't wait.

You were planning to walk in the park to clear your mind after school.

Five minutes.

Four minutes.

Three minutes.

Two minutes.

One minute.

The bell rang and you raced out the door to the park.





Hey everyone!

For those who like Infinite and Teen Top, this is a must read!

Every who has an Instagram and like Teen Top and/or Infinite, please follow me!

My Instagram in fully dedicated to those two groups! My user name for it is inspiritalltheway!

Hope I get many followers! 



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Chapter 36: Too much drama for me. I feel like, with a situation like that, it's not meant to be dragged out. It's something maybe for 2 chapters after the initial misunderstanding.
kwistal12 #2
Chapter 24: Be ma girl- Teen Top
kwistal12 #3
Chapter 20: My ultimate bias is L.joe/Byunghyun
BellaDoanOfficial #4
Chapter 20: Mine is ALL UKISS members especially Hoon... <3
Chapter 10: It is tooooo awesome!!! :D
Chapter 38: it too short i think
keep writing and be my friend ;)
Chapter 37: Nice story :)
Chapter 3: I love this already x)
Chanyeol4lyfe000 #9
Chapter 11: wow i love it is the best story
Chapter 37: that was an awesome story! and really cute too! :D haha