New Side of ~~~

I'll Be Your Lover Forever


~~~ is sleeping in class right now.

Since the day that Teen Top came, ~~~ has been looking a tense.

Why can't they give up?

She's mine now.

 I'm afraid.

I'm afraid that she'll go back to them, that I won't be apart of her life anymore, that she'll easily forget me.

But, I'm terrified that ~~~ will get hurt again.

No matter how much Infinite and I try to protect her, something might go wrong.

I don't want my girl to cry anymore.

Teen Top has been keeping a low profile, but they do try to pick fights with us.

However, it's suspicious.

They aren't ones who give up so easily.

They're planning something and when they put it in action all of hell's going to break loose.

World War 3's going to happen.

Well, speak of the devil, all six of them are here.

They smirked and then went to their own seats.

Then, I woke ~~~ and switched seats with her.

She shrugged and slept more.

L.Joe looked pissed, but kept calm.

I smirked in victory.

When class ended, woke ~~~ up again and we started walking to the cafeteria.

Suddenly, L.Joe ran from behind us and carried ~~~ away from me.

I was going to chase after them, but something unexpected happened.

~~~ punched L.Joe in the face and jumped down from his arms.

Then, she kicked his shin and walked toward me.

L.Joe recovered and grabbed her arm.

She flipped him and he hit the floor with his back.

~~~ smirked and returned to my side.

"Let's go and leave that weakling," she said to me.

I just nodded and ambled to the cafeteria with her, leaving L.Joe on the floor of the empty hallway.

This is the second time that I've seen ~~~ harsh and aggressive.

I guess she has another personality when it comes to L.Joe.

But, no matter how tough she is, I still want to protect her.

My princess.

L.Joe POV:

You might push me away now, but that will change.

At first, I just needed someone by my side to make that queenka jealous.

But the more I'm with you, I know what kind of pain I gave you.

I sort of feel bad.

I want to make it up to you, ~~~.

However, I need to be selfish.

You're resisting me, so you're making it harder for me.

I can kill two birds with one stone if you're with me.

I can get that queenka to be jealous and this cleared up.

But right now, I need tear you and L apart.

I've always acted like a jerk, but I do feel a little guilty.

But baby please, come back.

The times that we've spent together are starting to mean something, love.

You're only mine, ~~~.

I then got up from the floor and looked for Teen Top.

You POV:

The day ended and Myungsoo drove you home.

Instead of climbing into bed, you sat on the coach in your living room and thought.

How can he do that?

Take me away from Myungsoo Oppa.

I look tough right now, but I'm breaking apart right now.

The only thing that is keeping me from fulling falling apart is Infinite with their unconditional love.

I will cry no more.

I got to be strong, that's the right thing to do right?" you questioned yourself quietly.

Finally shaking away all of your negative feelings,

you went to your room and listened to Infinite's songs that they sang and recorded to give to you.

You were listening to Crying. 

How much more do I need to cry,
For our memories to be spread apart in the rain?
It seems like it can’t be, in case it can’t be
In case you might come, I can’t close the windows
I draw you

I cry, I cry, I cry
If you want
I’ll fly, I’ll fly, I’ll fly

The early blue dawn, I woke up from my dream about you
But I can’t easily open my eyes
It’s different from how we were happy and laughing in my dream
An erase in my head
You were completely erased from reality
If I open my eyes, then I’m alone again
I swallow my tears and look for you who’s not there
Even if this doesn’t seem like me, I’m okay
If rain comes instead of you like this, I feel it
Your image gets broken through the raindrops that fall to the group
(Why) Do I still see you through the rain puddle?

The day my thoughts closed and darkness fell
I think droplets that you dwelled in will fall too
Will the love I had with you fall as well?
As I look around, it rises in my throat
My anguish closes with my confusion
Only tears of misery pull at me
You made my life a dream
Only the smile locked up in the picture greets me
I wrap the glass heart in case it breaks
When I see you, who matches with starlight in this world
I can never erase you, I can never give you up

How much more do I need to cry,
For our memories to be spread apart in the rain?
It seems like it can’t be, in case it can’t be
In case you might come, I can’t close the windows
I draw you

I cry, I cry, I cry
If you want
I’ll fly, I’ll fly, I’ll fly, I’ll fly

My own rain is being swept away by the sound of the rain
Your backside that’s leaving me for a far place
Like an endless tunnel, I’m at a loss about what to do
An open sea between us that I can’t cross
My fault for not letting you go easily
I become tears and I hide deep inside me
You and I are a string that can’t be cut
But that wall that couldn’t be overcome

Collecting the voices lost in this world
Inside my body, I can’t reach your hand
Raise the curtains that cover each other
I’ll overcome the wall that blocks my road to you
The beat between you and I that was shaking
I got up to at least try and match it now
I, who was dropped by the sky, fall down with my tears
I become farther from the world that tightened your breath

Our memories that were left alone
You don’t see me, right?
Where are you?

I hope for you to come back to me
I can’t endure it any longer, I see you
I’ll crying oh, I’ll fly oh, I crying

I cry

(Crying-Hoya, Dongwoo, and Baby Soul)

You fell asleep thinking about the lyrics.





Crying makes me cry! Baby Soul and Infinite are so talented!

So much emotion in every song they song/rap.

Anyways, I jsut want to take this time to thank all of you guys!

My strength to write my fanfic with your comments and just by subscribing!

I love you guys!

It touches me just to see a new comment or a new subscriber.

Stay healthy and enjoy your life!

Love your one and only,



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Chapter 36: Too much drama for me. I feel like, with a situation like that, it's not meant to be dragged out. It's something maybe for 2 chapters after the initial misunderstanding.
kwistal12 #2
Chapter 24: Be ma girl- Teen Top
kwistal12 #3
Chapter 20: My ultimate bias is L.joe/Byunghyun
BellaDoanOfficial #4
Chapter 20: Mine is ALL UKISS members especially Hoon... <3
Chapter 10: It is tooooo awesome!!! :D
Chapter 38: it too short i think
keep writing and be my friend ;)
Chapter 37: Nice story :)
Chapter 3: I love this already x)
Chanyeol4lyfe000 #9
Chapter 11: wow i love it is the best story
Chapter 37: that was an awesome story! and really cute too! :D haha