A Dream Coming True

A Dream Coming True [ONE-SHOT]


Dongwoon’s legs were wrapped in tight leather trousers as his waist was moving so sensually to the music, and it was moving perfectly against Junhyung’s crotch. It wasn’t long until Jun’s hands were placed firmly on the other’s waist, forcing his to grind more against his own crotch, and the feeling was sensational.

Suddenly, Junhyung’s mouth was attached to the back of Woon’s neck, wanting to taste his sweet pale skin, wanting nothing more than for the other to just belong to him, and be his.

Dongwoon turned around, turning to face his hyung with a fantastic smile on his lips that made Jun freeze. The Younger’s mouth was coming very close to his, the speed was going to kill him, but he waited patiently, closing his eyes, waiting to be kissed by his dream man.

Loud ringing pierced Junhyung’s ears, making the man moan loudly and shove his head into his pillow for consolation.

That’s what always happened, he’d get to the part of his dream where Dongwoon finally kissed him – but then he’d be wakened up, and it always caused him to go into a bad mood.

He dragged his dead body out of bed, lazily putting on new sweats and a baggy t-shirt, before he stumbled into the living room where it seems everyone was already situated. He noticed Dongwoon cuddled beside Doojoon, and jealousy gathered up inside his body, and dammit his mood just worsened. Finally, someone noticed him standing there with a particularly depressing emotion on his face.

“Hey what’s up Jun?” Yoseob asked, worried at the others expression. The other just ignored him and sauntered into the kitchen, wanting to get water to see if it can clear up his headache. Yoseob turned to the others who just shrugged their shoulders. Junhyung was becoming more and more depressing as each day passed, yet no one knew why, and he was certainly not going to tell anyone.

When he came back in, he took a seat on the floor far from all the other members, who just ignored his immature behaviour and concentrated on whatever they were before he joined.

However, Dongwoon was still very worried over his other member’s unusual behaviour, and he wanted to know the reason.

He moved out of Doojoon’s embrace and crawled over to where Junhyung was, taking a seat in front of him, his eyes covered in worry. When the other looked up, he flinched back in surprise at who was in front of him. Dongwoon frowned.

“Am I that ugly?” he asked, wanting to light up the conversation from the start already.

“No! Of course not…” he exclaimed, whispering the latter part of the sentence, but when he looked up at the maknae, he realised the other was joking. “What do you want?” he asked, trying to keep the cheeky tone out of his voice.

“I want you to go out with me.” He said, smiling brightly. Junhyung nearly choked on thin air.

“W-What?” he asked for the other to repeat the question. The maknae laughed.

“Let’s go out. It’s a nice day, let’s not ruin it.” And as he explained, he stood up, holding out his hand for his band mate to take. Jun felt utterly stupid inside for thinking that Dongwoon meant something different. Way to dampen his mood again.

They walked through the park, Dongwoon was clearly enjoying the sun against his face, but Junhyung was finding it hard to have a good time when the maknae was so oblivious to him.

The maknae turned to his hyung, and stopped dead when he saw the sad and annoyed look on his face. Was he acting like this because they were alone?

“Are you going to tell me what’s wrong?” he asked, folding his arms, demanding an answer. Jun turned to face him and bit his lip.

“No, I am not.” He stubbornly said, he didn’t want to be mean to the other but he couldn’t help it.

“Okay, I just wished you realised you can tell me anything.” Woon said, his lips going into a pout as he started to walk forward again.

Junhyung groaned, he hated making the other upset, but if he did anything else he was sure they’d have to end their relationship.

When they got back to the house, Dongwoon seemed to just completely ignore him and run off to his own room. Jun couldn’t blame him; they practically didn’t speak through the entire walk.

Soon, Yoseob emerged from the room he saw the maknae run into, with a frown on his face.

“What happened to Dongwoon?” he asked. Junhyung just shrugged.

“No idea.” He walked past the blonde and into his own room. He didn’t need or want to deal with anyone now. All he needed was his dream world.

Dongwoon had had quite enough of his hyung’s bad attitude; but he had no idea on how to make the man to talk to him. It was late at night, and he got up, intending to get a drink of water to see if it would calm him down.

But when he passed his hyung’s room, he heard soft moans and groans coming from it. It worried him. He peeked in, and saw Junhyung squirming around on the bed; obviously he was bothered by whatever was happening in his dream. Woon didn’t want his band mate to have a bad dream; so he walked in quietly, go over to him and shaking him slightly.

“Hyung~” he repeated this couple of times, nudging him slightly.

“Dongwoon~” the other mumbled. The maknae sighed in relief.

“Good you’re up.” He said, but the other didn’t make a move.

“Touch me~” he moaned, and the maknae’s eyes widened. Dongwoon moved away a little, all of this running through his head. Was his band mate… having a dream… that involved him? Did he really want to know? Suddenly, his friend spoke again.

“I love you Dongwoon-ah~”

This time the maknae’s whole body froze as those words left Junhyung’s mouth. Instantly, he stood up beside Junhyung, thinking about what to do – because now it’s going to be so awkward when the other wakes up. Was this the problem for Jun’s bad moods? He sure hoped not.

Suddenly, Dongwoon felt his wrist being pulled and he tumbled onto his hyung’s bed, and soon enough Jun was now on top of him, straddling him. It left the maknae breathless. He watched his hyung get closer –his eyes still closed – but Woon knew what was going to happen if he didn’t stop it.

“Junhyung, stay where you are.” He warned, but a small smile was placed on the others lips that were soon pressed against Dongwoon’s. The maknae’s eyes widened, he had no idea what was going on. All he did know was that his heart was fluttering like crazy as Junhyung’s mouth started to move against his, and he felt a hot muscles poking at his closed lips. Surprising even himself, Dongwoon opened his mouth willingly, wanting the other’s tongue inside to play with his own – and god it felt so good. He wrapped his arms around the other’s neck, pulling him closer, very loudly when the other’s crotch started to move against his as they were soon dry-humping each other.

The moans that left the maknae’s mouth were shameless, and he his own hips upwards, creating much more needed friction. Their kiss went on, going deeper and rougher as Dongwoon felt his tongue being on instantly. Quickly, he placed his hands on the other’s shoulders, gripping tightly onto them, holding his place.

Soon, he saw the other’s eyes flutter open as they separated.

“God…” he heard the other moan, his hips stopping and him sitting up straight, stretching his muscles. Dongwoon watched as he looked outside the window, frowning at the fact it was still dark. Junhyung shrugged and then turned back. Then he gasped.

Underneath him was the beautiful maknae but it was such an incredible sight.

His lips were red and swollen, and his neck was ravished. He could feel the other’s beneath him. What had he done to his poor innocent band mate?

“Oh my god Dongwoon!” he exclaimed, feeling like he was going to have a panic attack soon. “I am so sorry!” he apologised; gripping tightly onto the other’s shirt, realising that their entire friendship was now over.

Dongwoon simply smiled at the other.

“Junnie…” he started, causing the other to look straight at him. He could see the utter fear in the other’s eyes. “Don’t be sorry. I liked it.” He admitted, and he could feel Jun start to shake.

The other quickly froze, not knowing what to do in this situation. Dongwoon did know though.

And he took action.

Quickly, he grabbed the back of the guy’s neck and smashed their lips together again; glad to have that sweet taste back in his mouth as their tongues clashed together. Junhyung moaned sweetly, pushing Dongwoon down harder into the bed as they continued to ferociously make out.

After oxygen was needed, Jun stared at him.

“You… like me?” he asked, but Dongwoon immediately shook his head with a frown on his face.

‘Great, this is a dream too.’  He thought. But instead, the maknae kissed him again.

“I love you.” And after that confession, Jun immediately kissed him again and again.

“Oh my god, I’ve been waiting ages for you to say that.” The confession made Dongwoon blush hard. “By the way, I love you too.”

They both grinned and shared another sweet kiss.

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eunhaekaisooftw #1
Chapter 1: cute cute cute just plain cute ;)
DarkAngel21 #2
Chapter 1: uhhhhhh this is so cute i love it. You did so great author-nim
MysteryW #3
I never read a JunWoon before.. But this is fantastic! :D
I love the kisses, so intense!
Ugh *_______*
Awww ~~ So sweet!! i loved it :DD
Thanks for your work ;) it was fantastic ^^
Awww so cute!
Thanks for this, is cute and sweet, but also a little y ;D