No Regrets (Chapter 6)

No Regrets (A TeukChul FanFiction)


It had been a week, Leeteuk and Heechul were in a mini van and heading home from Kiss the radio, they hadn’t talked to each other, except for talk shows, Heechul was sitting 2 seats away from leeteuk and they didn’t say a word to each other.

The journey was going to take about and hour and a half so Leeteuk decided to sleep, while Teukie was sleeping Heechul was texting on his phone, Heechul peeked to his right to see if he had fallen asleep, he had. ‘Aww he looks so cute, I can’t believe he hasn’t talked to me for a week, I feel so lonely without him, but how can I make him love me?’ Heechul thought as he stared at his sleeping angel, The vibration of the moving van made Heechul quite sleepy and he eventually fell asleep with he phone still in his hand.

30 Minutes later Leeteuk woke up suddenly, it looked as if he had, had a bad dream, Leeteuk sighed relieved it was only a dream he then leaned forward to ask the drive where they were

“There’s about 30 more minutes till we reach the dorm” The driver said, Leeteuk nodded, sat back down and looked out the window.

’30 minutes, I’m sure I can prevent convocation for that long, although I doubt Heechul could… In fact he’s too quiet’ Leeteuk quickly took a look in Heechul direction and was surprised to see Heechul fast asleep, Leeteuk was dazed by his beauty, He looked so peaceful and so innocent, but then Leeteuk shook his head ‘What are you thinking Park Jung-soo!’ Leeteuk mentally slapped himself and looked out the window but it wasn’t long before Leeteuks eyes were watching Heechul again.

The van parked aside the dorm, Leeteuk was still gazing at his peaceful Rella, he didn’t want to wake him, but the driver was waiting for them to get out, “Heechul…” Leeteuk said quietly, but Heechul wouldn’t wake up, Leeteuk put his hand on Heechuls leg and shook it “Heechul!” He shouted a bit to loud and this caused Heechul to jump and wake up quite scared and breathing deeply.


Leeteuk couldn’t help but laugh and his helpless dongsaeng “Hey we are here” Teukie said while opening the slide door and jumping out, Heechul, not fully awake, gathered his things and jumped out after Leeteuk had thanked the driver, when the van drove away they both made there way to the dorm.

“Hey hyung…” Heechul said as they were waiting in the elevator,


“Do… Do you hate me?” Heechul couldn’t make eye contact, Leeteuk eyes widened, he was shocked Heechul would even consider a question like that.

“What!? H-how could you say that? What have you done to make me hate you?” Leeteuk’s voice with every question he asked, making it harder for Heechul to look at his hyung,

“Well…” Heechul hesitated for a bit ‘no Heechul you have to be strong, be the alpha male’ Heechul changed his tone of voice, and his was suddenly talking with confidence, even if he still couldn’t make complete eye contact “you said you didn’t like me, so…”

“So you assumed I hated you?!” Leeteuk still sounded angry

“Well yeh!” Heechul started shouting back, was this going to turn in to an argument?

“Why Leeteuk? Why can’t you love me!” Heechul said strongly finally making eye contact, “I love you so much and have done since you saved me from me depression when Hannie left… So why?” Heechul was fighting his tears, he wouldn’t cry again…

The lift doors opened and Heechul stormed out of the lift unhappy with Leeteuks silence, he was unable to answer, Heechul had hoped Leeteuk would at lest love him a bit, but soon after Heechul had gone in to the dorm Leeteuk ran after him,

“Wait! Chullie…” Leeteuk called grabbing Heechuls wrist, Leeteuk looked around the living room and kitchen, there didn’t seem to be anyone around.

Heechul still fighting his tears stood there waiting for was his angel was going to say.



Here is chapter 6 ^.^ im sad to say there is only one chapter left, but i hope you will still follow my and read my future storys

also i need ideas for my next story so go ahead and ask :D

oh and i made a photo for this chapter i hope you like ^.^ link >> 206052_478185818875124_1422900478_n.jpg

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Kimyulnim #1
Chapter 9: Eh sebentar, tapi bukannya Donghae yang tidak bisa minum? Tapi mengapa Hyukkie disini?
Chapter 9: so that's it
Chapter 9: HA! so cute
Chapter 9: ahhhh finally ,, happy ending ,, so simple no NC but so good enaough .....
Chapter 7: poor my heenim
Chapter 6: ahhh-finally, hee pursue Teuk ^ ^ hopefully sweet ending
Chapter 6: ahhh-hee eventually pursue Teuk ^ ^ hopefully sweet ending
Chapter 5: This is so painful to hee... very painful if he rejected hee .. they should love each TT TT
Chapter 4: ahhhhhh--- so sad .. this so pain for me .. 383line