secret reveal

Married to Kai

the door bell keep being press by eunji. look like she won't stop until you open the door.

without wasting much time you quickly ran to kai which about to enter his room


"what is it?" he ask clueless didn't who is behind the door.

"you have to hide, NOW!" you quickly push him to the veranda.

"what are you doing?! let me go!" he rudely  move your hand from him.

"open the door already the sound is so distracting" he demand when he heard the sound of the doorbell keep sounded

"that is the problem, my friend -i mean, eunji,yoo kyung and minwoo is outside, how could i open it if you are here? hurry!" you push him again

"but, wait, how did they know you're here?" he ask.  soon you finally made him outside the veranda

"i don't know, ask namjoo, she's with them too, now keep quiet and try your best to not make sound, got it?" you close the veranda's and left kai's there.

you quickly went to the door and take a look  from the small glass. they are still there. you take a deep breath create a smile on your face and open it.

"na eun!" eunji start jumping of joy and hug you.

"so it true after all you live in a luxury condo?" yoo kyung feel amaze.

"hi everyone." you akwardly smile.

"are you okay?"minwoo ask worriedly.

"m-minwoo,  i'm perfectly fine" this time you smile even broader than before.

"really? namjoo said you've been rob, its that true?" eunji keep showering you with question.

"she does?" you shot namjoo with a death glare. namjoo step aback and grin

"come in" you open the door wide and let them  in.

all of them cannot stop from feel impressed on what is inside. its hard for them to believe that you actually live in here. yoo kyung keep observing on the expensive furniture of the living room while eunji keep looking every room in there.

"everyone, excuse me for a moment, i need to have a word with my little sister" you pull namjoo with you and bring her to the kitchen.

"awwh! it hurt." namjoo whine as she try to let go your grip from her hand

"what now namjoo? how could you tell them that i live here?!" you scold her but make sure you maintain your volume down.

"i'm sorry okay? it not like i want to tell them it just that, i accidently said it" she pout .

"accidently? yeah right like i'm going to believe that, if this secret is reveal i swear you are the first one  to blame!" you point your finger to her. and keep speak out word of anger.

"where's kai? " namjoo ask

"i hide him at the veranda."

"you what?!" namjoo open her eyes wides surprise at your act.

"what? is the best thing i can do, its not like i can tell them that kai and i are married. they will totally die of shock"

"does something wrong?" suddenly minwoo appear out from nowhere. both you and namjoo surprise at his presence. you quickly make a fake smile and and stand next to namjoo.

"m-minwoo." you stutter and give namjoo a signal to do something.damn! i hope he did not hear anything.

"is everything alright? it seem that you are arguing about something"

"we are not arguing about anything.right sis?"namjoo akwardly put her hand at your neck and make some friendly gesture

"how long you've been here?" namjoo ask

"well i-" 

"did you hear anything?" you cut him with a question instead and hoping that he will say no

"no,like i said i've just been here." you hold your chest and releasing sigh of relief.

"great, how bout you go and wait at the living room, i'll make drink."

namjoo quickly push minwoo and bring him there.thank god he did not listen anything. you walk and went to the fridge to make some cold drink for them. you stop for awhile and kai's face suddenly hit your mind i hope he's alright.

you are busy washing the glasses for five people. then suddenly minwoo appear from the back and stand beside you. you gulp when you realize it was him.

"want some help?" he ask, without hearing your answer he already take the glass and wipe it.

"its fine, i can do it" you try to grab it back from minwoo but he avoid you.

"i said i'll help you" he keep wiping the glass and throw a wink at you. you heart flutter and soon you start smiling by yourself.

"i really worried when i heard that you been rob" he sit at the chair while waiting for you to pour the drink into each glass. worried? wait does he said that he worry? minwoo worry about me? its not a dream right?

"you worry about me?" you stop pouring and look at him

"i am, i hope i was there so i can protect you."

"pro-protect me?" you said and continue pouring. your face start blushing.

"i'm just glad that you are okay" he continue. suddenly you remember back the incident. it's one of the worst thing that happen in your life. kai's face once again hit your mind. you shake your head few times. why his face keep appearing in my mind?! stupid kai

then after done pouring the water into the glass. minwoo help you carrying the tray to the living room. while you carrying the snack beside him. you put the tray on the table and tell them to dig in. you keep looking at the veranda hoping kai would not make any sound.

"na eun,does something wrong?" eunji realize at your weird act and ask you

"nothing, nothing is wrong" you grin and take a sip of drink

"where's your aunt?" yoo kyung ask and put down the glass

"my aunt?"

"yeap, that's what namjoo tell us. you leave here with your aunt." yoo kyung continue

"oh, my aunt, well-she, out, she need to go somewhere." you lie.aunt? is that the best think you can think of namjoo? you throw namjoo a glare. namjoo look at you and give you a what look.

"you and minwoo could make a great couple." eunji suddenly said it out loud when see you and minwoo seat next to each other.

you feel so piss off when you heard eunji talking like that. while she had promise you to keep it as a secret

"that is so true." yoo kyung join in

"yaa! stop it!" you scold them send a sign for them to shut it

"don't you believe them, they are talking nonsense." you wave your hand and keep denying its not true

"i don't know, maybe we can?" he look away and pretending to drink. you blink your eyes few times and take a while to understand the full meaning of what minwoo just said it.

"does something going on between them?" namjoo quietly ask eunji at the corner.

"don't you know? your sister has a crush on him" eunji reply. namjoo eyes widen , then a small smirk appearing in her face

"really?" she bite her lips and take a look at you that totally blushing right now. then an evil plan once again appear in her mind.

"who's room is this?" yoo kyung slowly open the door and step in to see what is inside. you turn and you realize that she is entering kai's room. you about to stop her but it was too late. she's already inside observing what is in the room

"yoo kyung wait!" you quickly stand up and went to her.

"woo, nice room, is this yours na eun?" she ask.

soon eunji, minwoo and namjoo is there.

"yoo kyung, put it back, its my aunt room, she hates if someone touch her stuff." you try to push yoo kyung out , but yoo kyung spot something that attract her attention. she let go of your grip and look at it.

"na eun, its kinda weird here. your aunt is woman right? why this room full of , i don't know, guy stuff"

"well, that's because, she's a bit of tomboy."

"she's what?"

"oh nothing, everyone out!" you accidently risen up your voice and soon the room become empty again. while you busy attract your bestfriend to do something else in the help of namjoo. minwoo keep looking at  the door of the room a few times. its seem that something distract him. there is a thing he saw that he believe it someone own it.

its almost late. your friend and minwoo decided to head home. you send them until in front of the elevator.

"are you coming to school tomorrow?" eunji ask."of course, there's no way i will absent for another day" you reply with a smile

"na eun, i'm sorry for giving you lot of trouble today." yoo kyung take both of your hand and hold it"its okay, just don't repeat it, okay?" you give her a wink.

"minwoo, aren't you going to say something" minwoo come back to the reality. since he enter you"aunt" room, he suddenly become quiet , look like the thing that he found  really bug him

"see you tomorrow at school na eun" minwoo said with a smile

"i will" you reply.then its time for everyone to leave. you wave at them and say goodbye. "sorry for today." namjoo quickly said and enter the elevator. "brat" you sigh

minwoo is on his way to the bustop. the curiosity inside of him still there. the picture that he found in that room really bring up thousand question.

"nah- it probably just my imagination." he talk to himself trying to eliminate the curiosity away. he look up and see your condo. a smile start shaping in his face when he remind back the way you blushing when eunji suddenly talk about a good couple.

when he about to continue his walk. he saw a tall figure outside your veranda. the smile on his face slowly gone. his eyes widen when he saw you open the veranda door and let kai come in.

you are currently lying on the sofa right now. your back is still hurt after standing and sitting so long. the glass still there and you are too lazy to clean it up.

"yaa! whose phone is this?" kai pick up the phone from under the table and show it to you.

"must be one of them. i will give it back tomorrow. ugh, can you help me clean the glass" you said and reach the pillow beside you and cover your face with it.

without answering kai take the tray and bring it to the kitchen. the guilty at the factory inside of him still there. then the doorbell sound lazily got up and went to see who. "wait~" you said while walking.

"m-minwoo." you stutter when you see minwoo standing in front of you.

"i forgot my phone."

"yo-your phone?"

suddenly kai appear with his hand wet and full of soap. minwoo eyes widen he can't believe all his prediction its true.



my grammar is , sorry for that !>.<





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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 6: Kaieun❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
i really really love this story especially when it comes to kai and naeun! ahhh, i hope this story can be a drama or else >< eotheokhaee? im in love with them <3 please let this story be a drama, i beg hahaha xD what a ridiculous wish i wish for -,-" just continue writing an awesome story again ^^ kaieun pls :*
Qaseh_Wanny97 #3
Chapter 44: Seriously ! I love this fanfic alot <3 I always re-read back >3< They are too sweet . Awwwwwwwh ~ <3 <3
luving_apink #4
Chapter 44: Haha so cute!!! Kaieun forever!!!!♥♥
1maniac2 #5
Chapter 20: The grammar is a bit bad but who cares!!! This story is cute so far!
wxndxrlxnd #6
Chapter 44: Sequel please like they got babies HAHAHAHA
Hi new reader here! The description and foreword itself is already interesting!