A Day with Min Woo

Forever Second? Please Look At Me!

            You soon found the two of you standing in front of the glass door of the recording studio. Still tugging you

along Min Woo guided you through the door and toward the piano. He sat down and patted the seat next to me,

which you quickly went to and sat down on. When Min Woo began playing you watched mesmerized as his fingers hit

each note and created a resonating melody. You had heard gossip from others in the building about Min Woo being

some kind of prodigy at music, but had chosen to ignore it but now you sat there in awe at him. The melody was

sweet and soothing, like Min Woo, and you had unknowingly began to sing. When the song struck its final chord you

were in shock… The lyrics had just flowed out of you; Min Woo noticed your shock and worriedly asked if you didn’t

like the song. You quickly replied, “Anniyo!!! Jeongmal Joh-a!” *(No!! I really liked it!) with a genuine smile.


            Feeling like you owed Min Woo you suddenly thought up to treat him to ice-cream.


“Min Woo-Ah!! Let’s go eat ice cream ^-^!! My treat!!”


    “Haha its good your happy again, but it’s okay” Min Woo said while patting your head.


    “PWEAASSEE!” you said with your best aegyo.


    “Arraso. Kaja!” Min Woo gave in and the two of you left the building to find the nearest ice cream store.


     You and Min Woo chatted randomly on the way, but you stopped when you saw Sung Min and Daehyun there as

well. How awkward….you thought… on the other hand Sung Min had gone crazy happy upon seeing you and her eyes

lit up when she saw you with Min Woo. Once you noticed her look you promptly introduced everyone and explained

to Sung Min that you were treating Min Woo as thanks for playing you a song at the studio where you danced. You saw

the curious look she still had on but ignored it and pulled Min Woo toward to ice cream counter. Your eyes sparkled

upon seeing all the flavors and happily ordered a three-scoop bowl.


     The rest of the day went by quickly and when you went home and picked up your phone you saw 6 texts and 3

missed calls all from Sung Min. Already knowing what she would ask you texted “We’re just friends!!! >.


     Before you put down your phone it buzzed with the reply, “Surrreee Miyoung whatever you say..-.- but admit it

he’s kinda cute~  ^-^”


     You didn’t know what to reply so just sent, “…-.-“


    Sung Min ignored your reply and continued on, suggesting a double date tomorrow at the amusement park”


    You argue that your not dating Min Woo but agree to go only because you haven’t been to an amusement park for a

while. You text Min Woo about tomorrow and agree to meet at 9:00.

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Even though I wanted them to end up with each other, I'm still sad for Daehyun
Zheedictator #2
new reader :D
Strawberri_Baby #3
hehe you'll see though for a while it might b sad >.< but i promise it will end with Daehyun <3 =)
Oww... So there's a double date, ey? Make Daehyunnie jealous! xD Jokin'
Where are they going? And hey... Chapter one stings. It stings 'our' hearts ;A; DAEHYUN Y AGREE?!!
Strawberri_Baby #6
haha suggestion taken ^-^ lol hope you like the first chapter >.<
I suggest that.. YOU UPDATE NOW!! xDD LMAO.. Your storyline is great and I AM EXCITED for the chapters! No Pressure! xDD