Hyung, Can I Be Your Boyfriend??

“Oppa, wake up. Did you go to campus or not??” said Minyoung trying to waking up Sungjong.
“I’m still feel sleepy,” said Sungjong lazily.
“Oppa, when did Woolim Ent audition start??” ask Minyoung suddenly.
“Why?” Sungjong ask her back.
“No, i just asking,” she said.
“AH! OPPA!! HURRY WAKE UP!” shout Minyoung right on Sungjong ear.
Sungjong finally awake and he about to burst his anger...
“YA!! CHOI MIN YOUNG!! YOU’RE DEAD MEAT NOW!” Sungjong shout back.
Sungjong chase Minyoung like a cat chasing a tasty mouse. Suddenly, Minyoung stopped and they both finally crashed and fall on the floor.
“Ouch!! It’s hurt,” Minyoung groaned in pain.
“Oopss! Sorry,” said Sungjong.
“Aish, you both stopped it will you? Playing like a cat chase over a mouse. You’re not kiddo anymore..and you already grown up!” Chaeyeon nagging over Sungjong and Minyoung.
Chaeyeon finally walk to kitchen after give advice to her son and her daughter. 10 minutes later...
“Minyoung~a, help me at kitchen!” shout Chaeyeon from kitchen.
“Nae, umma!” Minyoung shout back then run to kitchen.

After help her mom, Minyoung go to her room and take a bath. 10 minutes later, breakfast is ready. Minyoun still at her room, busy with do make up and tied her hair. Suddenly, she look at the family photos. Without realize it, her tears go down to her cheek. She remembered her late parents and her missing younger brother. Her parents passed away at plane crash when they come back from holiday to Seoul. Now, she lives at her mother’s best friend house well it’s likely to call a mansion. They’re extremely rich. Sungjong sneaks at her room to checks is she ready or not and he see Minyoung crying. And he knock the door...
“Minyoung~a, can i come in??” ask Sungjong.
“Come in, oppa,” reply Minyoung.
“It’s okay. Don’t be sad, they already rest in there. They will watch you, from there..from heaven. They will upset, if they see you crying like this,” said Sungjong comforting Minyoung.

“You’re right, oppa. I must be let them happy saw me live happily here,” said Minyoung.
“How about your younger brother?? Is he still missing??” ask Sungjong.

Minyoung just shake her head as an answer..suddenly, Sungjong phone’s ringing..
“Sungjong~a, have you heard?? The audition will be held earlier than the date on the site” said Ji Hyun.
“I don’t know about it yet, noona.When it will be held??” ask Sungjong.
“2 days from now on,” reply Ji Hyun.
“So, they set audition date earlier??” ask Minyoung curiously.
“Hmm..come with me to audition, okay..i’ll treat you lunch then,” said Sungjong.
“Nae, oppa,” reply Min Young.

“Kkaja, we must go down. They must be wait for us,” said Sungjong.
“Kkaja, oppa!!”  shout Minyoung.
“Can you didn’t shout right beside my ear??” ask Sungjong almost yelling.
“Oopps, i’m sorry oppa,”

They heading to dining room. And Chaeyeon and Junki  already wait for them.
“Mom, dad sorry we’re late,” said Minyoung.

“It’s okay, Minyoung~a,” said Chaeyeon and still busy put the rice on bowl.
In the middle breakfast time...

“Mom, dad..i’ll try on audition once again,” said Sungjong confidently.

“What?? Audition?? Again??” yell Junki.

“Appa, why you always with that expression every i ask to go audition. Allow me, if i’m not pass again..i’ll stop,” reply Sungjong while pouting.

“Yeah, appa. Allow him just one more time,” begged Minyoung.
“Minyoung right, yeobo. Uri Sungjong, so talented in music..just let him nae,” Chaeyeon cut in.
“Arasseo. If you fail, just stop,” said Junki clearly.

“I hope you will pass it my son..it will waste of talent if you don’t,” Junki mumbled quietly.

“Oh my god, did you guys finish?? It’s late! Especially you, Minyoung. Umma, didn’t want you late on first day at your new school,” said Taeyeon in panic tone.
“Minyoung~a, just go with me,” suggest Sungjong.

“Anio, oppa. I’ll on bus,” said Minyoung softly.


Minyoung and Sungjong rushed to living room and take their bag and get off.  Sungjong go to campus with a car while Minyoung just with bus. Minyoung, just walking then suddenly see her watch. She run fast to bus stop..when she run, she unaccidently crash off with a younger boy. They both fall.
“Oh my, i’m sorry!!” said Minyoung.
“It’s okay, noona,” reply the younger.
“That voice..i know this voice,” Minyoung mumbled while clean up her leg from dust then look at the younger face.
“Are you okay, noona,” ask the younger.
“Minki?? Choi Min Ki??”


Hi, this is my first fanfiction in here and for the first time in english...
im sorry if so many wrong grammar..enjoy...

criticsm and suggestion are allowed^^
enjoy, everyone^^

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