Library freedom

Two lives

I was able to shush Min and Key and tell them about how I met Minho at the basketball court in the park.

“And why would you think we didn't have a need to know this?” Min asked raising her eyebrows.

I opened my mouth to say something, but found myself with no answer.

“Just as I thought,” Min looked mad.

“I'm sorry, forgive me, I forgot,” I begged her, looking at her.

“How could you forget something so important!?” Min exclaimed. She started to walk true the hall with big steps, which weren't so big since she was small.

“How is it important?” I asked following her.

Key walked with us in silence, not wanting to get into the conversation.

“Well, he is one of the most famous people of the school,” Min said like it was obvious, still walking. “He is handsome, smart and good in sports. No girl can normally interact with him without getting overwhelmed. Of course I want to no from my best friend something so big happened. It's something you tell!”

“I'm not interested in him!” I exclaimed while cutting in front of Min so she had to stop walking and look at me. “I made a new friend, that's all. And I'm sorry I didn't tell you, okay?” I looked at her with begging eyes.

A small smile came creeping on her face. “Just a friend huh?” she asked with a cheeky smile. “I wonder how long you hold that up. I saw you blushing just now.”

I was a little shocked at her sudden mood chance. It kinda remembered me of Minho, he had . . .

“Hey wait!” I swirled around to catch up to Min who had walked past me while I was just standing there. “What do you mean by that!?”




I smiled cheekily at my begging friend in front of me. “Just a friend, huh? I wonder how long you hold that up. I saw you blushing just now.”

A saw her daze out and decided to walk on. Key followed me. “You think she likes him?” he asked. “I mean, it's obvious he likes her from the way he was acting, but do you think she likes him? Samantha is not easy to read.”

“For you she isn't,” I muttered at him before Samantha caught up with us. I saw on his face he wanted to ask on, but he kept his mouth shut.

To tell the truth, I wasn't so sure either, but I just wanted to tease my best friend for holding back an important fact of her life. But I do believe she feels something for him. She always says she isn't interested in dating, and so I think she is falling in her own lie. She believes she won't fall, while she is falling already. Philosophic huh.

“Min, don't ignore me!” Samantha screeched. “I asked what you mend by that just now.”

I hadn't noticed she was talking to me. I looked at my whining friend. It was so surprising. She was tall and beautiful and could be so serious and refined but the way she is around us, the way I got to know her, was so different, so childish. I might look like the kid one when we walk together, but actually I'm the umma. And Key the appa. Come on, I can't let him be the umma when I'm the girl right!

“You are falling into her trap, Sam,” Key chuckled. “She is totally teasing you.”

Samantha had an shocked/surprised expression on her face. “Your such a teas!” she yelled at me. She punched my shoulder and then hugged me. Weird kid.




The last bell of the day rang and I got my stuff together.

“Are you going to walk with me?” I asked Min when we walked out of class. “I have to go to the library.” An lazy feeling fell over me. Monday just ended and I didn't have to go straight home. Even if it was the library, every excuse was welcome.

“I'm sorry Sam,” Min said with a little frown. “I have dance rehearsals today.”

“Oh yeah, when is the next show!?” I asked enthusiastic. I always looked out to the showcases, because it was the most awesome thing I had ever seen. My mother always took me to ballets, theatre pieces from Shakes spear or concerts from famous musicians I had to meet afterwards. The first time a saw a dance show from Min was mind blowing and I'll always remember it as my change in vision on art.

“It's in about two and a half week,” Min said. I she looked really proud. “It's going to be amazing!”

I smiled. “Well, I'll see you tomorrow then.”

“You can ask Key if he wants to come,” Min suggested. We were standing at the lockers now.

“Key in the library?” I asked, chuckling.

“He needs a book for school too, you know,” Min said.

“I don't think even that will make him go to a library outside of school,” I said serious. “He'll just choose one of those crappy ones in the school library.”

It looked like Min had to think about that for a moment, but then she nodded. “Your right. He hates the library.”

We both didn't know why, but it was a fact. Key hated the public library. He even didn't want to go into the schools library if he didn't really have to.

“Bye bye,” Min waved at me. Walking to her locker. Our lockers were at the opposites of the hall.

I pulled my jacket out of my locker and went outside. It was quite windy, but I could have expected for the start of autumn. This weekend had been really nice weather.

A loud horn disturbed my peace when I walked out of the gate. There was a car with black tinted windows parked in front of me.

My head was recalling all the action movies I saw, which had such a car in it, where people got kidnapped and than and killed, until the window of the back seat scrolled open and Choi Minho's face appeared behind it.

“Hey, need a ride?” he asked with a questioning smile. In some way it looked hopefull.

I looked at the car, not sure I wanted to ride in it. Actually I was sure I didn't want to ride in a fancy car when I had my freedom. So I shook my head.

“I'm good, thanks for asking,” I said. “See you tomorrow.”

I waved at him and started to walk again.

“Wait!” Minho's voice stopped me.

I turned around.

“You sure don't want a ride?” Minho asked.

I frowned. As if I would change my mind the second time. “Yes I'm sure I don't want a ride,” I said. “I rather walk then sit and make a machine do it for me.”

He looked a little stunned. Then he got out of the car. His action surprised me.

“What are you doing?” I asked without thinking.

“I'm going to walk with you,” he said. He bowed down towards the drivers seat and said something to the driver, who drove off immediately after.

Now it was my turn to look stunned. He was totally going against my expectations of a snobbish rich guy.

“Why?” I couldn't help asking it.

“Why what?” Minho asked.

“Why did you decide to walk,” I said, still confused.

Minho shrugged. He really didn't seem to know why he made his decision. “I just felt like it,” he said.

Well, something still resembles a rich kid. Meaning just doing what he wants.

“Let's go then,” I said. Then suddenly thinking of something I stopped walking again. Minho looked at me questioning. “Do you even know which way you have to walk to get to your house?” I asked.

“Of course I kno. . .” His voice trailed off as he realized what I asked.

“You don't, do you?” I said. I found it funny, but felt a little annoyed at the same time. I could have guessed as much.

“I. .I,” He tried, but I cut him of.

“I'm walking to the library. You can phone your driver there,” I said. “Or you can just call him now, and I walk alone of course. ”

I hoped that he would choose the first. Why? No idea. Maybe I still wished he was different from the other rich snobs.

“I'll walk with you,” he nodded his head. “I'll phone Samuel when I'm there.”

I smiled. “Come on then!”


Well, what do you people think :D. I'm kind off happy with this update. It isn't going really fast in there relationship, but I hope you'll keep reading.

I want to apologize for the chapters I wrote before this one. I was reading it true a little bit and found a loud crap of mistakes and not only in grammar. I am so sorry!!! I can't promise it will be better in whole, because my grammar is not that good, but I can get the facts straight.

One of the things I did wrong was the country Jinki and Taemin moved from. That is Japan! I think I might have used two different countrys -.- Stupid.

I apologize and try to do my best from now on.


Thank you for reading, and please comment!!! I LOVE COMMENTS AND REQUESTS FOR THE STORY!!!!!!


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Chappy 14 will be out as soon as I get my netbook connected to internet (this monday hopefully) I didn't forget this one. honestly!


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SpiritedAegyo #1
Thank you <3 ^.^
WildBunny #2
I really like your fanfic ~^.^~
Update soon >,<