Chapter Five

Be Mine


 Today is our second day here. You smile while walking towards restaurant with Taecyeon and Yuri. Already start to think what you're gonna eat today.

You look at Yuri and Taecyeon whose walk while holding hand in hand and laugh if one of them makes a silly joke. Without ____ realize, Taecyeon also look at her without ____ realize. His head already have one plan to make ____ and Junho confess their feeling to each other.

“Where’s Junho?” Taecyeon ask when he just sees Nichkhun, Junsu, Sae Ra and one unknown girl at the table.

“I don’t know. He’s not answering his phone. When I knock his door room, he didn’t answer either.” Nichkhun answering Taecyeon question.

“Who’s this?” You look at the girl who sat beside Sae Ra.

“This is my friend, Luna. I accidently see her when I on my way here. You guys didn’t mind if she’s join us, don’t you?” Sae Ra flashing her brightest smile to us.

“Sure.” You said before go to buffet table and starting to fill your plate with various foods. Suddenly, you remember about Junho who don’t eat single thing since yesterday. What if his gastric come again? You suddenly felt uneasy when remember about that.

“You sure like to space out.” You look at Junsu who take one small plate before fill it with some dessert.

“Am not!” You pout before go back to the table. He just laughs before following you.

Junho still didn’t come even all of you already finish your breakfast which makes you become more nervous.

“What are we gonna do today?” Taecyeon ask before drink his orange juice.

“How about scuba diving around Tahiti Nui before climb onboard a helicopter for a breathtaking ride high above this neon-colored world?” Nichkhun ask with his dramatic tone. We all nod as an agreement.

“I heard Heiva i Moorea cultural event will be held tonight at Afareaitu district.” All of us become excited when hearing that information from Lara.                                                         

Nichkhun ask us to change our close to the suitable one and met him in front of the hotel entrance in ten minute.


Yuri POV

“What are we doing hiding in here, babe?” I pout while look at my boyfriend who seems didn’t care to explain anything to me. Why the heck are we hiding behind the bush?

“Am going!” This time my patience is off the limit before Taecyeon yanked my wrist to make me sit on my spot back.

“Look there.” I looks at where Taecyeon point his finger. I see ____ who walk towards Junho room. When she stood in front of Junho room, she seems hesitate to knock the door.

“Ah~~~” Taecyeon just smile when he heard Yuri’s voice. “See. That’s why I told you to be patience a little.” I just giggle before focus back at ____.


Your POV

You bit your lips and collect your courage in your heart before knock on Junho door room but after two minute, there’s still no one answer it.

“J..Junho-ah!” You yell a little. Gosh! Why I have to be stuttering? You smack your forehead. You just about to leave when the door open.

You clench your teeth when you look at Junho who look at you with a sharp look.

“What do you want?” Hearing Junho cold voice make you felt insecure.

“I…Ermm..Those guys ask me to check on you if you’re okay. I’ll go now.” You let out an awkward laugh before you turn around but Junho quickly yanked your wrist and drag you into his room.

You gulp down your saliva when he pin you on the wall. His face is very close with you until you can feel his breath on your face.

You feel goosebumps when he suddenly caresses your cheek with his left hand while he still gazes at your face.

“I miss you.” Even he just whispering that word, you can clearly hear it.

I miss you too. “I need to go.” You push Junho aside but he hugs you from behind before you even manage to leave the room.

“I don’t know what mistake I did to you but am sorry if I ever hurt you.” You close your eyes when you heard what he’s saying. You bit your lips when you feel your tears start to fall down.

“Eat this. I don’t want your gastric attack you again. You didn’t eat anything since yesterday right?” You open your handbag and put some biscuit above the table in front of you before you struggle to get out from his hug.

You close Junho’s door room and hastily wipe your tears before you go back to your room.



All this day, you just tag along with Junsu and do all things with him. Sometimes you take a look at Junho and Sae Ra who enjoying themselves.

“Can I ride this with Junsu-shi?” Lara looks at you before look at Junsu.

“Sure.” you wink at Junsu before go to Nichkhun and joining him in his kayak.

“I think Lara like Junsu.” you told Nichkhun when both of you come back on land. We panting hard and gasping for air. The rest of the guys still in the water.

“You don’t notice it yet don’t you?” Nichkhun smile at you.


“Lara always looks at Junsu all this time. It just Junsu is too focus on you.” you chuckle.

“No! Its because Junsu is to slow when it comes to girl.” Both of us laugh.

“What’s so funny?” You look at Taecyeon and Yuri who just arrive.

“Nothing!” You and Nichkhun said it in unison makes the couple pout their lips.

On the evening all of you take sail in a catamaran for a sunset cruise accompanied by local musicians and dancers before off to Heiva i Moorea cultural event.

You dance with Nichkhun when Lara request to dance with Junsu. Even Junsu give you a signal not to leave him, you just play dumb and go to Nichkhun who seems enjoying the scenery.

“May I have this dance?” You blink your eyes several times when Nichkhun hand you over to Junho. In no time, now you’re in Junho arm and both of you just dance randomly.

You look at Nichkhun whose flirting with Sae Ra now.

“Do you still remember when we illegally enter golf field and dancing all the night while rain?” You smile when that memory suddenly come to you.

“That’s the most stupid thing we’ve ever done. We can get caught when the guards spot us on the field.” Junho chuckle and turn you around.

“But when both of us get scold from our parents, your brother and my sister back us up.”

“And we’re become totally like a spoil brat just because they always back us up.” You smile and accidently look at Junho eyes.

Junho pull you in his hug. “It’s nice to have you in my arm. Just like old day.” You just kept silent and enjoy this moment.

Suddenly both of your body gets yanked away. You laugh when look at Nichkhun and Taecyeon who holding Junho body while Junsu and Yuri hold your body.

“We’re going to offshore~~” Yuri sang playfully and pushes your body to stairs. Junho smack Nichkhun and Taecyeon head because disturb his golden moment.


You stun when arrive at Afareaitu district. The street is crowded with peoples. This cultural event will have competition for singing and dancing groups, traditional sports team and craftmen of Moorea.

“You want to try?” You look at Junsu before nod your head. He drag your to the center of stage with some couple on it.

When the mc shout “start!” you and Junsu quickly dance. You also spot some of your friends on the stage.

“I want to tell you something.” You said to Junsu in the midst of dancing.

“What?” He asks without look at you.

“I think Lara likes you.” Junsu stop for a while before continue his dance.

“Not interesting.” He said in cold tone.

“Yah! Now I notice that all this time when we become friends I’m never see you with any girls even you have many fans. Junsu….Are you gay?” Junsu laugh when he heard what you say.


“Then why you never have a girlfriend?” You raise your eyebrow in curious this time.

“Because there’s no one single girl who can attract me. Now shut up and focus!” You let out a “tsch!” sound.

After the dance competition end, you go to the traditional sports spot and cheering for them.

You do some stretching when all of you arrive at the entrance of hotel. It’s already eleven thirty when you arrive at your room.

You scratch your head when you can’t spot Yuri anywhere after you finish wash yourself.

You just about to throw yourself on the bed when you saw a note on your pillow.

____, please meet me at the jetty


You look at the note curiously. 'Its have my name on it but who is the person who want to meet me?' Curiously, you take your cardigan and wear it before heading out from your room.

At the jetty, you see Sae Ra who just gazing on the scenery in front of her. She just about to leave when she see you who’s stood not to far from the jetty.

____ sunbae.” She smiles at you.

“Hey.” You smile half heartedly when she now already stood in front of you.

Sae Ra bit her lips. She just wondering if she must told ____ sunbae about her feeling towards Junho sunbae.



“You go first.”

“You talk first.”

Both of you chuckle before you politely told her what she want to talk about.

Sae Ra: “You know that I like Junho sunbae, right?”

You: O…Kay why did she have to mention that? You said in your heart. “Of course.”

Sae Ra: “Please tell me how to attract Junho sunbae so he can only look at me?”

You: “I'll tell you but are you capable enough to do what am going to tell you?”

Sae Ra: “Please tell me...”

You felt your heart sting when you look at her sincerity. Suddenly, that memory comes to you again. That hurtful memory whose turn you into who are you now.

You: “To simply put, he like a girl who didn’t cling onto him and have a life. And also must have her own principle. Its totally not applied to you right? Since you always like to follow Junho to everywhere he go.” *smirk*

Sae Ra bit her lips. She doesn’t know whether she can trust what _____ sunbae told her or not.

“That’s not true!” You turn around and see Junho who stand not too far from you. You clench your fist when you see his mad face again. He rushes towards you and Sae Ra.

“What’s not true? Isn’t it what you said to your friends awhile back when we’re at Rome? Don’t you told your friends all of that when they ask what is your dream girl characters and whether it applies to me?

Didn’t you say you hate a girl who always cling onto you and didn’t have a life? Right! All of that applied to me. My pride is hurt when you insult me.

And now you want to deny it? Ya…Lee Junho, you totally make me speechlees.” You chuckle while your tears fall down.

“You’re totally misunderstanding me ____.” Junho try to hold your hand but you push him aside before you run away.

“Junho sunbae…..” Junho look at Sae Ra.

“Sae Ra-ah. I’m sorry. She’s the only one for me.” With that, Junho turn around and chasing you.

Sae Ra hastily wipes her tears away. She didn’t believe that Junho just didn’t accept her love even before she’s started her move.

“Don’t cry. I believe that out there, your prince is waiting for you.” Nichkhun smile and give his handkerchief to Sae Ra.

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Hoping to finish this tomorrow >.


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KimchiSmile #1
Chapter 7: Awww this is like the second or third time I've read this and it's still enjoyable and touching. Love it!
lengleu18 #2
Chapter 7: Such a sweet story
Chapter 7: wow XD just wow
Chapter 7: Still loving this fanficion~~
I love this ending! ^^ write more junho fics!
@daegunpandagurl: Thank you!!! *big hug*
And i'm also a big fan of Junsu because he have a very amazing voice ^^
daegupandagurl #7
wOAH LOVE THIS STORY, coz my nicknanme is in there hehehe and im big stan og junbros (junsu junho) love it !!
@music4eva: Thank you~~~~^^
And thank you for read this story too...
@complex_sarang: And thank you for comment ^^
Its my goal to finish this story today haha...
Don't know if i'll be able to since there's many obstacle keke