
The Secret Prince


=Narrator POV=








-no response-








-still no response-



myungsoo began to get impatient as he waited for jb to open the door as a response to his knock but not a single sound came out



"this jerk sure dont know what manners is ! aish!"



he cursed under his breath. suddenly the door opened revealing the irritated jb who looks like he just woke up because of the noise myungsoo created



"WHAT THE-" his words left hanging in the air after seeing the person standing in front of him. a smirk quickly formed on his lips



"what a pleasant surprise ! what brought you here DEAR PRINCE?" jb's words are full of sarcasm which myungsoo hated the most



"im not here to pick a fight jb"



"oh then! let me guess..... you came here because you miss me right? awww, im so touched. you go all the way here just to see me. now look at you, seems like you dont have enough time to prepare. the hair, the uniform and the style... SO CHEAP! hahahahahahahaha"



myungsoo scowled trying to stop his venting anger to jb



"its none of your business. will you listen to me now?"


"why should I? did you listen to me once?"



"you traitor me! so why would I listen if I seen enough?" myungsoo exclaimed erasing the smirk on jb's face




"so you're putting the blame to me now huh? eyes can be desceiving myungsoo specially when you didnt understand what you see" his face hardened and turned into a serious one



"are you saying im a fool? I trusted you because you are my cousin. I told you every single plan I have and ask you not to say it to my parents coz they'll be angry but what did you do? you talk to my mom and blurt everything !"



"NO. you didnt trust me enough because you never listen to me when I tried to explain. you never believe any of my words so how can you say that im a traitor when you dont know anything!"




"I saw you talking to my mom and someone told me what you two conversed about" myungsoo argued nearly forgetting the reason why he went to jb's house in the first place



"SOMEONE HUH? you find that someone more trustworthy than me? myungsoo, we grew up together, we cried and laugh together so how could that someone's word be more truthful than mine?"




because of jb's wods myungsoo started to reflect at himself and feel stupid. his cousin is right. he never take time to listen becase he was so blind with his own anger that he cant see anything at all. *how can I be so selfish?* he asked himself








the loud sound break the tension between them two. myungsoo noticed that the noise is coming from his phone so he quickly grab it on his pocket and take a look



ALARM TIME : 7:10pm



*no way! only 50 minutes left*




being now aware to the remaining time, myungsoo abtruply turn back his head to jb and fell on his knees



"what kind of gimmick is that?" jb said with a raised eyebrow



"this is not a gimmick. I came here because.... I.. -sigh- I need your help"



"you need what? im sorry, I think I got something on my ear. kindly repeat it please"



myungsoo take a deep breath and mummbled to himself *this is not the time to be pissed myung. remember its for jiyeon's sake so calm down*







the prince's cousin was surprised and amuse at the same time because the known cold kim myungsoo who doesnt like to be dependent to anyone eversince is now asking for his help.



"I thought you could do everything on your own mighty prince? why do you suddenly asked for help to a TRAITOR?"



"please! there's no time left. if I doesnt get any AB blood in less than 50minutes, she will die. and I cant let that happen" myungsoo said almost begging



"who is she?"



"jiyeon. she's my classmste and my close friend"



"classmate and close friend isnt enough reason to make you do what you are doing right now. so let me ask you again. WHO IS SHE?"



jb sense something, he used to live with myungsoo over 20 years at the palace so he know him very well. meanwhile, myungsoo lost for words. he, himself doesnt know the reason why he's being like this to someone he just met



"you're wasting my time. get out"


jb said and was about to close the door but thanks to myungsoo's fast reflexes he prevent it from closing




"jiyeon.... i cant let her die. please save her... please....please"



at that moment, the most unexpected thing happened. he cried. myungsoo cried.


jb's eyes, grew wide and his jaw drop. what's going on? is today the end of the world? in just a minute, he saw all unbelievable things from myungsoo all at once. just because of a girl.




"tell me, why should I help you?"



"because this my first time asking for your help, this is my first time kneeling to someone and this is my first time crying"



"that isnt valid enough. tell me WHY. WHY ARE YOU DOING ALL THIS JUST TO SAVE ONE GIRL'S LIFE? TELL ME!! WHY?!! TELL ME!!" jb's patience started to run out








=End of Narrator POV=


=Sunggyu POV=



"MWO?!! arasso, we'll go there"



I quickly hang up the phone and was about to look for others but luckly, they're already at my back listening to my conversation with woohyun



"what happened hyung?" hoya questioned



"jiyeon is in the hospital and currently in a life and death situation" he informed shocking the rest


"WHAT? lets go then!"









i yelled as soon as i saw him comforting hyomin



"how is jiyeon?" sungjong is perfectly worried as well and before woohyun could answer, two men appear panting so hard as if they run all the way here



"AHJUSSI! OPPA! im glad you're here already" 



one of the t-ara members instantly run onto them



'who are they?" i asked woohyun but he shrug so hyomin answered me instead



"jiyeon's dad and brother"



"DAD AND BROTHER?! but- seriously?"



"yeah why?" she was puzzled at my exaggerated reaction



i shook my head refusing to answer her question because it might complicate things. i stared at the two men whom hyomin said jiyeon's dad and brother *how can that be? i know who jiyeon is.... and im sure, something is wrong*


after a minuite of five, eunjung came running out of the room searching for doctor. i quickly approach her and asked what's wrong, she then answered me with a teary eyes


"jiyeon..-sobs- jiyeon is... dying"




ANYEONG READERS!!! here's another chapie! how is it? i hope its okay ^^


i wanna know your thoughts ^^


btw, did you guys see infinite destiny teaser? its AWESOME!!! i cant wait for the full mv >_<






Park_harin & yeonniestan94 : you will soon find out why ^^

stacyberd: hehe you have a nice conclusion there chingu 

ChoSoohyun: really O.O i thought it cant.. hehe i guess im wrong.. lets just pretend it isnt so the story will not be so confusing ok? sorry for the wrong information *peace* v(^_^)v



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Chapter 27: Hmmm :/ Care to explain what JB mean when he talk to Jiyeon in this chapter? If not. Its okayy. Im kinda blur about it a bit. Anyway i'm waiting for your next next updating XD heheee ^^
yeonniestan94 #2
Chapter 27: thanks for updating again, authornim!! i thought u were gonna abandon this fic, ;((
and YES! do continue the story... <3
Yes, please continue this story! ^-^
Chapter 27: Author-nim continue the story... FIGHTING \(^_^)/∞
Chapter 26: please be safe jiyeon. don't make our myungsoo suffer because your condition. authornim. please update soon
Chapter 26: Please safe our beloved Dino!
I hope myungsoo will confess after she wakes up so they can be together, aigoo.
Please punish the girl who did this Jiyeon some more. She should be the one laying there, tsk tsk.
bbhnutella #7
Chapter 26: I am going to kill you author-nim T.T
My poor Jiyeonie ...
yeonniestan94 #8
Chapter 26: ohh so they're cousins & there i was thinking they were love rivals kekeke...
hope jb will help her..
thanx for the update ^_^
ChoSoohyun #9
Chapter 25: Well actually an AB can accept A , B and even O type blood .. It just that an AB can't donate to A,B & O type .. Please update soon ~ I'm waiting :)
yeonniestan94 #10
Chapter 25: woa..jb making an appearance hmmm..... wonder what happen between myungsoo n jb??
jiyeon ah, hang in there!!!