The Secret Prince

=Qri POV=


"i'll be going ahead now since i still have a lot of things to do"


soyeon unnie informed


"sure unnie, i'll just tell the others"


i smiled but she gave me a worried look in return


"are you sure you dont want to go home yet? we can walk together if you want"


i kindly refuse


"dont worry unnie, i can handle myself"


"you sure? i can call G.O or the others to accompany you here"


she offered


"i know you're worried unnie but trust me, im going to be fine so there's no need to bother others"


i said and she sigh in defeat


"okay, i understand. just call me if you need something arasso?"




after saying that, she left leaving me alone in the practice room.






after a few minutes of dancing, i stop and pack up my things when all of a sudden






the door shut close making me very surprise so i ran and check if the door was still open but its locked


*what should i do?*



i started to panic then decided to text jiyeon since i have no more battery left to make a phone call


'yeonie, help me please.. im so scared T_T'


second later i recieve her reply


'where are you?'


i was about to answer her when my phone suddenly shutdown


*no way! not now please!*


i tried to open my phone but it keeps on shutting down.


i ran towards the door and started knocking while shouting for help but no one seems to hear me.

i do nothing but to knock and shout for the past 20 minutes until i got tired and fell on the floor. the sun begins to set and its getting dark. i started to cry as my horrifying past came rushing to me once again






"ji-hyun dear its time for dinner hurry up and get down here!"


my mom yelled from downstairs




i yelled back then close my books and exited my room.


i was going down the stairs when the lights suddenly turn off


*what's happening?*


i see nothing but a pitch-black and continued to go down, slowly without making any sound. just then i heard a very loud yelled and cries making me stop on my tracks.


when the yelling voices were gone, the lights turn on again.


my eyes grew wide and my whole body began to tremble after seeing my mother and father lying on the floor covered with blood and a bloody knife beside them...




i rush to my mom's side and shake her




when she still wasnt waking up, i turn to my dad and do the same thing. his eyes were open but just like my mom, he's dead






*why is this happening to me? im only 6 years old and yet i lost my parents in a snap of the light!*


*end of flashback*


my hope started to get blurry when suddenly...





i heard a cheerful voice of a boy that is seems to be near at where i am right now so i gathered all of my strength to got up and knock on the door once again..


there's no response from him so i knock even louder until...






he shouted so loud that i had to cover my ear but still manage to shout for help




i just wish that he heard me.


silence filled the atmosphere for a couple of seconds before he respond


"y-you are a human right? not a ghost?"



"eh? of course im a human! please help me get out of here, its getting dark.. im so scared"



i said between sob


"okay okay, i'll help you out, just stay put"


i sigh in relief knowing that someone will gonna help me out of here then i noticed that the door is slightly shaking indicating that he is trying to open it throught the knob



"hey! stay far from the door, i'll kick it, arasso?"


he commanded and i obeyed right away
 saying "okay" then he started to countdown













the door was finally open! i wanted to run outside but my feet seems to be glued on the ground



"where are you?"



he asked in a soft voice. i was controlling my tears so i didnt answer.



when i saw him enter the room, my emotions gets out of control, my tears fall nonstop as i run and hug him stating how thankful i am


"thank you! thank you for saving me from this dark room"


he then patted me gently



"dont cry, you're saved now"


those words made me feel warm even though i dont know who am i hugging right now, i still feel safe in his arms.



after about 10 minutes in that position, i broke the hug and roughly wipe my tears off of my face when he take a hold of my wrist



"dont do it like that, you're hurting yourself"


after saying that, he drew his face closer to mine and wipe my tears gently with his hands and smiled



"much better"..


i was stunned by his actions


*why is he so kind to me?*


"you okay ? hey ! hey!"


i instantly snap back to reality after hearing his voice


"y-yeah, l-lets get out of here"


i suggest. he help me up and look after me while were walking. when we finally reach the school gate



"QRI UNNIE !!!!"



jiyeon was there looking worried, she run and hug me tightly while crying



"i..i thought something bad happened to you. i was so worried sick!"


she let go and check if im okay


"dont worry unnie, im okay now"


i replied and she noticed the guy who is currently holding my arm to support me from walking



"who are you?"


she asked the guy and come to think of it, i didn't know his name yet so i look at him and patiently wait for his answer



"im Lee...Yeollie"


he answer followed by a awkward laugh


"he save me yeonie"


i informed so that she wouldnt jump onto other conclusions


"oh really?"


she immediately bowed her head and thank him


=End of Qri POV=


=Myungsoo POV=


The next day of school, I was walking alone at the campus since the seven of us (infinite) go on our separate ways. My classroom is not far from where they leave me though.

I go straight at my seat as soon as I entered the room, hyomin noona said that they already informed the teachers about the reason of my absence yesterday so there is nothing to worry about.



“Hey dude! What happened to you? Why are you full of bruise?”


Wooyoung, my seatmate questioned me



“its nothing, i just gotten into some trouble on my first day”



He was quite amaze at my answer


“I never thought that a nerd like you would get into that kind of trouble or perhaps…”


he paused and eyed me suspiciously



"you are bullied?"



"yes and no?"


i answered unsurely with a shrug making him confuse


"i dont get it"


"well, being real bullied means they just want to make fun of you, right?"


i ask and he nod


"but in my case, i bump into a big guy so yeah... just got into a fight after he dislike my response then they hold me back so i wasn't able to fight"


when im done explaining, he nod his head with his lips forming into an 'O'






the bell rang, indicating the recess time, i went out to find the others.

we met at the cafeteria and grab our lunch together but the problem is... there is no vacant table anymore!



"where are we going to eat now?"


sungjong asked with a pout while still holding his tray of foods


"just continue searching"


sunggyu said and that's what we do. we search and search and even try to asked some of the students if we could share a table with them but we got refuse for the first time!


namu hyung is starting to get frustrated


"AISH! in our previous school, we are the one to refuse offers when they all wanted to share a table with us, specially the girls !"


"Ya! you already have hyomin noona and yet, you are still thinking about girls? tsk tsk"



sungyeol commented


"NO IM NOT ! i was just stating some facts here!"


he defend


"okay that's enaugh, we need to find a place to eat before the bell rang"


dongwoo said






out of the blue, someone shouted sungyeol's name making all of us startled and search for the owner of the voice. not long after the first call, another voice appear 




i suddenly spotted hyomin noona waving at us with the girl who assist us on our first day we transfer in this school. 


*is she the one who shouted yeollie's name?*


i ask my self then look at the other members. seems like they already see them too~

we headed to their table and they offer us eat lunch together so we all agreed. i noticed that almost all of the students at the cafeteria is looking at us as if they are wondering why we are sharing a table with the school officers even though we are a no body... TO THEM (the students)



hyomin noona introduced us to her group of friends T-ara. but someone is missing



"OH?! you are the guy who sang with jiyeon on our principal's birthday, right?"


the soyeon girl ask while pointing at me



"yes its me"


i answered politely


"speaking of jiyeon... where is she?"


the eunjung girl ask what i wanted to ask but cant ask (LOL, did you guys get it? :p)



"if you are looking for our baby dino, she's currently at the library draining her brain off"


the small girl name boram replied



*she's at the library?*



i thought and fake a stomach ache




they got startled and look at me worriedly



"what's wrong with you L? is your wound aching again? shall i treat them for you?"



hyomin noona ask me with full of concern


"ani, its not my wound. it was just a... simple stomach ache ? i guess i need to go to the restroom now"



"okay, be careful on your way"



i nod and stood up while still holding my stomach then started walking.. after making sure that they are not looking at me anymore, i bought  sandwich and milk before heading out



=End of Myungsoo POV=


=Jiyeon POV=


since our test is only a few weeks away from now, i needed to review hard since i wasn't paying attention when our teacher is teaching..history.

i dont know but. i find it boring and hard to learn. history doesnt interest me at all 'cause what i like is music and dance.


after a few minutes of reading this THICK history book, my head started to ache it might as well bleeding inside




and my stomach is complaining too. 


*how long have i been reading?*



i check out the time on my clock and found out that i red for only 15 minutes!

like seriously, only 15 MINUTES?! i feel like it is forever~


*urgh, i cant continue anymore. im dying*


i slighly push the book away to lay my head on the table then close my eyes hoping to gain back my lost energy.


when i opened my eyes, there's already a sandwich in front of me.


*eh? where does it came from?*



at the sight of a hand holding it, i know im not dreaming nor hallucinating so i lift up my head to see who it was





"you should atleast eat before draining your brain"


he stated then offer me the food which i gladly accept


"thank you"


he shook his head



"its nothing compared to what you did for me"



he said leaving me confused



"honestly, i really wanted to say thank you for saving me from the bad guys"



*ohh~ so that's what he mean. but how did he know? AH! maybe hyomin unnie tell him*



"no problem, its a part of job as a descipline officer anyway"



i replied while munching the food that he gave me



"but still, if its not because of you.. im probably dead right now, so i awe you my life"


"you dont have to"


"then let me atleast repay you"


"this sandwich is enaugh"


"but the sandwich cost is cheap so its not enaugh"


he insist





before i could finish my words he pleaded



"jebal" [please]



i sigh in defeat



"arasso" [i understand/okay]



his eyes immediately lit up 



"then i'll wait you after school?"





=End of Jiyeon POv=





Authors note:


annyong readers ! !

sorry for not updating last week, i got sick and got tons of projects so i got too frustrated to update -_-


so.. how's this chappie? its not much of myungyeon though, i'll reveal myungsoo's payback on the next chapter so look forward to it  ^^


dont forget to comment and subscribe =)


i wanna acknowledge monarko17 Hyoderella stacyberd and others who are always commenting ~

thank you ^^


and to all my readers.... WELCOME <3333333

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Chapter 27: Hmmm :/ Care to explain what JB mean when he talk to Jiyeon in this chapter? If not. Its okayy. Im kinda blur about it a bit. Anyway i'm waiting for your next next updating XD heheee ^^
yeonniestan94 #2
Chapter 27: thanks for updating again, authornim!! i thought u were gonna abandon this fic, ;((
and YES! do continue the story... <3
Yes, please continue this story! ^-^
Chapter 27: Author-nim continue the story... FIGHTING \(^_^)/∞
Chapter 26: please be safe jiyeon. don't make our myungsoo suffer because your condition. authornim. please update soon
Chapter 26: Please safe our beloved Dino!
I hope myungsoo will confess after she wakes up so they can be together, aigoo.
Please punish the girl who did this Jiyeon some more. She should be the one laying there, tsk tsk.
bbhnutella #7
Chapter 26: I am going to kill you author-nim T.T
My poor Jiyeonie ...
yeonniestan94 #8
Chapter 26: ohh so they're cousins & there i was thinking they were love rivals kekeke...
hope jb will help her..
thanx for the update ^_^
ChoSoohyun #9
Chapter 25: Well actually an AB can accept A , B and even O type blood .. It just that an AB can't donate to A,B & O type .. Please update soon ~ I'm waiting :)
yeonniestan94 #10
Chapter 25: woa..jb making an appearance hmmm..... wonder what happen between myungsoo n jb??
jiyeon ah, hang in there!!!