Walk at the Park

Things Can Change

It was summer when Soo Kyung was walking at the park with her best friend Chin Sun.

Soo Kyung: "Sun,Are you planning to do anything this summer?"

Chin Sun: "Uhm...I am not sure..."

Soo Kyung: "You told me you were going to Beijing for 3 months."

Chin Sun: "Oh yah about that..."

Chin Sun: "....(if only i could tell her the truth)..."

Soo Kyung: "Hello? Kyung to Sun Kyung to Sun can you hear me?"

Chin Sun: "Sorry but i have to go"

Soo Kyung: "SUN!"

Chin Sun: (I dont have the courage to tell her...but i have to.)

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imymemine2 #1
strawberry_yogurt #2
1st comment oh yeah! XD