o1. Rules and Regulations

Neverland Roleplay ; [ CLOSED ]

o1. Subscribe to the story with your account and your character's account as well.

o2. No fighting. If someone reports you being mean, me or Hayoung will PM you.

o3. Relationships are allowed.

o4. is allowed too, keep it in private though. There might be minors.

o5. Pregnancy is allowed. MPreg too, since this is AU.

o6. Foul language is allowed, but you should know your limit.

o7. ONE account ONLY per user.

o8. Include a short story of how you got to Neverland in your 'About Me'.

o9. Put this in your description: "Letting my fantasies come to life at Neverland Roleplay".

o10. Use { }, [ ] or ( ) when talking in OOC.

o11. Enjoy!


- Peter Pan

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