Glimpses of The Past

Now and Forever

May 31, 2008

It was your 17th birthday, in that special day, you wanted to celebrate it with your loved one. And so it occurred. You invited him to have special dinner in your apartment.

“Happy birthday.” He said with a smile while giving you a box wrapped in beautiful ribbon. You looked at him and amazed at how perfect he was. You took the gift and untied the ribbon. There a smaller box. You gasped because what could happen in such a small box but a ring?

You took out that box and opened it. And you swore it was the most beautiful you had ever seen. The design was simple, yet so beautiful. You could feel that your eyes were getting moist but you still managed to look at him just to show him how happy you were. He was already kneeling beside you.

“Kris, this is…”

You searched for his eyes and found his sincerity. “Please be mine for now and forever.” He said. You knew it would happen, but still your happiness rose up to the highest rate. It seemed that your heart want to jump out of its place. You bit your lip so you wouldn’t squeal like a crazy person.

With drops of tears falling down in your cheek, you nodded happily. “Yes. A thousand times yes.”

He put the ring in your left ring finger. Then in seconds, you were already in his hug. Happy, and safe. Everything was perfect.


“It might hurt, just tell me if you want to stop.” He said, caressing your cheek. Sweats were all over your body and his. Your bedroom was rather cold, yet the warm that you two brought made you feel no cold at all.

He kissed you as he ed his into you slowly. The pain was unbearable you couldn’t even hold your tears. Grasping your bed sheet, you kissed him back just to distract all the pain while tears flowing down your cheek. He was so gentle toward you yet it was still hurt as hell.

As time passed by, the pain changed into a pleasure that you hadn’t know until this night. A moan slipped out of your mouth.

And that was when your fate decided by heaven.


July 28, 2008

You couldn’t believe at what you just saw. You were not alone. There was another creature living inside you. A creature that God has sent to you and Kris’. When you called him, he immediately went to your apartment.

You didn’t know how to feel, you were happy yet scared at the same time. You were scared if Kris’ would leave you because of your pregnancy. But when he was arrived, he was the one that convinced you to keep the baby.

He hugged you. “I’m so, so glad that you’re pregnant because of me. Don’t you feel afraid. Cause I will stay with you. Always. Until the end. Together, we’ll become the happiest little family.”

You nodded in his hug. You were happy because he was such a responsible person. And most of all, you were happy because both of you loved each other. There was nothing to regret.


August 28, 2010

“Appaaaaaa!” Yoobin squealed happily on Kris’ shoulder. You followed them behind, giggling happily. Every day was happiness for you. Kris had moved in with you; Yoobin, your daughter had grew into a healthy and beautiful little girl; and your marriage would be held in two months. Kris had a fine job, and vice versa. Everything was perfect for you.


October 21, 2010

“Appaaaaaaa!” Yoobin cried in her grandmother’s hug while you were kneeling beside his bed. He lied there, breathless. His hands and feet, and everything was cold. God had taken him back to His side. In the most hurtful way, a week before your marriage.

It hurt you. Like hell. You couldn’t even cry yet your heart was crushed into pieces. Seeing the one you love gone, hearing your daughter’s cry, and knowing that your half was taken away along with his leave. Breathing became harder, thinking became more difficult, feeling became impossible. But one thing you knew, you had to live for Yoobin, you had to live for your memories with him, you had to keep him alive in your heart. All for your own sake.

“Miyoung-ssi, please fill this form and sign it. Mr. Wu had agreed to be a volunteer for organs donation. And now we need his heart and eyes for an urgent patient.” A nurse came to you and handed you a form to be filled. You wiped away your tears and looked at the form. There was written the name of the recipient. Lee Gikwang.


So, this is the first chapter. Kind of...boring? OTL I don't know...

I was listening to Ronan Keating's If Tomorrow Never Comes :(

And sorry for making Kris dead.

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i like your plot ^.^ pretty original never read one like it yet