Our Newest Addition

Supernatural Occurrences: Jangmi Academy


Kyuhyun Point of View

Slightly rusted gates towering over seven feet high, a court yard pond placed in front of the trail to the main building that was probably four feet long and two feet deep, antique-looking buildings scattered around here and there, and finally, not to mention, lush green shrubs adding more beauty to the scene? This was definitely the place.

I glanced down at the white piece of paper held in my hands before peering back at the new boarding school I was going to be attending starting tomorrow, Jangmi Academy. I heard rumors about this place. Not about their title as being one of the most prestigious boarding schools in the country—which, in my opinion, it doesn’t look like that at all, probably because this academy gave off this weird, eerie atmosphere rather than a flamboyant, rich one. Maybe it’s just me, or maybe it’s due to the fact that rumors I heard about this rich academy were the ones consisting of horror tales, the fact that many students had gotten kidnapped from this very place centuries ago, or how there are these so-called “ghosts” roaming around the school.  

But, going back straight to the point, I, Cho Kyuhyun, a straight-A student from an every-day typical public school from Seoul, was now going to step foot into this “haunted” school and I would be here to stay until I graduated college. Am I scared? Not even. I light snorted as I stuffed the paper that consisted of the school’s address back in my pocket, unfazed to the fact that I’ve probably crumbled it even more than I had already did the past hours as I was packing up my belongings from home and riding on a train to get to here. Walking on the cobblestone path, dragging my suitcase with me as I did so, I made my way over to the main building of the school and to the lobby.

Once I had finally made it inside the school, my whole viewpoint of the place changed. It was grand here with polished, marble floorings, chandeliers, mahogany double-doors and a series of stair cases that leaded to who-knows-where, most likely to the classrooms, club rooms, music rooms, staff rooms, anything and everything a school needed. For a few moments, I stood there, dazed, forgetting that this was not some five-star hotel, but instead a boarding school.

In my moments of amazement, I failed to notice that there were two figures behind me and before I realized it, I had rainbow confetti dumped down upon me, a sharp-high pitched noise piercing through one of my ears while happy shouting rang through the other, and, finally, I felt someone ruffling my hair a bit too harshly.

“Welcome to Jangmi Academy!” When all the commotion finally stopped, I groaned and wiped the confetti off my brown locks and glared at the two grinning culprits that nearly made me go deaf.

“You’re our new student right? Cho Kyuhyun!” The first one piped up. I noticed he wore a sapphire blue uniform rimmed with creamy white that had pants to match, dark brown hair, and a dimpled smile.  “I’m Yang Leeteuk, the Student Body President.”

“And I’m Kwon Yesung!” I glanced over to his companion who had messy midnight black hair, dark almond eyes….with eyeliner..?, and a uniform similar to Leeteuk’s except it was a black and rimmed with blood red and topped off with black skinny slacks and a few skull pins on the blazer. “I’m not the Vice-President, leave that to Heechul-hyung, but I’m the Historian in the Student Council! And, we almost forgot, we’re gonna be touring you around the school! Did you like our welcoming entrance?” He sent another chubby cheeked smile at me as he twiddled with the pink and yellow party noise maker in his hand.

“No.” My sentence wiped the grins off their faces as they stared at me in shock. Though, I continued on nonetheless, “You two literally made me go deaf. If I was the jumpy-type of person I’m sure I would have died of a heart attack.” The two stayed silent for a few more moments before bursting into laughter.

“Yup, we accomplished our goal!” These weirdos….Once the laughter finally died down from the two, Leeteuk finally spoke up again. “Anyways, enough of that, let’s get you started on the tour! You’re going to love it at Jangmi Academy!” Leeteuk grabbed my wrist as he and Yesung began to drag me around the building, ignoring the mess that they had created at the main entrance. “I mean, just look at this place! It’s so fancy and if you come from a poor background you’ll absolutely love your stay here!  Also, the teachers are so nice and the Student Council members which are me, Heechul, Yesung, Ryeowook, and Henry, will definitely not make one single day at this school be bland!”

After an hour or two, we finally stopped at my dormitory building, which happened to be the Eunhasu Dormitory lying on the East side of the school. I gave a relief sigh, happy to know that, after this, I would finally depart from Leeteuk and Yesung. Throughout the tour they would never stop talking about everything and anything in the mind as they slowly strayed away from the topic of having to explain which is what in this school and, being the hyper-active idiots I’m sure they are, they loudly broke into rooms of studying students before introducing me to my soon-to-be fellow classmates and then storming away from the classroom, still dragging me and acting as if nothing ever happened.

“And now here we are, at the Eunhasu dormitory!” Yesung exclaimed as he slipped his phone back into his pocket. Didn’t Leeteuk already tell me this just a few minutes ago? Well, seems like someone was behind on a few things while he was texting away “And, before you say anything, yes all the dormitories are designed different from each other and, no, we don’t care about your complaints about one dormitory looking better than another!” Well...Okay then. I see how the academy is.

Once Yesung finally opened the double doors to the dormitory, it happened again.  Someone from the inside blew a blow horn which, automatically, made me cover my ears as the sounds of poppers followed and confetti danced around in the air.  Shouts of “Welcome to Jangmi Academy!” filled the room as I groaned and two figures then ran up to me to give more greetings while the other just strode over. 

“Hello! Uh, sorry for the commotion,“ Finally someone noticed my displeasure, “But we’re just making a warm welcome for every new student that comes across in this school. I’m Kim Ryeowook, the treasurer of the student council.” He grabbed my hand and shook it, giving a small bow before looking back up to me with a smile. I noticed that he was considerably shorter than me and had light brown hair with his bands swiped to one side of his face.

Next, some hamster-boy, who also ran up to me, introduced himself. “I’m Henry Lau, the Social Chairperson of the Student Council!” Henry's hair lightly brushed his neck and he wore the same uniform as Ryeowook; a dark, navy blue blazer outlined with white and skinny white slacks. “Both Ryeowook and I are sophomores and, since you’re a sophomore too—we looked up your information—you’re going to be wearing the same uniform as us and maybe even attend some of the same classes!” Oh, great.  Finally, the last one who just walked over to me introduced himself.

“Kim Heechul, Vice President—" I heard a small "more like Vice ident" from Yesung which Heechul ignored for the moment, "...of the Student Council and I’m in my first year of college with Leeteuk.” It may be a sad thing to admit, but I think I like Heechul out of the other 4 student council members. He was less hyper, which resulted in being less irritating to me, especially in a situation like arriving in a new academy--which, ontop of it all, was a boarding school. Then, finally,  the dark-haired boy tossed a dormitory room key at me, which I caught, before finishing off. “Your room is on the 3rd floor and number 81, you can go find it yourself. You're 16, you're old enough to go wander around the halls alone." Well, seems like Leeteuk, Yesung, Henry, and Ryeowook's attempts at making a warm welcoming just flew out the door. I nodded as I watched Heechul whip around and begin shouting at Yesung due to the fact on the other trying to rub a bad name on him. On the other side, Ryeowook and Henry were slowly moving away from the scene as Yesung yelped out his sorries and Leeteuk just stood dumbly by me. I couldn't help it, but an amused smirk snuck on my face at the scene. 

Then, finally, it seemed like Leeteuk began to function again because, in a second, he marched over to Yesung and Heechul before ripping the two apart.

"Yah! This is no way to act when we're trying to make new student get use to the new atmosphere here!" Leeteuk began to lecture, "As your guys' hyung and leader I demand  that you troublesome dongsaengs drop this obnoxious attitude and behave yourselves!" Yesung gave a quirk mumur of  "Yes Teukie-hyung!" while Heechul gave a meer roll of his eyes. After he was done, Leeteuk let the two idiots go before turning and giving me another bright smile.

"And then I guess this is the end of our little tour!" He concluded. Little tour? No way. Not even. "We just remembered we had a student council meeting in a few but, if we weren't quite in a pinch right now, we'd definitely be able to guide you to your rooms!" No thank you, no thank you. All I wanted to do right now was to either just toss my suitcase in a random corner and sink to the abyss of dreams or whip out my computer and game consols and amuse myself in the digital world. With a small bow, Leeteuk walked out the door, with his minions-- I mean fellow student council members, following right in suit. When the door was shut close, I didn't waste anytime to go to my dormitory room. Now I had peace and quite! Now I had time to go to sleep or play Starcraft! That is, until the other students end their class sessions for a day.  Then bump in paths with my room mate. 

3rd Person Point of View
Once they finally made it out the Eunhasu Dormitory, the five student council members marched silently down to main building and slipped inside. But, instead of going back to resume their classes, they had different plans. The five students walked down halls with various golden-famed pictures of people and places they had no clue of what or who they were before coming across a double, red door. Leeteuk fished in his pocket to get his I.D. card out and proceeded to insert it in the small slip of the door. The noise of the machine taking in the key was heard and seconds later a small click was heard, indicating that the door was successfully open. Slipping the card back into his pocket, Leeteuk glanced around to make sure no students were passing by, even though that was a rare thing to see in a time and place like this, and slipped in the entrance with his fellow friends/members trailing after him. They walked down a clean and plain white hallways until they made it to a spiral staircase. Ryeowook heaved a sigh as they began to climb up the stairs.
"Why couldn't they just give us an elevator?" He complained as they reached yet another door, this time it was a simple one-piece wooden thing with a golden handle. He didn't need to be answered though, they all knew the reason why. Once Leeteuk opened the door again and they stepped inside, the lights to reveal the contents of the room. The room's length seemed to be equilvalent to a football field as a long business table stretched from one end to the other with swirvel chairs neatly tucked underneath it. On one end, a large screen T.V. flashed the Phantom Hunter's symbol on it and, on the other end, there stood a burly desk with a board behind it. On the side walls, a few file cabinets stood in place while doors leading to different places were lined one-by-one, a few having each student council member's names on it.  Leeteuk, Heechul, Yesung, and Henry took their seats on one of the tables. Yesung idly began to spin around his chair as Henry strummed his fingers on the tabletop. Leeteuk and Heechul glanced at the door ocassionally while Ryeowook tried to pick up a small conversation with Yesung. But, seeing as they would be the only ones present this time, Leeteuk began their "meeting."-- or, in better terms, the Phantom Hunter monthly check-up.
"So...As you all know....We have a new student in this school, another addition to the burden on our shoulders." He paused for a bit before continuing, "But, with a new student, another step into exterminating the G.H.O.S.T.S must be made....Does anyone have news?" Silence filled the air before, finally, Yesung decided to pip up.
"...I think I finally dug up something with the mission of finding out who's a G.H.O.S.T. and who isn't."

Author's Note

Hello, Iggy here! So...I finally got Chapter 1 up! It's a bit jumpy and cracky, due to the fact that Leeteuk and the other members get to goof off in school and do whatever they want since the staff knows their in Phantom Hunters, they know that they're risking their lives to save everyone in the school so....of course they'd be able to have priviliages of whatever they want.

The next chapter will be the Phantom Hunter's Chapter! Not that they know everyone in G.H.O.S.T.S. yet nor will everything will be based on them, but we'll get a gist of what they're suppose to be doing as of know and about their team. In the beginning of this story, it's only everyone's school lives and yea until further onto the story action and drama will arise...

Also, now the story will begin taking place in 3rd person with dashes of someone else's point of view!


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gonna read this feed thinggy*


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Chapter 1: eh? no more? T_T
KcuLL22 #2
Aww this is look so interesting >o<
I'll wait for ur update~
Wasurenagusa #3
So exciting. Very interesting! I really want to see more so I hope you can update soon!!
Ooh this seems really good!!:D i cant wait for kyuwook, hanchul, and eunhae!!
yuyumunaw #5
This is interesting! And it has YeWon woohoo! XD
Update soon^^
(Wow my posts are long) Also on another note I got everyone's dormitory down! Everything sorted out by a random generator

Leeteuk and Kibum: Room 43 in Dal Dormitory
Heechul, Eunhyuk, and Shindong: Room 95 in Eunhasu Dormitory
Yesung and Donghae: Room 124 in Byeol Dormitory
Ryeowook and Zhou Mi: Room 14 in Eunhasu Dormitory
Henry and Sungmin: Room 109 in Dal Dormitory
Siwon and Kangin: Room 83 in Byeol Dormitory
Han Geng and Kyuhyun: 81 in Eunhasu Dormitory
(I decided to just post my replies here instead of putting it along with the next chapter just so it's faster-)


I added the comedy tag because in some parts of the story the student council members would abuse their privileges and mess around in the classes ^^ I would put supernatural in the tags but I have no idea what the tag limit is OTL. and I will as soon as possible!

In a tough situation, he's the one who'll pull the group through and, even though he doesn't seem like it, he's actually one of the best fighters yet doesn't put in his best effort until needed ^^
and for the couples I really don't have any idea OTL. I was thinking Yewon since its my ultimate OTP but I'll go through with popularity and demand(if I ever get any LOL)

Hehehe I'll try to stick in a decent amount of Yewon(My ultimate OTP~!) and basically, yes he does XD. Yesung's my bias so of course he'll get an important role in this kekeke. I'll try to update soon~~!
and I do plan on having a lot of romance in here too just so there's more drama LOl (oopsadramajunkiehere) I'll try to make the story long since the plot already guarantees its gonna be long ~ You're welcome! Fighting~! ^^
Oh and I forgot to tell you '^^
The whole story is awesome! I really like the idea of having two wonderful team Hunters and Ghosts! It's so amazing! I love fantastic stories the most and this is one oh them :D
I'm so excited to read more about their fight... sort of... :p Because well, there will be a lot of romance too I think ne?...
Anyways, make it longer longer :D And thank you for writing this story ^^
Fighting! (>.-.<)
Ohhhh I hope we will see so so much YeWon moments hehe :p
*Hopeful Can't wait for it '^^
Ah so Yesung know who to differ between who is a ghost and who is not :o Is it some ability? or something? :O That will be so interesting! :D *I hope he had an important role here :p
Plus, Siwon is the leader ghost *o* Woow that's cool :D
Looking forward mooooore <3

Fighting everyone: YEWON<3 KANTEUK<3 EUNHAE<3 HANCHUL<3 and ZHOURY<3 ... I don't ship KyuWook, so I think I'll just skip their part! '^^
Good luck ;)