
The Feeling


"I hate you!" She shouted from her bedroom. She threw her cell phone far from her when she received a message from her boyfriend; telling her 'Let's break up'.

They broke up. It's natural for relationship to have this kind of scenes: breaking up.

She felt terrible. She doesn't even know what the hell the guy's reason is. He just had to send a world-ending message.

She never felt so heartbroken like this, she felt like the whole world will slam on her shoulder and let her drown in her own emotional being.

She didn't like the situation. She wanted to be happy, happy with the one she loves.

But, it will never happen, because they broke up without any reason.

She cried her eyes out, praying to God to keep her eyes closed and don't let the tears came out from it. She doesn’t like tears!

She pulled her pillow close to her body and she hugs it. She asked God, Why? Why did it happen to her?

She dated someone in the past but this one is different. It's like it's her first time to felt to be loved, it's like his the first boyfriend she ever had.

She hated first times, first times hurts a lot.

She remembers all of the happy moments they've been through that makes her blush. Every time she remembers it, she wants to kill herself. Is she blaming herself to what happened?

"No, don't." She mumbled under her breathe. She keeps silently shouting to make her stop, asking for God's help to make her eye lids to close.

Her eyes turning red and it's burning hot.

She couldn't get any help from her parents because neither them don't know she was in a relationship.

Her friends are sleeping in the middle of the night. The only help she got in this night is God.

She hugs her favorite pillow, tightly. She didn't want to let go.

She wanted to forget all of the things that happened between them.

All the hugging, kissing and cuddling moments.

The Love and Hate moments.

The Jealousy test moments.

And all the teasing.

She had calmed herself from the crying and couldn't help but to fall asleep.

It was already two weeks after the break up and she had recovered from it. But, one day, she remembers something that makes her cry again.

She, then, asked God, why did this thing happen to her all the time? She hated heart breaks.

She already moved on but why is she crying?

"You have to move on already, boss." Her best friend shouted at her. She's very angry at her best friend for being such a dumb to that boy.

She explained that there's a lot of fish in the sea and in no time she can find it.

She wanted to find the guy already to make the pain go away.

To all the moments they have, it’s really hard to forget him.

Especially, they're classmates and within one month they'll be seeing each other again, everyday.

If only she can transfer to another school, it will be a relief.

Another week had passed and she already forgotten about what happened.

She forgot all of the pain and replaces it with pure joy.

To avoid remembering the pain, she focuses in different things.

She speaks to herself quiet some time, telling to herself some encouragement and forgetting spells.

"You can do it, he's not worth it." She smiled as she gave herself a fighting sign in front of the mirror. This helps her a lot.

Another week had passed and she was completely over him already. But, still, the memories of them together are still inside her head.

The only thing she can tell herself right now is, "Thanks for loving me and making me happy."

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Chapter 1: That is sad but I loved that she moved n