Happily seeing him again... *My Comeback Chapter

Status: Married?!
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It's my COMEBACK :))) 


Long time no Update :)
I've missed you all so much! 


Here's my chapter 30 ^^ yey~


Updated: Thursday, November 15, 2012 @ 9:00 pm


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After few hours; Jade is still unconscious while her head rests on Chunji’s laps.

“Sir. We are here already.” Niel said.

“Should we our Master Jade?” Changjo asked.

“No no, it’s fine. I’ll take care of her. Is the maids had made the room ready?”

“Yes sir, everything is set, for our master to rest.” Changjo replied.

Chunji nodded.


Chunji carefully lifted Jade’s head; he gently slides his hand on her back, and carefully lifted the unconscious body of Jade.

Later on, they went inside their mansion, and until to their room.

Chunji gently placed Jade on her bed.


“Finally we’re back home. No more problems here, we can take care of you, without worrying anything.” He said on himself and he slowly walked back to fix some things.


“~Ahh” A moan rounded in . Jade is still in pain.

“Eerrr.” Jade’s brows clinked together; it seems that she’s having a bad dream rather than her headache.

Chunji went close to Jade to check on her.


“Let’s go...”


Chunji became curious on her words.


“... Omma & Appa is... waiting... wait! ...The car...”

“Car? What car?” Chunji looked at her, and waited for her next words to come from .


“Oppa~!...”  She said. *Is it CAP hyung?* Chunji asked himself.

“No! ANIYAAA!” Jade shouted from her bad dream. and tears started to fall from her asleep eyes

Chunji immediately touched Jade’s forehead and he slowly massage it. So Jade will calm herself down from her bad dream.


“Jade... You know about it?... Remember?”

And Jade finally calm herself, and she sleeps comfortably now.


Chunji walked to look for his mobile phone.

Chunji dialed something and called someone.

“Damn, he’s asleep already I think.”


He a lot of air, released it, he’s feeling something. Something important and need to be done soon, or else.

He walked around the room, thinking... and thinking. He held his forehead, and looked up.

He immediately got his coat and left... *Why?




>>> Fast Forward >>>

“Ouch~” I woke up from my long sleep. Sleeping for that long can make our head totally aches.

It’s a Sunday morning today. And tomorrow it’s back to school again. What will the principal will say to me?

I jumped down from my bed; I went to my bathroom and starts stripping my clothes.


Then I the shower. I can feel the warmth of the water. It’s so nice.

After I took shower, I went to my walk-in closet and changed my clothes.


“Master?” Niel said.

“Yes?” I popped my head from the closet.

“Here’s your Lunch, master.”

“Lunch what time is it already?” I looked up at my wall clock,

 “Ohmy! It’s already 12:23? I slept for that long?”

“Yes master. Here you should eat it now, and please don't forget to drink your medicine... Ahm, Master, are you okay now? ” Niel Asked"

"Ah, yes, I'm fine now, thankyou for worrying, and thanks for the lunch!" I smiled at him

Niel Smiled



--- Such a warm smile from Niel. ---




>>> Fast Forward >>>


It was Monday, but I didn't went to school today, because yeah, I'm sick. I guess?

I'm facing in my closet, preparing my uniform for tomorrow...


I have to forget the things from yesterday. But I can't take it off out of my mind.

Am I really Burden?

... Burden?

... A Burden? ...


I'm such a woonie. Who gives burdens to others. I have to change myself then.

Especially to Chunji, I brought so much burden to him...

Being his wife, makes him ...

I don't know, so problematic for him...


I guess, I just have to....

Avoid everything else...


The Wind blew, and I saw my Diary being lifted from page to page because of the wind.

and on one page that stopped, I saw ...

L.Joe's picture.

This was taken, on the first time I saw him...

He had this face ever since, I don't know why, but I fell in l

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khantsandi #1
Chapter 41: Arr so the mysterious boy is Chunji.Nice.I really want to know that boy.Haha
AenaEvans #2
Chapter 44: Daebak... :) ... really a nice story
AenaEvans #3
Chapter 31: such an amazing story! xD ... i really love it.. this is the best fanfic i had ever read.. Good Job!! :D
Chapter 44: Aww happy ending . You know i'm smiling like an idiot while reading your story . But there is certain part that is so sad . I really love this story . You did a goodjob authornim . I hope you make a lot of teentop fanfic hehe . 대박
noonangel #5
Chapter 25: Cute story :3
Chapter 44: omg this was such a cute story and i just-- ; u ;
Chapter 44: Thanks for made this fanfic . I was crying coz of this and so do smile. Sorry for being silence reader all the time ^^. This fanfic is amazing ^^
I read all the chapter but i always ( not always but in some chapter ) there is my name i dont know which Cuty_Bear are you talking so i just want to ask? Ohhh and i forgot the story was sooo cute omg you did a good job! :D
InspiritHamster #10
Chapter 44: Wow its nice ending!!! I love it
Cause all of them have partner
Hahah except niel and changjo lol but thts okay ^~^ and i will read all your story that you give the link >____< i like your story!!