
Let's Learn Chinese! With? Misaki & Eunmin

Hello there my sweet peas, how have you guys been lately?

Today we are going to learn about the tones (or you could call them accents) in Chinese.The accents go along with Pinyin (I’ll show you guys the whole entire list in the next chapter)

So, let’s get some writing utensils and paper, personally I would have the papers and pencils prepared for you guys but, you know.. This is only online. Shall we start now?


There are 4 tones (accents) in the mandarin Chinese language, they also sound differently from one another. For every word there is an accent, the accents tell the pronunciations. Depend on which accent you use, it'll give you different word meanings.

The first tone is ā, a horizontal bar. You pronounce it with a long even tone. I used “A” for example. You would say “ahhhh”, a flat ahh. (*Note. The “ahhh” sound is only for the letter “A”.)

The second tone is á, a rising mark. You pronounce it like you are asking a question. Like the way you say “WHAT?” in English. It’s pronounced “ahhh?”.

The third tone is ă, a small “V” shaped symbol, it looks like it sounds. You bring it down then up. Like some times in English you say “WELL?”

The fourth and the last one is à, it’s a dash, voice goes down it’s a sharp “Ahh”. it starts high and falls down, like the way you say “GO!”

The accents only go on the vowels. If there is more than one vowel, the accent goes above the first vowels that is in the vowels list.

Okay, let’s review the vowels

a (ah)

o (oh)

e (ay)

i (ee)

u (ooo)

ü (yu)

The rule is that you put the accent on the vowel that come first in the vowel list. Again;

a o e i u ü

So you need to know the correct order of the vowels in order to know which vowel to put the accent on.

Okie dokiie.

Example time!

Tiān = sky 天

There are two vowels. let’s look at the vowel list again. a o e i u ü

“i” and “a” which comes first? “a” right? So the accent on the “a”. (*note, one accent per word)

Dì = ground 地

Dì has a constant and a vowel, you know that the accents doesn’t go on constants and there is only one vowel, the accent goes above the “i”.

Now let’s put the accents on all of the vowels

ā    á    ă    à

ō    ó    ŏ    ò

ē    é     ĕ    è

ī     í      ĭ     ì

u    ú    ŭ    ù

ǖ    ǘ    ǚ    ǜ


and this concludes today’s lesson.




Hewo~ everyone.. Sorryy we haven’t update this for maybe over a month.. It's summer and we are err lazy. That’s not an excuse... 죄송합니다, 정말정말미안합니다 --”

Anddd we want to thank you guys for subscribing, and supporting. *bows*

Much love,  M&E~ xx 



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Chapter 4: I can hear what people talking in mandarin and hokian. .but I CANT READ AND SPEAK!!! ㅠㅠ
Chapter 3: My gosh, learning Chinese is hard. But I must LEARN!!! Thanks for having this lessons! Now I can learn the basics! Yay~! :3
iMaoPaddington #3
Oh..oh, good. Let's start slowly ^^
YeoboBlood #4
I love you darling!!! I've wanted to learn Chinese since I've learn conversational Korean >.< thank u darling!!!