Amusement Park [Part 1]

Sunny and the Bunny


Just a short update. T_T i'll update sooner. i promise. :)
please comment or else........... XD

Taeyeon swallowed that huge lump that seemed to have stucked on as she took slow steps towards the amusement park where she was going to meet Leeteuk, her homeroom teacher A.K.A. the only guy her heart beats for.
'AJA AJA HWAITING!' She cheered continuously as she kept on straightening her ruffled cerulean dress which she chose that whole last night.
She was immensely nervous. What would be his reaction after learning that it's freakin' his student who texted him all this time? True, Leeteuk had no idea who the hell was that 'textmate' of his. He had asked numerous of times about the girl's identity but sadly, she wouldn't just say.
But after asking her that he wants to go out with her, she didn't know what pulled the trigger for her to agree. Although it was risky, Taeyeon summoned more than enough confidence to prepare for that day. The day when she will reveal everything to her Math teacher.
"Omo! There he is!" Taeyeon quipped as soon as she caught Leeteuk leaning close to the amusement park's gates as he constantly checked on his wristwatch. He looked gorgeously handsome. Like a fallen angel who seemed too beautiful to be a human. Taeyeon gathered her seemingly shattered self as she pulled out a pocket mirror and viewed her pretty reflection. Her bangs were all over her forehead as her shoulder-length hair was curled on every ends. And as she heaved out a deep breath, she started marching towards the guy.
Leeteuk patiently waited as he thought about the mystery girl. True enough, they had gotten closer with all those exchange of text messages. He likes her. She's cheerful and a really reliable adviser. He hadn't had someone to share his most personal issues to. But he did to a stranger. Maybe, that's why. She's a stranger whom he doesn't have any idea of.
He has a guess.
A really wide guess.
And he needed to find out if his guess was correct.
Looking around, he suddenly froze upon seeing a familiar small girl coming towards his direction. She stiffly walked as her face was lowered. She was still a few feet away when Leeteuk smirked. "I guess I'm right. It's Taeyeon Kim."
"Why're you all in pairs?! Aish. This is so unfair." Tiffany frowned as she sat next to Sunny who had Sungmin next to her. Across them were Kyuhyun and Sooyoung who both shrugged at the poor Tiffany. They were still at the ramyeon restaurant, having quite a meeting as they sat on one table.
"I guess that's what you get for ruining our dates." Sooyoung mumbled while sniggering. Sunny knitted her forehead as she pouted on Sooyoung and gave her a sungmin-and-i-aren't-on-a-date look.
"What?" Tiffany asked as she didn't quite heard what Sooyoung had said. The latter shook her head as she heaved a lazy "Never you mind."
"So!" Kyuhyun squeaked as he peered at Sungmin so amusingly. The guy with his all-pink attire (except for his black jacket), moved back as he felt shuddering at Kyuhyun's stare.
"You're dating my dear friend Sunny, huh?" Kyuhyun asked, which had Sunny choked as she struggled on her coughs. Sooyoung nudged Kyuhyun as she pointed out, "It's all obvious. Why ask?"
Tiffany agreed as she drooply nodded her head. Looking at Sunny from head to toe, she sighed. "Sunny wouldn't be dressed this pretty for nothing. "
"Aish. I told you, we aren't on a date!" Sunny grumbled but Sooyoung just rolled her eyes. "Just stop denying, bunny."
But even before Sunny could argue, she was interrupted when Kyuhyun stood and patted both Sungmin's shoulders. Sungmin was still muted as he was flustered with all the dating issues that afternoon. "Take care of Sunny, okay? Never make her cry. She seems a strong girl but she really isn't. Don't you ever break her heart, arasseo?"
And Sungmin could just nod which made Kyuhyun relievely smile as he reciled on his seat.
"Yah! Why the hell are you nodding?" Sunny twitched her eyebrows up as she glanced at Sungmin. But Sungmin just shrugged.
"He's still shy around us, I guess." Tiffany supposed as she took note of the always speechless new guy, Sungmin.
"Yah, Kyuhyun. You sound like a real big brother to Sunny." Sooyoung praised on the other hand as Kyuhyun returned her a quick wink.
Sunny exhaled tiredly as she removed her purple cap and put it into her lap. Turning to Tiffany beside her, she tried to drop off the subject as she asked, "What's about Taeyeon, by the way?"
And the moment she said it, Tiffany immediately glanced at her wrist and gasped as she saw what time was it. "Omo! We need to get going!"
"W..Why? What's happening?" Sooyoung inquired as she was surprised at how Tiffany was acting. Kyuhyun was also wondering as well as he asked, "Did something bad happen to Taengoo?"
"! Not that bad. But. Yes! Sort of." Four eyes darted back at Tiffany in question as she breathed out deeply to calm herself. "Taeyeon, my best chingu in this whole world, would be on a major heartbreak after this day." She muttered with sadness painted all over her face.
"What do you mean?" Sunny peered as she was curious about everything. Clearly, Tiffany seemed to be on the same mission as she was: Saving their best friends for the heartbreak after that cloudy Saturday.
Except that Sunny had no reason to worry about that since Sooyoung's date was apparently ruined. And she just wanted to thank Tiffany so badly.
"Taeyeon is going to meet him now." Tiffany blurted as she lowered her face which left the four people urging for her to fill them all up with all the information she had.
"Who's she meeting? Geez, Fany. Taeyeon can date any guy that she likes." Kyuhyun said as he rolled his eyes at the girl. But Tiffany scrunched her eyes. "It's not just any guy, Kyu."
"It's Leeteuk seonsaengnim." She revealed, making all of them gasp out in shock.
Taeyeon inwardly squealed out as her knees trembled with every step closing the distance from her and Leeteuk. There were a lot of people that day. Some went with their families, friends, etc. But still, it's Leeteuk whom she could only see.
And the moment their eyes met, her heart seemed to have skipped two beats at that very second. Her insides squirmed as her pace went slower than before.
"Kim Taeyeon?" Leeteuk approached the girl as his eyes suspiciously peered at her. "What are you doing here?" He asked, peeking over her shoulders and figured that she's alone.
Taeyeon tensed up. She didn't know what to say and yet she didn't want to back out.
But she did.
"Oh! L..Leeteuk saengnim! I.. I'm surprised that you're here." She stuttered out loudly as she twiddled on her fingers, one thing she would always do when nervous. "A..Are you waiting for someone?" She added.
Leeteuk nodded as he smiled at her. "She's a bit late, I'm afraid."
Although he was that of sure that Taeyeon was his mystery girl, he tended to hold it up for a while. Especially because he was amused at how Taeyeon was acting all obvious.
"Is that so?" Taeyeon faked a cough before continuing. "Tiffany and I are going out today." She said it out too quickly as she avoided an eye contact with the guy.
"Are you sure?" Leeteuk sneered. She's a lame liar.
"What do you mean?" Taeyeon asked, mystified at that mere question. Leeteuk shrugged as he caught Taeyeon's hand holding her cellphone as her fingers twiddled. And without thinking twice, he snatched it off her hold, making the girl a bit startled at that moment.
Leeteuk scooted his phone from his pocket and quickly made a call to her mystery girl. And the moment Taeyeon's phone rang, he let out a soft smile. "I knew it was you."
And as the whole unexpected thing was happening, Taeyeon inwardly wished for an earthquake to swallow her wholey.
"Oh no. eotteokaji?" She muttered in frustration as she looked upon Leeteuk's bright smile.
"Turns out our dates aren't really ruined after all." Sooyoung chirped as the five of them stood before the gigantic rollercoaster just a few meters away. Sunny wrapped an arm around Sooyoung's as she caught her attention. "We aren't here to continue your date, Soo."
"Whatever." Sooyoung hissed as she shot Sunny an ironic smile.
"Fany-ah! Are you sure Taeng is here?" Kyuhyun called as he roamed his sight around. There were a LOT of people. And it's going to be difficult to spot two individuals out of the crowd.
"Yup. Her mom said that Taeyeon will be going here. Clichè kind of date." Tiffany squawked as she put her hands on her hips.
Sungmin was not having fun at all. He just wanted to pester Sunny a while ago, and now look.. he got dragged into that amusement park.
Sighing, he was startled as a sudden weight was placed on his right shoulder. Peering to face who it was, he found Kyuhyun grinning widely as he hugged him sideways.
"What do you think you're doing?" He raised an eyebrow. The three girls were all busy finding Taeyeon with their sight, leaving him and Kyuhyun unnoticed.
"I like you!" Kyuhyun beamed as that apparently made Sungmin look at him in confusion. Not that he was thinking that the guy is gay. But really, it's shivering hearing those words coming from a guy.
"B..Bwoh?" asked Sungmin as the grip on his shoulders got tighter.
"I want to be your friend. Soo and Sunny are best friends, let us be, too!" Kyuhyun excitedly said, making Sungmin kind of relieved that Kyuhyun wasn't really into boys after all.
"Okay." He simply answered as he returned him the same kind of smile.
"Y..Yah! There they are! Taeyeon and Teuk saengnim!" Tiffany suddenly squealed as she nudged Sooyoung and Sunny and pointed on the line directing to a huge ferris wheel.
Sooyoung and Sunny gasped as they literally see the two having quite a date. Taeyeon was smiling shyly whereas Leeteuk was being a really a handsome gentleman to her.
"You know, what? Let's take a ferris wheel ride." Kyuhyun butted in as he grabbed Sooyoung's wrist and headed to the ride. Sunny, Tiffany, and Sungmin were left sighing as they followed behind.

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Chapter 19: Oh how I wish you will continue this
Chapter 19: Reading this is super fun!
Lol at fany
Chapter 19: update soon, author! ^^
PutriLoveHae #4
Chapter 19: Update soon!Lurvess ur storyy.
SunSunShipper #5
update soon! fighting :D
update soon, yay SunSun growing stronger ^^
Sonelfwol #7
Update soon please 'puppy eyes' andddd...more sunsun please!
KyuAddict #8
Cute YoonBum :3
sonelforever09 #9
Update please~ *Puppy eyes* kekeke XD kyuYoung is sooooooooooo cute :3 NEW READER!!:D