Sunny and the Bunny


It was lunchtime when Sunny and Sungmin legged towards the faculty room, both were wearing a light smirk on their faces.
"Teacher Heenim!" Both of them called out when they found Heechul sat on his usual spot, apparently doing some paperworks. Their class didn't have English that day so yeah, they hadn't had the chance to meet Heechul that morning.
"Ah. Sunkyu, Sungmin, what are you doing here?" Heechul asked although his eyes didn't really catch the two's. Sunny cleared before speaking. "About the music room. It's polished and clean now, saengnim." She proudly said.
"I helped Sunkyu-ah!" Sungmin interrupted when he saw Heechul knit an eyebrow and tilt his head to the side.
"Are you kidding me?" Heechul could just mutter out, somewhat disbelieving. How could these two stand the creepy room? He was apparently sure that he had changed the recorder's battery to a newer one so there's in no way that these kids didn't hear the piano piece.
"Of course not, saengnim! We're telling the truth! We even spent until midnight cleaning the music room." Sunny claimed with a full demanding voice at which Sungmin nodded off beside her.
"You spent the night?"
After a few seconds of Heechul's interrogation of them, Sungmin had no choice but to blurt it out.
"We already know that you put the recorder, saengnim." He said with accusing eyes. Sunny supported Sungmin's words and showed the recorder which was very much familiar to Heechul.
The English teacher widened his eyes as he err.. eyed Sungmin and Sunny. If this gets to the principal, he would sure be fired without any further explanation.
Sunny grinned as she handed the recorder to Heechul. "A little reward will make us happy, saengnim. How about perfect scores on the midterm and final exams?"
"Y..Yah. You're going to be too much obvious, I am telling you, Tiffany Hwang." Taeyeon reminded her friend as she gripped on Tiffany's arm tightly. Tiffany rolled her eyes as she firmly held on the lunchbox she was holding firmly. They were apparently at the school canteen. And as she practically disregarded Taeyeon who was suggesting to call off her mission, Tiffany just scanned the place around in search of that particular person: her prince, as she called him.
Her eyes were narrowing cutely not until when she caught a glimpse of him. And at that instant, her eyes had seemed to be gone in the shape of inverted 'U.'
"Yah, Taengoo-ah. There's Siwon oppa!" She excitedly hissed at Taeyeon who somehow had given up with pulling Tiffany back with her. She never knew that Tiffany could get so freaking obvious when in love.
Siwon was falling on the line with his tray on his hold. Hankyung, 4-B's homeroom teacher, was beside him as it seemed that they had just met with all those handshakes.
Tiffany inhaled a huge amount of air before prancing towards Siwon with Taeyeon following behind. Hankyung left Siwon now so yep, it's Tiffany's chance to start a conversation with him.
"Annyeong Haseyo, Siwon op-" Tiffany paused as she scratched the back of her head. "I mean, Choi seonsaengnim."
Siwon raised an eyebrow as he glanced at his student. He sure had noticed her blushing. "Annyeong Tiffany-ah, did I get that right?" He asked, although he's sure about her name.
Tiffany's eyes sparkled as she attentively nodded her head. Just hearing his voice almost made her spazz out. She's sure never sleeping on Geometry class anymore.
"Saengnim, I.. I ermm.. I actually made you a lunch." She started before whispering, "The food in this canteen isn't as delicious, you know." She extended her hand that was holding the lunchbox which was wrapped neatly with an orange-colored handkerchief. Siwon returned the tray to the table on his side and accepted Tiffany's lunchbox with that smile that any girl would all probably pass out.
"Jinjja, komawoyo, Tiffany-ah." Siwon chuckled as he walked out of the line. Taeyeon suddenly appeared behind Tiffany as she bowed at the teacher.
"Tiffany's mom is a great cook. You'll sure love the food." Taeyeon peeped making Tiffany give her the glare. True enough, she wanted Siwon to think that she's the one who cooked the food in that lunchbox.
Siwon sniggered as he watched Tiffany conking the poor Taeyeon's head.
"You two, have you eaten yet? Do you want to join me?" He asked, which made Taeyeon shake her head while Tiffany gladly nod hers.
Sungmin and Sunny made the biggest high-five ever. They were practically jumping as they slowly ran towards their classroom. True enough, the look on Heechul's face was priceless when he had agreed on their little request.
"Where have you gone?" Sooyoung asked the two as soon as they stepped into the room. Sooyoung's mouth was still filled with egg omelettes when she asked the question. She was having a lunch with Jessica and Hyoyeon whose desks were moved alongside hers.
Sunny shook her head. "Just somewhere. It's a secret." Sooyoung knitted an eyebrow at Sunny so did Hyoyeon and Jessica. Sungmin had already settled on his seat as he avoided the girls' inquiring eyes.
"Where's Kibum? He hasn't still arrived yet?" Sungmin asked as he noticed that the guy's seat behind him was still empty. Sooyoung swallowed before answering, "He's absent, I guess."
Sunny pouted. "I wonder what's wrong with him. He doesn't hang out with us lately, does he?" She thought. Jessica nodded. "And he's been weirdly more quiet as well."
Sooyoung thought for a moment before saying. "I think it has gotten to do with Yoong." She nodded her head as she received puzzled faces from the three girls and Sungmin.
"Yoong? You mean, Yoona?" Hyoyeon asked this time. "Nae, Kyu and I saw Kibum the other day. He was talking to Yuri, asking about Yoona. It seems like something's up about my daughter. And Kibum knows about it." Sooyoung said which made all much more puzzled.
Jessica silently gasped. "What if they have a relationship?" Sunny smacked Sica's head. "That's impossible. Kibum has a girlfriend abroad." She told them in a matter of factly.
"Jinjja? He does?" Sooyoung bulged her eyes out at Sunny who was just nodding. "I always about his girlfriend before. Anyway the point here is, he can't be inlove with Yoona caz he's already taken, okay?"
"But wae is he being weird?" Hyoyeon mumbled. Everyone of them just shrugged. "Maybe, we should just ask him. Or Yoona." Sooyoung muttered as she swallowed another whole omelette into .
"I'm 24. I just graduated two years ago." Siwon answered as he sipped his orange juice which *cough cough* Tiffany had wholeheartedly provided. She was sitting in front of Siwon with Taeyeon sort of impatiently waiting beside her. They had already been there for almost half an hour and to be perfectly honest, she was a little bored on Tiffany and Siwon's question and answer portion.
"You must really like studying." Tiffany's eyes fluttered as she laughed out. "Aigoo. You don't look like your age, saengnim. You're more like.. my age." She giggled.
"You're so cute, Tiffany-ah." Siwon chuckled as his gaze sent Tiffany those electric shivers. Taeyeon almost choke out as she coughed hysterically beside Tiffany.
"Are you okay, Taeyeon-ah?" Siwon worriedly asked as he peered at Taeyeon who had just waved her hand at him. "Gwaenchanayo."
Tiffany pouted as she checked on her friend. Suddenly, the school bell rang which indicated the end of the lunchbreak. Siwon rose from his seat as he thanked Tiffany for the meal before taking his leave.
As soon as he was gone, Taeyeon confronted her friend.
"Fany-ah. You're sooooooooooo flirty!" She said, exagerrating with the word 'so.'
"But he didn't seem to notice though." Tiffany sniggered at which Taeyeon shook her head.
"Remember how I thought that Leeteuk saengnim was oblivious of my feelings for him? Maybe, Siwon saengnim is already suspecting you...!" Taeyeon explained as she continued. "He told you that you're cute. Maybe it was to-"
But even before Taeyeon could finish her sentence, Tiffany had already squealed at the top of her lungs. "OMG OMG OMG TAENGOO-AH! NOW THAT YOU MENTION IT, I THINK I CAN DIE!" Tiffany exclaimed garnering all the attentions of everyone in the canteen. Taeyeon sighed out, facepalmed herself as she held Tiffany by arm and dragged her towards their class.
"This girl is crazier than I was." Taeyeon heaved as she looked at Tiffany beside her.
Yoona slumped down on one of the chairs as she was extremely exhausted. Glancing on her wristwatch, she figured that it was already three in the afternoon. The lunchbreak craze had just ended and it was her time to have a break from work.
"Shindong-nim! I'm going to have lunch first." She called out at that ramyeon house manager whom she was working for. There weren't much customers at that time so it wasn't as hectic as a few hours ago. 3PM was apparently the dead hour, as they called it.
Shindong smiled at Yoona as he urged for her to go and eat. After all, she had been a very hardworking girl all the while.
Yoona had a full large bowl of shiatsu ramen with two cups of rice and a kimchi sidedish. Although she looked a little too skinny, she actually could finish all those food in a blink of an eye. (okay, exagerrating).
Yoona was still blowing her hot noodle soup when she noticed the seat in front of her being moved and the next thing she knew, someone was settled on the said seat.
"Im Yoona, annyeong!" A friendly tone of voice which was sort of familiar to her, greeted as she lifted her head up and looked at the person face to face with her.
Her eyes widened as she dropped the spoon on her hold.
"K..Kibum sunbae! H..How did you- Why are you here?" She gasped in startleness as she gaped at the guy.
Kibum flashed her out a smile before innocently looking at her. "Waeyo? I'm here to eat ramen." He said expressionlessly.
Yoona sure was disbelieving him but when Shindong approached her table and placed a bowl of ramen in front of Kibum, she was kind of convinced.
"Sunbae, did you skip school today?" Yoona asked, peering curiously at Kibum who was already with his chopsticks and noodles. He swallowed before pointing his chopsticks at Yoona. "You're ditching school, too."
"But mine's different. I already had told Kahi saengnim that I would be absent for a few days." She told him before taking a gulp of water. Kibum stopped eating for a moment as he tilted his head on the side a little. "Yuri seemed not to know about this, does she?"
"Yeah. I didn't tell her. She would sure overreact about everything and most probably, she might end up ditching school as well. You know her, she does everything to make us look like real twins." Yoona sighed before beginning to eat again. Kibum was already finished with his meal and was just observing her eat which made Yoona somewhat concious of how she ate. She wasn't used to being watched while she ate, especially that she's a shikshin like her Sooyoung umma.
"Are those loansharks still bothering you?" Kibum suddenly asked which made Yoona halt on her food and glance back at him. "I need to earn a little more to be able to pay them. I already gave them half the amount of my father's debts so they don't really come and nag me lately."
Saying those things to a guy she barely knows was somewhat awkward. True enough, even though she might've known Kibum since two years ago, she wasn't close as she was to Kyuhyun, Donghae, and Eunhyuk. Apparently, she found Kibum rather mysterious because he was usually that quiet guy who wouldn't talk unless you start the conversation with him. And by that, she was a little not used to being that close to him right now. And to think that he was the only one who knew about her problem, it was just unexpected.
"How much more is left on your father's debt?" Kibum asked. Yoona shrugged.
"About 300 000 Won. The bad sharks are giving me until Friday for deadline. I'm dead." She frowned at her own words but nonetheless, she forced out a smile on her face and pumped her fist in the air. "AJA AJA HWAITING!!"
Even though Kibum saw how optimistic the girl was, he knew in her eyes that she was utmost worried of herself. Ever since that night when he saw her being chased by those loansharks, he knew he wanted to help her. That night, Yoona stayed over Kibum's place. He let her sleep on his bed while he was on the couch in the living room. (Kibum's family was apparently in the U.S. and by that, he was alone in his apartment home).
"A..Appeoji.. Appeoji.." Kibum heard Yoona's voice coming from his room. Getting all curious, he got up and took a peek on the room's ajar door. Yoona's voice was still heard as she continued to call out for her father.
Kibum rose up from the couch and quietly took a step in approach of the room where Yoona was sleeping.
"Appeoji..." Yoona mumbled, her voice was terrified with her eyebrows knit together. Although the light was turned off, Kibum could see her full features.. And he never knew that she was that pretty... that she looked less than a sophomore who's so unbelievably childish.
Kibum lowered in a kneel as he ruffled her hair, careful enough to not wake her up. And when he did that, he was actually relieved that she grew more relaxed with her tensed pursed lips coming to a halt.
And at that moment, Kibum softened. It was cruel enough to think that this girl was left by her father with his debts and just hid alone from those loansharks. Her mother had passed away when she was a little ten year old and since then, she had suffered a difficult life financially. He had known all of these when Yoona opened up about her life just a while ago. And as he grew to know about her, he knew that he had to protect her.
"Sunbae? Sunbae? Earth to Kim Kibum." Yoona's voice snapped him out to reality as the girl was already standing up, clearing the table with all the bowls placed on her small tray.
"I'm going to go back to work now, sunbae. Thanks for accompanying me for lunch." Yoona lowered her head a little with a smile before turning on her heels and leaving.
"I wonder how can I help her." Kibum sighed although he had not the slightest idea what's keeping him the urge to help Yoona.
Hankyung ended his Physics class as the school bell rang. It was apparently the end of 4-B's class for the entire day and as Kyuhyun, Eunhyuk, and Donghae were about to exit the room, Hankyung called for them.
"Chakkaman, Kyuhyun-ah, Fish, Monkey!" At that heard, the three turned to see their homeroom teacher with innocent inquiring eyes. "What is it, saengnim?" Donghae asked as they approached the Chinese teacher.
"Play rock paper scissors game." Hankyung said with his smiling eyes. The three raised their eyebrows at the sudden request but nonetheless, they did as what Hankyung asked them to do.
Donghae, Eunhyuk, and Kyuhyun held their hand behind their backs and revealed it at the same time as Hankyung counted down to one.
"Set, Deul, Hana!"
Donghae and Eunhyuk had their palms opened while Kyuhyun had his into a clutch. And as soon as they realized that Kyuhyun was the loser, the two laughed at him.
"HAHAHAHA! saengnim! Kyu loses!" Eunhyuk mocked which got Kyuhyun snouting. "Let's have a second round!" He proclaimed as he concentrated on the game this time.
"Set. Deul. Hana!"
Kyuhyun had his hand on a scissors whereas the brothers were in firm rock. Donghae and Eunhyuk started laughing again as they highfived with each other and stuck their tongues out at Kyuhyun.
"Aish. So unfair." Kyuhyun grumbled. Hankyung chuckled at the guy before turning to Donghae and Eunhyuk who seemed to have mind telepathy with each other.
"Both of you, you can now leave." Hankyung told them at which the two had taken their exit, not failing to give Kyuhyun their last mocks.
"Kyuhyun-ah, can I ask you a favor?" Hankyung suddenly asked, making Kyuhyun's head jerk up as he wondered what's it about.
"I promise to give you incentives on all quizzes, projects, and activities." Hankyung added when he caught Kyuhyun looking hesitated. But as he told him about the incentives, Kyuhyun's expression grew more interested. He apparently on Physics even though he's a naturally gifted Mathematician.
"What is it, saengnim?" He asked.
Hankyung cleared his throat before speaking. "See, I'm going to China two days from now and there's no one left to take care of my son. It would just be for three days."
Kyuhyun twitched an eyebrow. "You have a son, saengnim?" Hankyung just returned him a sly smile. "I'm actually going to China to settle things with my wife. We're kinda on bad terms right now. Aigoo."
Kyuhyun sighed as he nodded his head. "Arasseumnida. But my umma is currently in Seoul at the moment, I don't think I can take care of a baby."
"Aniyo! He's not a baby. Henry's already five years old." Hankyung told him with his fingers crossed behind his back. But still, Kyuhyun was uncertain of what to decide.
"Even if it's a five year old, that kiddo might ruin my game consoles." He mumbled, clearly pissed at how his parents had gone to Seoul just yesterday for business purposes. He thought he would be freaking alone in his house for a week.. little Henry was definitely not on plans.
"It's okay if you don't want.. I'll just ask the Lee brothers since I know that Ryeowook-sshi-"
"Animnida! I'm going to take care of Henry." Kyuhyun immediately blurted. And with a slight smile, he added, "I'm going to ask Sooyoungie to help me." ;)

Oh Gee Oh Gee Oh Gee! sorryy for the delayed update. >...< a lot had unsubscribed. *sobs*
but anyways, for those who have been reading this up until now... I hope you liked the update!! *hands heartshaped chocolate chip cookies♥*
it's YoonBum, SiFany..and a little SunSun?? lol next update would include KyuYoung ofc.. *cough cough baby Henry cough cough* XD
Please do comment! Heehee
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ima follow yous back for sure! saranghae♥!
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Chapter 19: Oh how I wish you will continue this
Chapter 19: Reading this is super fun!
Lol at fany
Chapter 19: update soon, author! ^^
PutriLoveHae #4
Chapter 19: Update soon!Lurvess ur storyy.
SunSunShipper #5
update soon! fighting :D
update soon, yay SunSun growing stronger ^^
Sonelfwol #7
Update soon please 'puppy eyes' andddd...more sunsun please!
KyuAddict #8
Cute YoonBum :3
sonelforever09 #9
Update please~ *Puppy eyes* kekeke XD kyuYoung is sooooooooooo cute :3 NEW READER!!:D