Chapter 2: The arrival

Super junior full house 2


“Hey Heechul where you going!” yelled Kangin from the other room.
“I’m going out for a while I’m meeting a friend from along time ago!” Heechul yelled.
“oh ok! See ya!” Kangin yelled back.
                     Heechul then left out of the dorms to his new BMW he had gotten a couple of days before hand. On his way to the airport to pick up Anya and her friends he stopped by a costume store to get a wig and make up to disguise himself, so no one would recognize him.
             When he got to the airport he took out the poster that would say Anya in Korean and English so she would know he was there. Heechul walked through the airport until he got to the place where they would arrive. Heechul then looked around to make sure no one didn’t notice him. And surprisingly nobody notice. Then he spotted Anya as he looked around. 
               “Anya! Anya!” he yelled while holding up the sign. Anya looked around to see who called her, then she smile as she spotted Heechul. Anya turned to her friends “hey guys there he is lets go.” she said while pointing to him.
“wait are you sure that’s him and not someone else?” Emily said. Anya nodded yes.
“But he doesn’t look like a boy” said Jeff.
“Yeah he really doesn’t if this is the Korean guy you were talking about then I don’t see why you won’t go out with me” said Andy. 
         Anya didn’t pay attention and ran over to Heechul and jumped to give him a big hug while falling.
“Anya, uuuh could y-you please get up your..... c-crushing me to death.” Heechul stuggled to say.
“ Anya then looked at him “Hey am I that heavy, I don’t think I gained much weight. I even took yoga classes.” she said in Korean.
Her friends were confused at what they were talking about, since they didn’t know that much Korean.
             “uuuuuh could we go now I’m hungry” said Emily, so they all walked to Heechul’s BMW to go back to the dorms.  While they was in the car Anya the radio and Rain-hip song was on.
             “ OH! I love this song” Heechul said in English. And there just happen to be a red light while he was driving. When they stopped there Heechul started to dance to it. Anya’s friends were confused but they liked it in a way. The red light suddenly turned green and then they were on their way. 
          When they pulled up in front of the dorms Heechul pulled off his wig and looked in the back to Jeff, Emily, and Andy. “ ok so this is where we…go-ing to live ok.” Heechul said in English, Anya looked surprised when he did that. Then they all got out  of the car and walked inside the dorms. 
A/N second chapter also short sorry i hope after i get away from the 3rd chapter the 4th chapter will be longer I promise.
But I'M SO HAPPY I WON A PRIZE FROM MNET DR. DRE HEADPHONES  (i almost died when i read the message too) XXXXDDD 
      Well i hope you guys continue to be with me in this story. i'm gonna post my ninja assassin fic up here too. 
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zuzuaikha #1
Chapter 2: update soon ~